"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tngg

khazhngf tngg | stay too long; pay person too long a visit | 尻川長; 長屁股 (久留無離不受歡迎)
ki'tngg | room for divination | 乩堂; 占卜; 機運
koaxn tngg | cleanse the intestines | 灌腸
paktor-tngg | intestines, bowels | 腹肚腸; 腸子
phutøo-tngg | glucose | 葡萄糖
phøtngg | wave length | 波長
sviu khaq-tngg | be far seeing | 想較遠; 看遠一點
thvia'tngg | central hall where audience gather | 廳堂
tngg | long; intestine; hall; reception room; meeting place; court of justice | 長; 腸; 堂
tngg-huieioong | intestinal ulcer | 腸潰瘍
tngg-høeasiu | long life; longevity | 長歲壽
tngg-khazhngf | stay too long; outstay one's welcome | 長屁股; (久留無離; 不受歡迎)
tngg-sikafn | long time; long range | 長時間
tngg-sviemia | long life; longevity | 長性命; 長壽
tngg-thaumngg | long hair | 長頭髮
tngg-uieioong | intestinal ulcer | 腸潰瘍
zabjixcie-tngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
zheg khaq-tngg | lengthen by adjustment | 測較長; 拉長一點

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