"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: toong

cix toong tø hap | share the same ambition and purpose of a group of people; of one mind | 志同道合
hoa'toong | bridal page; flower girl or ring bearer at a wedding | 花童
høtoong | lotus pool | 荷塘; 和同
karm toong syn siu | feel deeply moved by a kindness (shown to somebody else) as if one were actually the object thereof (an expression used often in letters asking favors on behalf of someone else) | 感同身受
køtoong | hall with a high ceiling; your parents | 高堂
toong | copper; bronze; brass | 銅; 同
toong-cirnthex | advance or withdraw together; stay on or quit together | 同進退
toong-hviasør | older nephew | 堂兄嫂
toong-hviati | nephews | 堂兄弟
toong`ee | same surname | 同的; (指堂兄弟姐妹一輩)
wn toong zaezø | unusual favor or help rendered to someone in bad luck which enables him to stand on his own feet again | 恩同再造
zeeng toong chiwciog | be attached to each other like brothers | 情同手足

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Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

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