"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Sam'ui itthea | three persons; One Nature ─ the Trinity | 三位一體
an'ui | be contented with the position | 安位
bagzuie-ui | ink paint | 墨水畫
baxn'og iim ui siuo | Lewdness is the worst of all sins | 萬惡淫為首
beng'ui | famous painting | 名畫
beng'uu-hag'ui | honorary degree | 名譽學位
bølun tøh'ui | no matter where, whereever | 無論佗位
chirnzhae ui | any old place | 凊彩位; 任何地方
ciap'ui | succeed to the throne | 接位; 繼位
ciarm'ui | grab a place or seat ahead of others | 佔位
cien'ui | point guard | 前衛
ciok'ui | the rank of nobility; degree of nobility | 爵位
cit'ui koaan ee kaosu | high rank priest | 職位高的教士; 修道院院長
cit'ui | rank; position; one's office; one's position in an office | 職位; 這位
cypag-ui-hwn | to bring about an marriage agreement at the pregnancies | 指腹為婚
eng'u hag'ui | honorary degree | 榮譽學位
giin pwn'ui | silver standard (monetary) | 銀本位
goan'ui | original situs; original place | 原位
habjii ui'id | joins together as one | 合而為一
hag'ui | diploma; an academic degree; university degree | 學位
hag'ui-bunpiin | diploma for a degree | 學位文憑
hag'ui-luxnbuun | thesis for a degree | 學位論文
harn'ui | Chinese painting | 漢畫
hi'ui | a vacant seat, a vacancy | 虛位
hiet'ui | points in the human body where acupuncture can be applied | 穴位
hit'ui | there; that place | 彼位; 那裡
hoafn'ui | feel like vomiting | 反胃
hoan'ui | locant on a ring, position on a ring (chemistry) | 番位
hog'ui | be restored to the throne; restoration of monarchy | 復位
hong'ui | point of the compass; direction | 方位
hu'ui | a vacant seat, a vacancy | 虛位
høui | what is the meaning of | 何謂
in'ui | because; in view of the fact… | 因為
iu'ui | oil painting | 油畫
jiin ui baxnbut-cy-leeng | The human being is the most intelligent among creatures | 人為萬物之靈
jioxng'ui | give up a seat; abdicate | 讓位
kao'ui | arrive | 到位
kaxng'ui | the same place, same seat | 同位; 仝位
khai'ui | appetizing; stimulate appetite | 開胃
khang'ui | empty seat; vacant or unoccupied seat | 空位
khang'ui-khuyhek | vacant orbital (phys.) | 空位軌域
khang'ui-zhuozaan | vacant subshell (phys.) | 空位厝層
kheh'ui | guest position | 客位
khiarm'ui | lacking seats | 欠位
khong'ui | vacant, vacant seat | 空位
khui'ui | (literally) to open the stomach; increase the appetite | 開胃
kiexn'ui | stomachic | 健胃
kirm'ui-kwn | imperial guards | 禁慰軍
kixn'ui | to guard the nearby | 近衛
kixn'ui'ar | nearby; neighboring; vicinity | 近位仔; 無遠的地方
koan'ui | high position | 高位
kok'ui | everybody; ladies and gentlemen! | 各位
kong'ui | post; station | 崗位; (職務)
kui'ui | to return one's seat; to return one's position | 歸位
kun'ui | sovereign position | 君位
kvoa'ui | a government or official position | 官位
kvoai'ui | high position | 官位; 高位
køui | high position | 高位
leng'ui | memorial tablet | 靈位; 牌位
liap'ui | to assume the throne in place of the legitimate ruler | 攝位
liong'ui | imperial throne | 龍位
log'ui | rank and post | 祿位
lut'ui | lose one's throne | 黜位; 失去王位
muy'ui | every place, every person (polite) | 每位
ong'ui | a king's position | 王位
pai'ui | memorial tablet, ancestral tablet | 牌位
phao'ui | run pit | 跑坑; 炮位
phoea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
phyn'ui | product quality | 品位
phyncitpwn'ui | quality first | 品質本位
phøea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
pi'ui | spleen and stomach | 脾胃
piah'ui | a mural; a fresco; a wall-painting | 壁畫
piern'ui | displacement, change position | 變位
pit'ui | strokes | 筆畫
pwn'ui | basis; one's proper duty | 本位
sam'ui-itthea | the Trinity | 三位一體
segsu hag'ui | M.A | 碩士學位
sin'ui | abode or seat of an idol | 神位
sin-tan'ui | nephron; new unit | 新單位; 腎單位
siong'ui | injure the stomach | 傷胃
sioxng'ui | highest position, upper position | 上位
sit'ui | lose a throne, be dismissed from a position | 失位; 失去王位
soahbøea-ui | last seat | 尾息位
surn'ui | abdicate a throne, give up a position for | 遜位; 退位
suxn'ui | rank | 順位
swn'ui | disagree with the stomach | 傷胃
søea'ui | small seat | 小位
tag'ui | every person | 每人; 逐位
tah'ui | Where? | 那裡, 何處
tan'ui | unit; standard (of weights and measure); military unit or organization | 單位
tea'ui | emperor's throne | 帝位
tefng'ui | higher seat, upper seat | 上位; 上面位置
tek'ui'aflai | inside bamboo garden | 竹圍仔內
tek'ui'aftea | deep inside bamboo garden | 竹圍仔底
tek'ui'ar | bamboo garden | 竹圍仔
teng'ui | ascend the throne; begin a reign | 登位
texng'ui | assign positions to | 定位
thah'ui | location of the tower | 塔位
thai'ui bøcviax | Transverse Position Presentation (obstetrics) | 胎位無正
thai'ui | position of child in the womb | 胎位
thau'ui | chief seat | 頭位
thautefng'ui | 1st class | 頭等位
thea'ui | abdicate | 退位
thvi'ui | imperial throne | 天位; 皇位
thvoa'ui | stall or booth (especially a fixed one in a market) | 攤位
thøea'ui | exit | 退位
tiexn'ui | electric potential; voltage | 電位
tiexnzuo tan'ui | electromagnetic steel | 電子單位
tirn'ui | occupy a place or position or a seat, uselessly occupied | 擋位; 鎮位; 佔位
to'ui | drawing, picture, painting | 圖畫
tong'ui | same place | 同位
tong'ui-goansox | isotope | 同位元素
turn'ui | burdening (ton) | 噸位
tvoa'ui | a unit | 單位
tøh'ui | table position | 佗位
ui khorngtiofng | dilated stomach | 胃擴張
ui symmih | What for? Why? | 為什麼
ui | paint or draw; painting; drawing; picture | 畫; 位; 胃; 為
ui'aix | keep sake passed on by the deceased | 遺愛
ui'ar | seat | 位仔
ui'iaux | It's very important that you do what I have told you (a conventional phrase for closing a formal letter of injunction) | 為要
ui'iog | breach of contract; break a contract or agreement | 違約
ui'iokkym | forfeit or penalty (imposed for breach of contract or agreement) | 違約金
ui'ioong | portrait of a dead person; image of the deceased | 遺容
ui'iøf | encircle the waist | 圍腰
ui'oar | come close to surround | 圍偎; 圍近; 圍倚
ui'og | do evil | 為惡
ui'uii | encircling, enclose with curtain | 圍圍; 圍腰
ui-haxsuii | gastroptosis | 胃下垂
ui-hoea'ioong | gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍
ui-symmih | why? For what reason? | 為什麼
zek'ui | enthronement | 即位
zhoarn'ui | acquire the throne without legal procedure of a kingdom | 篡位
zoafn'guii ui'afn | turn a perilous situation into a safe one; advert a danger or peril | 轉危為安
zu'ui | ladies and gentlemen; honored guests | 諸位
zun'ui | dignity | 尊位

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