"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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A'un | Asian Games | 亞運
Au'un | European Olympics | 歐運
Sea'un | Olympic Games | 世運
ah'un | agree in rhyme; rhyme | 押韻
ap'un | rhyme | 押韻
au'un | the aftertaste left in the mouth after drinking tea or alcohol | 喉韻
boafn'un | a man's circumstances in old age; spell of good luck; full load | 晚運; 滿運
bøo un | very unlucky person | 無運; 運氣無佳
chviw'un | to rush transport | 搶運
cviaa-hexng'un | very good luck | 很幸運
eh'un | bad luck | 厄運
ek'un | bad luck | 厄運
eng'un | operations | 營運
hang'un | shipping | 航運
hay'un | maritime transportation, sea transportation | 海運
hea'un | motor transport | 貨運
hexng'un | good fortune; good luck; lucky | 幸運
hexng'un-cy-siin | Lady Luck; goddess of fortune | 幸運之神
hoea'un kongsy | forwarding agency | 貨運行; 貨運公司
hoea'un | shipment of commodities; transportation service | 貨運
hoeh'un | circulation of the blood | 血運; 血液循環
hong'un | charm and tone of person's style; appearance; charms; poise and bearing; shipping | 風韻; 航運
huih'un | circulation of the blood | 血運; 血液循環
høea'un | shipment of commodities | 貨運
høun | in rhyme | 和韻
im'un | tone; musical flow of sounds; rhyme | 音韻
jib'un | lucky | 入運
ka'un | family fortunes | 家運
kau'un | have everything going one's way; be favored by Lady Luck | 交運
kay'un | to change one's fate | 解運; 改運
kheh'un | bus; passenger service; passenger transportation | 客運
khie'un | fortune | 氣運
khong'un | air transportation; air freight; air lift; transport by air | 空運
khu'un | sectional athletic meeting | 區運
ki'un | luck; fate | 機運
kirm'un | prohibition of transport; to embargo | 禁運
kok'un | the destiny of the nation; national destiny | 國運
kvia'un | be favored by good luck; have everything going one's way | 走運
kvoa'un | official reputation | 官運
lien'un | joint transportation | 聯運
liog'un | land transportation; overland transportation; to forward by land | 陸運
liong'un | a good fate | 龍運
ok'un | bad luck | 惡運
pan'un | to carry, transport, move | 搬動; 搬運
pan'un-huix | freight, transportation charge, moving charge | 搬運費
pan'un-kanglaang | porter, docker | 搬運工人
phan'un | to transport, to convey | 盤運; convey; of; to; from; Mandarin); be; (reading; might
phvay'un | unlucky, bad luck | 歹運; 惡運
pvoa'un | transport | 搬運; 運搬
sea'un | world sport | 世運
seng'un | success | 成運
si'un | man's fate at present; rhyme of verses | 詩韻; 時運
sin'un | very expressive | 神韻
su'un | delivery | 輸運
suxn'un | good luck | 順運
svia'un | sound and echo | 聲韻
thien'un | cyclical date of the year, fate, orbit of heavenly bodies | 天運
thoa'un | haulage | 拖運
thong'un | to transport; to ship | 通運
thong'un-kongsy | forwarding company | 通運公司
un | sit; lounge or lie down; so as to soil or crease one's clothes; go about spending one's time in pursuit of low; vile pleasures | 蹲; 運; 住在; 倒下; 賴在
un'afhii | bitterling, round herring, mud carp (fish) | 鰮仔魚; 鱊
un'afhuu | farm fish | 鰮仔魚
un'afsi | be calm | 緩仔是
un'aix | deep love, great affection (between a man and a woman) | 恩愛
un'aix-huzhef | affectionate couple; devoted couple | 恩愛夫妻
un'ar thvoaheeng | pay a debt gradually by installments | 勻仔攤還; 慢慢的攤還
un'ar | slowly; cautiously; tardiness | 勻仔; 緩慢
un'ek | epidemic; epidemic; plague; pestilence | 瘟疫
un'gi | gratitude | 恩義
un'ioong | kindness | 溫容
un'mngg | door of grace | 恩門
un'oaxn | grudge | 恩怨
un'un'aeaix | affection | 恩恩愛愛
un'un'afhea | even fire | 勻勻仔火
un'un'afhoea | even fire | 勻勻仔火
un'un'afsi | take your time | 溫溫仔的; 別急
un'un'ar | slowly; carefully; take your time to.. | 勻勻仔; 慢慢的
un'unsunsuun | tender and pure | 溫溫純純
un'unthunthwn | sloppy; slow | 溫溫吞吞
un'uun | evenly | 勻勻
un'uy | justice and mercy | 恩威
un'wn`leq | warm up | 溫溫咧
zheng'un | clearance | 清運
zho'un | first fortune | 初運
zhut'un | get out of an unlucky period of life into a lucky one | 開運; 好運道
zng'un | pack and transport; load and ship | 裝運
zoafn'un kongsy | forwarding company; a transportation company | 轉運公司
zoafn'un | transport; convey; to forward; be in constant cyclic motion; have a change in luck (for the better) | 轉運
zong'un | load and ship | 裝運

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