"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Koan'uo | General Kuan Yu | 關羽
bi'uo | not raining; not giving; not together | 未雨; 微雨; 未與
boe'uo | rainy season in early summer when plums are ripening | 梅雨
chiu'uo | autumn rain | 秋雨
han'uo | bitterly cold rain | 寒雨
hoanhuun-hok'uo | as changeable as clouds and rain (said of human affection) | 翻雲覆雨
hofng tiaw uo sun | favorable weather for raising crops; seasonable wind and rain | 風調雨順
hong'uo buzor | take place on schedule regardless of weather changes | 風雨無阻
hong'uo tongciw | be in the same boat; sharing a common fate | 風雨同舟
hong'uo | wind and rain; trials and hardships | 風雨
hong'uo-phiau'iaau | be tossed about in wind or rain | 風雨飄搖
huihan-seng'uo | drops of perspiration falling down like a shower | 揮汗成雨
hun'uo | cloud in a flash | 雲剎; 雲雨
huo'uo | give; bestow | 賦與
im'uo | raining | 陰雨
jioxng'uo | cede, transfer, make concession | 讓與
kam'uo | seasonable rain | 甘雨; 甘兩
kan'uo | meddle; intervene | 干與
khexng'uo | slight rainfall at the appearance of a rainbow | 虹雨; (彩虹出現時的小雨)
kok'uo | rain for grain (the term that falls on or about April 20th) | 穀雨
kong'uo | an apartment | 公寓
lim'uo | to get wet in the rain | 淋雨
mo hong'uo | face wind and rain | 冒風雨
moafsviahong'uo | imply bad news spread fast | 滿城風雨
mui'uo | East Asian rainy season; rainy season in early summer (when plums are ripening) | 梅雨
pøxhong'uo | a rainstorm; a tempest | 暴風雨
soan'uo | acid rain | 酸雨
suo'uo | give to, present to | 賜與
tan'uo | delay | 擔誤
tarbongbu'uo | foggy | 罩霧雺雨
tham'uo | corruption | 貪汙
tiexn'uo | temple buildings | 殿宇
uo saxn huun siaw | rain stops; and the sky clears up | 雨散雲消
uo | rain; rainy | 雨
uo'oex | dirty; filthy; to defile | 污穢
uo'ux`leq | lightly touch with it | 沾沾咧
uo'øex | dirty, filthy, polluted | 污穢
zexng'uo | present; give; donate; bestowal; bestow on | 贈與
zham'uo | join with; associate with; take part in; participate in | 參與
zhun'uo | spring rain | 春雨

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