"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: urn

an'afn wn'urn | secure and stable | 安安穩穩
an'urn | peaceful and steady; tranquility; peaceful; free from danger | 安穩
bø'urn | insecure | 無穩
ciarm'urn | hold steady | 佔穩
erng'urn | grant; consent; assent | 應允
hoat'urn | have the craving come upon one | 發癮
ien'urn | smoking addiction; opium or tobacco addiction; a craving for opium or tobacco | 煙癮
iong'urn | tolerate; condone; permit | 容允; 允許; 容忍
jiog'urn-jioghien | half-hidden; discernible for a moment at a time | 若隱若現
kui'urn | to return one's home to retire; to retire from public life | 歸隱
løurn | firm and reliable | 牢穩
pau'urn | assure; guarantee; assuredly; it is certain; surely; certainly; be bound to; to insure | 包穩; 保證; 准保; 管保
peng'urn | calm; quiet; tranquil; steady and smooth (bus ride; driving) | 平穩
put'urn | unstable | 無穩
seng'urn | stable | 成穩
sva'urn | promise one another | 相允
thea'urn | retire from business; go into retirement | 退隱
tho'urn | earthworm | 塗蚓; 蚯蚓
urn juu thaesafn | as stable as Mount Taishan | 穩如泰山
urn | allow; to consent; to grant; to permit; to promise; appropriate; proper; sincere; loyal; faithful | 允; 穩; 隱; 摀
urn'ar | artificial fish pond | 塭仔
urn'uxn`leq | apply a little soybean sauce | 沾沾咧
urn-bøo | surely there is none | 穩無; 一定沒有
urn-exviaa | sure to win | 隱會贏
urn-kinciøf | ripen bananas | 塭香蕉; 溫藏香蕉使其黃熟
urn-tarngtaxng | as steady as rock | 穩觸觸
urn-viaa | sure to win | 隱贏
urn`ee | appropriate; proper | 妥的
urn`laang | promise others | 允人
wn'urn | stable | 隱隱
zhek'urn | pity | 惻隱; 惻隱之心

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