"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Haysam'uy | Vladivostok | 海蔘威; 海參崴
bøleng'uy | ineffective, powerless 'of a god' | 無靈威
cip'heeng-uy'oaan | executive committee member | 執行委員
eng'uy | brilliant and dignified | 英威
haxmar-uy | prompt reprisals, instant severity | 下馬威
hoo kar hor uy | bully the weak because of one's relation with the powerful (behave like the fox that borrowed the terror of the tiger) | 狐假虎威
hurntø koan'uy | teaching and guiding authority | 訓導權威
iang'uy | shows great authority; power; superiority to attain eminence (in a certain field) | 揚威
iauxbuo iong'uy | show off one's strength or power | 耀武揚威
im'uy | lewdness | 淫威
iong'uy | show one's great authority or prowess power; superiority to attain eminence (in a certain field) | 揚威; 陽萎
karmzhad-uy'oaan | member of Supervisory Committee | 監察委員
koan'uy | an authority (in certain sphere of knowledge); power and prestige | 權威
kok'uy | national prestige | 國威
kvoa'uy | dignity of a government official | 官威
libhoad-uy'oaan | a member of the Legislative Yuan | 立法委員
ong'uy | rude and unreasonable | 王威; 威風; 淫威; 霸道; 蠻橫
sin'uy | a kamuy is a spiritual or divine being in Ainu mythology | 神威
siongbu-uy'oaan | standing member of the committee | 商務委員; 常務委員
svia'uy | reputation | 聲威
tek'uy | kindness and power | 德威
tiefn'uy | put on a terrible appearance; in defense (animals) | 展威; 示威
u-leng'uy | majestic and powerful (god) | 有靈威
un'uy | justice and mercy | 恩威
uy | bore (a hole); to prick (with a needle or thorn) | 穿; 揻; 刺痛; 挖; 胎衣; 衣
uy'oaan | committee member | 委員
uy'oaan-hoe | committee | 委員會
uy'oarn | tactfully, politely | 委婉
uy'uie | to assent obsequiously, yes- yes | 委委; 唯唯
uy'uie-hofhor | to echo others | 委委命命; 唯唯??
uy'uie-loglok | obsequious, servile, say alway yes | 委委命命; 唯唯諾諾
zok'uy | domineer | 作威
zok'uy-zok'hog | domineering | 作威作福
zugi-uy'oaan | a member of the advisory committee | 諮議委員

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