Ciornggi-vi | the House of Representative, the House of Commons | 眾議院
Karmzhat'vi | Control Yuan (one of the Five Organs of Chinese Government) | 監察院
Libhoat'vi | Legislative Yuan | 立法院
Oexseng'vi | Bureau of Public Health | 衛生院
Suhoat'vi | Judicial Yuan | 司法院
Toa-Siw-vi | Major Seminary (Catholic) | 大修 (道)院
Toaxsiu'vi | Major Seminary (Catholic) | 大修院
am'vi | A small Buddhist temple for nuns; nunnery | 庵院
an'iofng'vi | home for destitute old people | 安養院
ang'vi'ar | infant; a baby | 紅嬰仔; 嬰兒
bunhag'vi | College of Liberal Arts | 文學院
bunhak-vi | college of arts | 文學院
bunlie-hag'vi | college of arts and science | 文理學院
by'iong'vi | beauty parlor | 美容院
byiong'vi | a beauty parlor | 美容院
chiongky-vi | brothel | 娼妓院
cviaa-iong'vi | very easy | 很容易; 誠容易
hag'vi | college | 學院
haxnlim'vi | the National Academy | 翰林院
hengzerng'vi | the Executive or Administrative Yuan | 行政院
hengzexng-vi | the Executive Yuan | 行政院
hoat'hag'vi | law school | 法學院
hoat'vi | courthouse; court; the Hall of Justice; law court | 法院
ihag'vi | medical school; college of medicine | 醫學院
ihak-vi | medical school | 醫學院
iofng'iog'vi | orphan asylum; almshouse; orphanage; work house | 養育院
iofnglør-vi | nursing home | 養老院
iong'vi | easy; facile; apt to…; liable to… | 容易
jib'vi | hospitalized | 入院; 住院
kafn'vi | simplified, made easy | 簡易
kanghag'vi | engineer dept.; college of engineering | 工學院
kanghak-vi | engineering school, college of engineering | 工學院
karmzhad-vi | Control Yuan | 監察院
keng'vi | be surprised | 驚異
kernglør-vi | a home for the aged | 敬老院
khin'vi | easily | 輕易
khuy'vi | peculiar, uncommon | 開異; 詭異
khøfchix-vi | Examination Yuan | 考試院
ki'vi`ee | wondrous | 奇異的
kiog'vi | theater | 劇院
kiuozex-vi | welfare institution | 救濟院
koae'vi | strange | 怪異
koji'vi | an orphanage, an orphan asylum | 孤兒院
kojii-vi | an orphanage | 孤兒院
kokbu-vi | the Department of State (of the U. S. Federal Government); the cabinet (of the early Chinese republican government) | 國務院
konor-vi | nursing home for childless old people | 孤老院
kvia'vi | be greatly surprised or shocked | 驚異
køterng-hoat'vi | the High Court | 高等法院
lauxlang'vi | nursing home | 老人院
leng'vi | strange; mysterious; occult | 靈異
liau'iofng'vi | convalescent home; sanatorium; sanitarium; rest home | 療養院
liau'iorng-vi | sanatorium; sanitarium | 療養院
lib'vi | legislative yuan | 立院
libhoad-vi | Legislative Yuan (Taiwan) | 立法院
libhoat'vi | Legislative Yuan | 立法院
liofng'vi-zex | the two-chamber system | 兩院制
longhag'vi | college of agriculture; college of agriculture | 農學院
longhak-vi | agricultural college | 農學院
mahong'vi | leprosarium; skin clinic; Hansen's disease hospital | 痲瘋院
moahong'vi | leper asylum; skin clinic; Hansen's disease hospital | 痲瘋院
oexseng'vi | public health clinic and administrative office | 衛生院
peng'vi | calm | 平易
peng'vi-kixnjiin | easy to approach; easy to get along with (said of one's personality) | 平易近人
pøfiog'vi | nursery; orphanage | 保育院; 育幼院
siaxkhøvi | academy of social sciences | 社科院
siehab'vi | a quadrangle, a quadrangular building | 四合院
sinhag'vi | seminary; theological college; seminary (for training priests or ministers) | 神學院
siong'vi | otherness; dissimilarity | 相異
sionghag'vi | college of commerce | 商學院
suhoad-vi | Judicial Yuan | 司法院
suhoan hag'vi | normal college | 師範學院
suhoan-hag'vi | a teacher's college | 師範學院
suohab'vi | a quadrangle, a quadrangular building | 四合院
svahab'vi | a triple, triangle building | 三合院
søf vi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder | 勸退 (選舉時); 搓圓仔湯
søf vi'ar | roll dumplings | 挲圓仔; 搓湯圓
søvi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder decorous | 挲圓仔湯
taixhag'vi | special postgraduate college for research work (Japanese) | 大學院
teg'vi-kongleeng | special nature; unusual powers | 特異功能
texhngf hoat'vi | district court | 地方法院
tiexn'vi | temple court | 電院; 殿院
tiexn'viar-vi | movie theater | 電影院
vi | institution; courtyard; hall; government office; public building; college | 院
vi'afhoef | Gomphrena globosa, commonly known as globe amaranth, makhmali, and vadamalli | 圓仔花; 千日紅
vi'afthngf | with sweet or flavored soup | 圓仔湯
vi'afzhex | rice dough | 圓仔脆
vi'afzhoex | rice dough for making rice ball | 圓仔粞
vi'afzhøex | rice dough | 圓仔粞
vi'ar | infant; baby; dumplings | 圓仔; 楹仔; 嬰仔; 嬰孩
vi'ar`ee | rice ball | 圓仔的
zeng'vi | front yard; monk institute | 前院; 僧院
zhamzexng-vi | senate | 參政院
zhut'vi | be discharged from a hospital; leave the hospital | 出院
zoeakøf hoat'vi | the Supreme Court | 最高法院
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