bøheng'viar | formless, shapeless | 無形影
bøviar bøciaq | certainly not; groundless; unfounded | 無影無跡; 毫無根據; 無稽之談
bøviar bøjiaq | certainly not; groundless; unfounded | 無影無跡; 毫無根據; 無稽之談
bøviar | untrue | 無影; (是)假的; 無正確的
bøviar-bøciaq | baseless; not for real | 無影無蹤; 無是真的; 憑空
ciøx lang'viar | cast a shadow | 照人影
heng'viar putli | inseparable; like a person and his shadow (usually said of lovers and devoted couples) | 形影不離
heng'viar siongsuii | follow somebody like a shadow; inseparable; very intimate like husband and wife | 形影相隨
heng'viar | shadow | 形影
hoarn'viar | a phantom | 幻影
hongsviaf porng'viar | false or exaggerated reports going about against people | 惶聲凸影; 誇大無實
horng'viar | to project; video display | 放影; 放映
horng'viar-ky | a projector | 放影機
im'viar | shadow, shade | 陰影
jin'viar | figure, person's shadow | 人影
lang'viar | shadow or silhouette | 人影
liap'viar | photography; take photographs | 攝影
liaqhofng-jip'viar | catch at shadows; make accusations on hearsay | 捕風捉影
liog'viar | take a photograph; film a scene; (to) tape (as TV Show) | 錄影
log'viar | take a photograph; film a scene; (to) tape (as TV Show) | 錄影
mxzai'viar | don't know | 毋知影
phao'viar | the shadow of bubbles; unreality; visionary hope | 泡影
phaq tiexn'viar | film; shoot a movie; to photograph with a movie camera; make a movie | 拍電影
phaq-tiexn'viar | to shoot a film | 打電影; 拍電影
siok'viar | epitome | 縮影
sioxng'viar | put on the stage (movie) | 上映
sok'viar | miniature | 縮影
texng'viar | to fix (photography) | 定影
thviasviaf-liap'viar | make groundless accusations | 捕風捉影
tiexn'viar | film; movies; cinema; motion picture | 電影
tiexn'viar-vi | movie theater | 電影院
u-heng'viar | having form or shape, material or physical | 有形影
viar | shadow; image; reflection in water or mirror | 影
viar`cide | take a peek | 影一下
viar`tiøh | spot | 影著
zong'viar | trail | 蹤影
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]