"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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goeh vii | full moon | 月圓
hoef hør gøeh vii | ideal time for a wedding (The flowers are in full bloom; and the moon is full.) | 花好月圓
hong'vii | square and circles | 方圓
kiam'vii | salty balls of glutinous rice | 鹹圓; 鹹湯圓
kuy'vii | how much money? what is the cost? | 幾圓; 多少錢; 幾元
phoarkviax tiong'vii | reunion and reconciliation (said of a divorced or separated couple; Lit. broken mirror is round again) | 破鏡重圓
phorng'vii | balloon-shaped | 凸圓; 圓圓的
søvii | prevail upon | 搔圓; 說和
tangzeh'vii | winter solstice rice ball | 冬節圓
tangzoeh'vii | winter solstice rice ball | 冬至圓
tangzøeq-vii | midwinter rice ball | 冬至圓
thoan'vii | have a complete family reunion; complete, unbroken (family circle) | 團圓
thong'vii | through beam (roof) | 通圓; 橫樑
vii | round; circular | 圓; 錢
vii-bixnzeg | area of a circle | 圓面積
vii-koat'oo | parentheses | 圓括弧
vii-kurnkuxn | very round; fat and plump | 渾圓的; 圓極了; 胖嘟嘟
vii-lirnlixn | round (as a ball or egg); quite round | 圓溜溜
vii-zhuoterng | a dome, cupola,vault | 圓厝頂
zeng'vii | pound rounded | 舂圓
zhek'vii-khix | a cyclometer | 惻圓器; 測圓器; 週期計

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