Ioong iuo kuixjuo cy wn | filial piety (Lit. The lamb has the grace to kneel to suck.) | 羊有跪乳之恩
Kafm'wn-zøeq | Thanksgiving | 感恩節
Serngsiin chit'wn | seven gifts of Holy Ghost (Catholic) | 聖神七恩
an'afn wn'urn | secure and stable | 安安穩穩
bong'wn | ungrateful | 忘恩
boxng'wn poexgi | ungrateful; ingrate | 忘恩背義
boxng'wn | ungrateful; ingrate | 忘恩
chim'wn | deep grace | 深恩
gu'wn | cattle plague; cattle epidemic | 牛瘟
heng'wn | constant temperature | 恒溫; 恆溫
hong'wn | great grace; mercy; a significant favor | 鴻恩; 皇恩
huxgi-boxng'wn | ungrateful; ingrate | 負義忘恩
ka'wn | give grace to; warm up | 加恩; 加溫
kafm'wn | grateful for favor | 感恩
kafm'wn-topøx | grateful for kindness and seeking a way to recompense it | 感恩圖報
khai'wn | have mercy on; show leniency | 開恩
khie'wn | temperature | 氣溫
khit'wn | beg a favor | 求恩
kiafm'wn | take temperature, reduce in temperature | 減溫; 量體溫
kiu'wn | ask for a special favor | 求恩
kiuo'wn | the grace of salvation | 救恩
ko'wn | disappoint someone | 孤溫; 辜恩
køwn | high temperature | 高溫
liong'wn | great kindness; favor or graces | 龍恩
sek'wn | room temperature | 室溫
serng'wn | divine or imperial favor (graciousness) | 聖恩
si'wn | bestow grace, show grace to | 施恩
siekex wn | sit or lie down here and there; so as to soil; crumple; or spoil one's garment; go about in a lazy and disorderly way; spending one's time in improper places | 到處留宿
sin'wn | spiritual gift; divine favor | 神恩
siong'wn | normal temperature | 常溫
siong'wn-ha | under normal temperature | 常溫下
su'wn | private benefit | 私恩
tap'wn | thank somebody for favor; kindness | 謝恩
teg'wn | a special grace; special favor or gift | 特恩
thien'wn | divine favor | 天恩
ti'wn | appreciate a favor | 知恩
tiong'wn kuxbang | revive an old dream; reproduce the good old days; rekindle the old flame of love | 重溫舊夢
tong'wn | same temperature; stratospheric | 同溫
un'wn`leq | warm up | 溫溫咧
wn chym gi tiong | The spiritual debt is deep and great | 恩深義重
wn ciofng kiuu pøx | return evil for good; ungrateful | 恩將仇報
wn ciofng siuu pøx | return evil for good | 恩將仇報
wn siong kaf wn | grace added to grace; special favor | 恩上加恩
wn toong zaezø | unusual favor or help rendered to someone in bad luck which enables him to stand on his own feet again | 恩同再造
wn | abundant; flourishing; thriving; rich; prosperous; polite; courteous; sad; sorrowful; mournful | 殷; 溫; 恩
wn'afhii | sardine; fram raised fish | 塭仔魚
wn'afzhaan | fish farm | 塭仔田
wn'ar | fish farm; artificial fish pond | 塭仔
wn'ee | appropriate, proper | 妥當的
wn'guo | argot; enigmatic language | 隱語
wn'iog | faint | 隱約
wn'urn | stable | 隱隱
wn'viaa | sure to win | 隱贏; 必勝
wn'wn'ar | steady | 穩穩仔
wn`løqkhix | fall down on the ground or floor; double over | 殷落去; 倒在地上
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