"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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(kofng'oe, zørtaixcix)pud teg iaolerng | (In speaking or doing things) not to come to the point | (講話; 做事)不得要領
Bøfchyn-zøeq | Mother's Day | 母親節
Ju'oat-zøeq | the Passover Feast | 逾越節
Kafm'wn-zøeq | Thanksgiving | 感恩節
Siuxlan-zøeq | Good Friday | 受難節
Tiong'ioong-zøeq | Double Ninth | 重陽節
bwchyn-zøeq | mother's day | 母親節
bøe-zørlaang | unable to be accepted in a society | 未做人; 無會做人
chinchiuo zøx | do personally | 親手做
ciq zøx sva'ao | fold into three | 摺成三摺
cvii teq zørlaang | money makes others feel grateful to the giver | 錢在做人; 以錢度人
gaau zørlaang | kind and hospitable | 會做人; 待人好; 善於為人
gaau-zørlaang | know how to get along with people | 賢做人; 會做人
goxgøeh-zøeq | the festival of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month | 端午節; 五月節
goxjit-zøeq | the festival of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month | 五日節
hap-zørhoea | to collect; put together in same place | 合做夥
hap-zørtuy | to collect; put together in same place | 合做堆
hør-zørhoea | easy to get along with | 好作夥
hør-zøxhoax | good fortune | 好造化
høzøee | unanimously | 和齊; 一致
jim y zøx | let him do as he pleases | 任他做
juo-zøe | more | 越多; 愈濟
kab-zørhoea | a mixture; welding together; mix together | 合做夥; 融合
khiøq zørhoea | gather things together | 收集在一起; 拾做伙
khoaix zørmar | be grandmother soon | 快當祖母
khurn-zørhoea | tie together | 綑做伙; 綑在一塊
korng kaux zøx kaux | practice one's promise | 說到做到
kvar zøx kvar tngf | dare to do and dare to bear the responsibility | 敢做敢當
køh'oah-zøeq | Easter | 閣活節; 復活節
lam-zørhoea | put together; mix together | 濫做夥; 混合在一起
laxmsarm zøx | behave in an improper or disorderly way | 亂散做; 冒然而為
loaq zøo | pigs are sick and don't take to their feed | 豬無食慾
luo-zøe | more and more | 愈濟
paai zøx cidliet | line up to form one line of (people) | 排成一列
phoax zøx nngxpeeng | cut; split into two halves | 劈成兩爿; 劈成兩半
phvef zøx goxhun | divide into five portions | 分成五份
pvee zøexhoex | same age (persons that are) | 同年; 同歲
seaji zøx | do carefully | 小心做
siøzøx | burned as | 燒做
svaf zøx six mxtiøh | make mistake each time in doing | 三做四無對; 每次做每次錯
sybea zøx oaqbea y | hopeless but still try | 死馬當活馬醫
taux-zørhoea | put together; assemble | 湊做伙; 裝在一起
taux-zørtuy | put together in the same place | 鬥做堆
teeng køq zøx | do over again | 再做做
tenghofng zøxkek | reach the summit ─ to attain perfection | 登峰造極
thafng zøx zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
thaix zøe | too many; too much; great number or quantity | 太多
thiap-zørhøea | to overlap, pile up together | 疊做伙
thixnthaau zøx | to cooperate | 合作
tiafm'iuu zøx kiehø | make a mark with oil ─ cherish (a person); a grudge; black list | 點油為記; 黑名單
toax-zørhoea | live together; cohabit | 住做夥
zam zøx sietex | cut into four pieces | 砍成四塊
zao-zøeathaau | be in the lead | 走做頭; 跑在前頭
zao-zørthaau | be in the lead | 走做頭; 跑在前頭
zhaf zøe | differ a lot | 差多
zhngbør zøx kiehø | birthmark | 胎痣
zøe | many; much; more | 濟; 多
zøe-simpu gøxsie takef | when there are many daughters in law the mother in law starves to death | 濟新婦餓死乾家; 媳婦濟餓死婆婆
zøeabak | be a carpenter | 做木; 做木工
zøeabang | dream, daydream | 做夢
zøeachid | perform 7th day memorial rites after his death | 做七
zøeachiuo | deceive by sleight-of-hand | 做手; 玩弄手法
zøeachyn | be a marriage broker | 做親; 做媒
zøeacviaa | make | 做成
zøeagee | observe the 2nd or 16th day of the lunar month | 做牙
zøeahix | perform a drama | 做戲; 演戲
zøeaho | make a mark, sign, or signal | 做號
zøeahoad | zørhoad; way of doing, method of performance; make some magic | 作法; 做法
zøeahø | make a mark, sign, or signal | 做號
zøeahøea | together, in unison | 做夥; 做伙; 一起
zøeakafng | work | 做工
zøeakek | perform in a drama | 做劇; 演劇
zøeakheq | be a guest, return home as a guest, marry off a daughter | 做客
zøeakhiøx | play tricks | 做竅; 玩魔術
zøeaki | observe an anniversary of relative's death | 做忌; 做忌日
zøealaang | act a part in the society, act kindly or hospitably | 做人
zøeaphvae | act wickedly, behave badly | 做壞; 做歹; 做惡
zøeaphvoa | accompany someone | 做伴
zøeapien | ready made | 做便
zøeapurn | use money as capital | 做手; 做本; 本錢
zøeaseg | hold a ceremony | 做飾; 做式; 舉行典禮
zøeasid | be a farmer | 做蝕; 做穡; 耕作
zøeasuun | perform regular memorial rites after relative's death | 做旬
zøeathaau | be the head, be the leader, in first | 做頭; 當頭
zøeathoo | be a mason | 做土; 做塗
zøeatin | be together with | 做群; 做陣; 成群
zøeatoa | perform as the leader, be the head of a group | 做大
zøeatuy | be together, make a couple | 做堆; 成堆
zøeazeeng | do a favor for | 做前; 做情; 先走; 做人情
zøeazex | be a sacrifice | 做祭; 供祭
zøeazexng | be a witness | 做證
zøeazhøx | do something wrong | 做錯
zøeazuo | act as the person in charge, be a responsible person | 做主
zøecip | get together; collect | 齊集; 聚集
zøee | regular even, uniform, similar | 做; 齊
zøeh | slice vertically | 做; 絕; 切
zøeh'iexn | festival feast | 做宴
zøehgii | formality | 節儀
zøehjit | festival; holiday | 節日
zøehkhuix | seasonal changes | 節氣; 季節
zøehkii | festival season | 做期; 節期
zøehkuix | season | 季節; 節季
zøehoad | acted at the same time | 齊發
zøekaux | arrived at the same time | 齊到
zøekhie | initiate at the same time | 齊起
zøeq | festival | 節
zøesviaf | chorus | 齊聲
zøesym | Be of one mind | 齊心
zøethaau | round the sum | 齊頭; 整數
zøex | do; make; use as; serve as; play the part; hold; observe; Best; most | 最; 做
zøex-cide | all together, make in one | 做一下
zøex-cidhøea | together | 做一夥; 一起
zøex-cidsii | all at one time | 做一時; 同一時間
zøex-cidui | together at one place | 做一位; 在一起
zøex-hongthay | have a typhoon | 做風颱; 刮颱風
zøex-kangge | keep busy, killing time, occupy oneself | 做工藝
zøex-køeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøex-lefpaix | worship, go to church | 做禮拜
zøex-senglie | engage in merchandising | 做生理
zøex-toaxzuie | have a flood | 做大水; 鬧水災
zøex-zuyzay | have a flood | 做水災; 作水災; 鬧水災
zøexbak | many tree knots | 濟目; 濟節的
zøexciør | more or less | 濟少
zøexcvii | rich; affluent | 濟錢
zøexgiah | ample amount | 濟額
zøexgiet | sin, great crime | 罪孽
zøexguu tah-bøo puxn | Many bulls don't make any dung to step in; If there are too many workers nothing gets done | 濟牛踏無糞; 人濟反而成事難
zøexjit | many days | 濟日
zøexkviar | many kids | 濟囝
zøexlaang | many people | 濟人
zøexlea | over courteous | 濟禮
zøexnii | many years | 濟年
zøexoe | talkative | 濟話
zøexpae | many times | 濟次
zøexsu | eventful | 濟事
zøexteeng | multiple, many-layered | 濟重
zøexviu | many samples | 濟樣
zøexzøe | much; planty; very much; a lot | 濟濟; 很濟
zøezngg | complete | 齊全
zøezoaan | everything in order | 齊全
zøezvar | regular, even, neat and tidy (clothing) | 齊截; 齊斬; 整齊
zøezøee | even | 齊齊; 很整齊
zøf | meet with, incur, be victimized | 遭; 慒; 煩悶; 不舒服; 糟; 鬱悶
zøfafchiu | jujube tree | 棗仔樹
zøfafkii | jujube, date season | 棗仔期
zøfar | haily jujube tree | 棗子; 棗仔
zøfchiuo | left hand | 左手
zøfek | the left wing or leftist in politics, left wing, military left flank | 左翼
zøfgarn | left eyes | 左眼
zøfheeng | walk on the left – implies not following the norm | 左行
zøfhieen | port side | 左舷
zøfhoong-seg | jujue-red color | 棗紅色
zøfiu uilaan | not know which side to turn to; be indecisive; be in a dilemma | 左右為難
zøfiu | either side, approximately, about | 左右
zøfiu'ar | about; roughly | 左右仔
zøfiu-chiuo | an assistant | 左右手
zøfiuo | left and right, to influence, subordinates | 左右
zøfiuo-chiuo | an assistant | 左右手
zøfiuxchiuo | left and right hands, able assistants, top aides | 左右手
zøfkhaf | left foot | 左腳
zøfkheeng | left leaning | 左傾
zøfkhefng | left leaning | 左傾
zøfkhefng-hunzuo | the Leftiests | 左傾份子; 左傾分子
zøfliau | cooking ingredient | 佐料
zøfliin iuxsiax | neighbors | 左鄰右舍
zøfloong | jujube farmers | 棗農
zøflunzhexng | revolver | 左輪槍
zøfphaix | left party; leftist | 左派
zøfpiefn | on the left, the left side | 左邊
zøfpix | left arm | 左臂
zøfsarn | inherited property | 祖產
zøfseg | jujube | 棗色
zøfsimpaang | left auricle | 左心房
zøfsimseg | left ventricle | 左心室
zøfsioxng | premier | 左相; 左丞相
zøfsoaan | left-roll, left-winding | 左旋
zøfsw-iuxsiorng | think over and over; ponder | 左思右想
zøftø | unconventional | 左道; 旁門左道
zøfzexng | supporting evidence of one's statement | 左證; 佐證
zøfzoarn | turn left | 左轉
zøgu | one's lot in life, meet with, vicissitudes of life, what one has encountered in life | 遭遇
zøguun | rent money | 租銀
zøh | day before yesterday | 丟置
zøh`jit | the day before yesterday | 前天
zøh`lit | the day before yesterday | 昨日
zøhbit | making honey | 作蜜; 釀蜜
zøhciah | food; ploughing | 作食; 耕田過日
zøhhngg | cultivate unirrigated fields | 打園; 耕旱田
zøhi | annoying | 嘈耳
zøhoong | meet with, vicissitudes in one's life | 遭逢
zøhpwn | divide the harvest of a field between landlord and tenant | 租耕; (收成後分成)
zøhsid | farm; do agricultural work | 作穡; 務農; 耕作
zøhsitlaang | farmer | 做事人; 作穡人; 農人; 農夫
zøhsitphvoa | worker accompany | 作穡伴
zøhsiu | build a nest | 築巢
zøhsym | depressed | 作心; 憂悶
zøhzaux | make a Chinese style cooking hearth | 築灶
zøhzhaan | farm; cultivate rice fields | 種田; 作田; 耕作
zøhzhanlaang | farmer | 農夫人
zøhzuie | bank or dam a watercourse so as to turn it into the fields | 堵水
zøiofng | meet with misfortune or disaster | 遭殃
zøkiab | meet with disaster | 遭劫
zølan | have a disaster; meet with difficulty; misfortune; or death | 遇難; 遭難
zøloan | messed up | 遭亂
zønau | noisy, clamorous | 嘈亂; 嘈鬧
zøo | trough, a groove, manger rain pipe | 嘈; 槽
zøo`laang | disturbing | 嘈人
zøo`sie | restless dead | 嘈死
zøq thehoong | build a dike | 築堤防
zøq | cultivate the ground or land, to farm | 作; 耕作; 築
zøq-jidkafng | working dates | 作日工
zøq`jit | the day before yesterday | 前天
zøqjidaxm | night before last | 前日晚; 前天晚上
zøqjidmee | night before last | 前日晚; 前天晚上
zøqjit | daytime job; day before yesterday | 前天; 上白天班
zør | difficult to do or make | 棗
zør-kauhvi | making earrings | 左鉤耳
zørafng | be a husband | 做夫; 做翁
zøraix | make love | 做愛
zøraxn | make a case | 做案
zørbahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅
zørbak | be a carpenter | 做木; 做木工
zørbak`ee | carpenter | 做木的
zørbang | dream; make daydream; to dream | 作夢
zørbee | do puzzle, riddle | 做謎
zørbexkaux | unable to make it | 做袂到
zørbinbang | sleep dream | 做眠夢
zørbor | be a wife | 做某
zørbuun | write a composition, compose an essay | 作文
zørbøo | did nothing | 做無
zørchid | The worship on the seventh day after death | 做七; 做七七忌日; 亡者死後第七天的祭拜
zørchincviaa | become relatives | 做親成
zørchiuo | fake; to counterfeit | 偽造; 玩弄手法; 做手腳
zørchyn | be a marriage broker | 做媒; 做親
zørcidhoea | together | 做一伙
zørcidkhuxn | together | 做一睏
zørcien kati | cheapen oneself, abuse oneself | 作賤自己
zørciøx | an ceremony to celebrate God's birthday; celebrate Taoist rites of thanksgiving to obtain good fortune or avert calamity | 做醮; 大拜拜
zørcviaa | make | 做成
zørexkaux | able to do it | 做得到; 有能力負擔
zørexlaai | can be done | 做得來; 有能力做
zørgee | observe the second and sixteenth of each month with worship of te-ki-chu | 做牙; (拜土地公)
zørgixniu | as a hobby | 做議量
zørgoeqlai | rest and recuperate body and mind after childbirth | 做月內
zørguu zørbea | work hard | 做牛做馬
zørhaux | do filial piety | 做孝
zørhie'ar | performer | 做戲仔
zørhieaflaang | performer | 做戲仔人
zørhielaang | performer | 做戲人
zørhix | act in a play | 演戲; 做戲
zørho | make a mark, sign, or signal | 做號
zørhoad | method; procedure; way of doing or making thing(s) | 做法
zørhoea toax | live together; cohabit | 住在一起
zørhoea | together | 一齊; 一起; 一塊兒
zørhoea`ee | accompany | 做伙的
zørhongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zørhø | make a mark | 做號; 做記號
zørhøea | together; in a body | 做伙; 一齊; 一起
zøri | be someone else | 做伊
zørjinzeeng | do a favor for someone | 送人情
zørkafng | working; work; labor; do work; be a workman | 工作; 做工
zørkang'aflaang | worker | 做工仔人
zørkang'ar | worker | 做工仔
zørkangge | occupy oneself, keep busy (to pass the time on the train or when retired) | 做工藝
zørkanglaang | workers | 做工人
zørkaux | accomplish | 做到
zørkek | perform in a drama | 做劇; 演戲
zørkhaf | making fake legs | 做腳
zørkhafng | digging holes | 做孔
zørkheq | be a guest | 作客; 做客
zørkhiaux | play tricks | 做竅
zørkhie | start from the bottom | 做起
zørkhiernsngr | condemn | 做譴損
zørkhiøx | practice black arts | 做竅; 玩魔術
zørkhongsip | air raid | 做空襲
zørkhylaai | do it | 做起來
zørki | deathday fiesta; worship and feast on the anniversary of a person's death | 忌祭; 做忌; 做忌日; 忌辰祭拜
zørkoex | done it | 做過
zørkui | make a scorpion | 做膭
zørkuie zørkoaix | very crafty and injurious; with pretence of honesty or friendship | 搞鬼作怪
zørkuie | be a ghost or demon; cause trouble secretly; be a bad or evil person | 做鬼
zørkux | make up a sentence | 造句
zørkuypiern'ar | do it for a few times | 做幾遍仔
zørkviar | to be adopted | 做囝
zørkvoaf | be a governmental officer; be a government official; hold a government post | 做官; 作官
zørlaai | do it | 做來
zørlaang cinhør | behave kindly or well; a man of personality | 做人很好
zørlaang cinphvae | behave wickedly or cruelly | 做人很壞
zørlaang | behavior; be a man; act humanely | 做人; 為人
zørli | malaria | 做痢
zørliau | auxiliary material for cook | 佐料
zørlong | teasing | 做弄
zøroe | spread the words | 做話
zørog-tøtoafn | indulge in all sorts of evildoings; commit many crimes | 作惡多端
zørog-zørtok | act very wickedly | 做惡做毒; 為非做歹
zørpai | to frustrate, to thwart, to defeat, to crush | 做敗
zørpeeng | divide in half | 做爿; 成半
zørpefng | be a soldier | 做兵
zørpeng'afphvoa | comrade in military | 做兵仔伴
zørpex | cheat on test, exam | 作弊
zørphae | leftist | 做歹
zørphvae | act wickedly; behave badly; do evil | 做歹; 做惡; (惡)
zørphvoa | be a companion | 作伴; 做伴
zørpien | ready made | 作便; 做便
zørpoee | accompany, to escort, be invited to a reception as company to the guest of honor | 作陪
zørpurn | capital | 做本; 做本錢
zørsafnkhuix | flirt | 做瘦氣
zørsaikofng | perform certain Taoist rituals | 做司公
zørseg | perform ceremonies | 作式; 做色; 舉行典禮; 舉行儀式
zørsenglie | eloquence in business speech | 做生理
zørsenglyzhuix | eloquence in business speech | 做生理喙
zørsid | be a farmer | 做事; 耕作
zørsiefn | become an immortal as some good people are fabled to do | 做仙; 成仙
zørsitlaang | a farmer | 農夫
zørsiu | build a nest | 築巢
zørsoaq | have finished | 做完; 做好
zørsu cyn-løfzhør | do things carelessly | 做事很草率
zørsu khythaau laan | Beginning is the hardest part of any enterprise | 做事起頭難
zørsu kynsin | act with discretion | 做事謹慎
zørsu | do; do things | 做事; 作事
zørsuun | perform regular memorial rites after relative's death | 做旬; 做旬忌
zørsvaf | make shirts | 做衫
zørsvejidki | ceremony of birthday | 做生日忌
zørsvejit | birthday celebration | 做生日
zørsy | compose poetry | 作詩
zørtafng-zørsay | do any old things | 做東做西
zørtaixcix | do business | 做代誌
zørtangzørsay | doing here and there | 做東做西
zørthaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 做老大; 當頭
zørthefge | have as a hobby | 做體藝; 著玩
zørthoo | be a mason | 作土; 做塗; 土水匠
zørthozuie | handyman who specialize in tiling, cements, etc | 做塗水
zørtiau | get rid of it | 做掉
zørtid | did | 做得
zørtin | make up a large company or procession; in company with; together with | 作伴; 做陣; 結伴; 一起
zørtit | make straight | 作直
zørtitlaai | accept the consequences of one's action | 做得來
zørtixnzørtin | together | 做陣做陣
zørtiøh | doing | 做著
zørtoa | perform as the leader; be the head of a group; love to show off | 做大; 做老大; 愛出風頭
zørtoaxzuie | flood; floodwater | 做大水
zørtofng | be host to | 做東
zørtok | make poison | 做毒
zørtuiethaau | counter part | 做對頭
zørtuix | oppose; be at enmity with; act against; be someone's rival or opponent | 作對; 作對頭
zørtuy | place together | 做堆; 成堆; 在一塊
zøruii | be a | 做為
zørvoa | drought | 做旱
zørzeeng | lead; go first; lead the way | 在前; 帶頭; 領先; 先走
zørzerng | supporting evidence of one's statement | 做種
zørzex | be a sacrifice | 做祭; 供祭
zørzexng | to be a witness; be a witness | 做證
zørzhaan | farm | 種田
zørzhanlaang | peasant | 農夫
zørzhaolaang | be a bad guy | 做臭人
zørzhat sym hy | A thief has a guilty conscience. One who has done something bad secretly cannot look others in the eye | 做賊心虛
zørzhat | steal, be a thief | 做賊
zørzhud | make | 做出
zørzhutlaai | made it | 做出來
zørzhøx | do (something) wrong | 做錯
zørzngf | as a dealer | 做莊
zørzofng | be the bank while gambling | 做莊; (家)
zørzog | affectation | 做作
zørzuie | flood | 做水
zørzuo | be a sponsor; take charge of; be responsible for; be the boss; take the leadership; decide | 做主
zørzuxnthviax | spasms, pains at intervals | 做陣痛
zørzuyzay | flooding | 做水災
zørzwaq | call the shots | 做主啊
zørzøx | do it | 做做
zøsiu | incur losses | 遭受
zøsym | discomfort; experience nausea; sad and uncomfortable; left auricle | 焦慮; 慒心; 悶悶不樂
zøthaau | back part of the lower jaw | 槽頭
zøx Misad | celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass | 做彌撒; 舉行彌撒
zøx lie | go ahead; do as you please | 隨你 ...好了
zøx nngxkoeh | split into two sections | 做兩節
zøx phvaybang | have a nightmare | 做惡夢
zøx pofsiok | do penance | 做補贖
zøx pøfzerngjiin | stand surety or guarantee for someone or something | 做保證人
zøx samhiexn | celebrate Taoist rites of thanksgiving in order to obtain good fortune or avert calamity (A larger version is called cho-chio.) | 做三獻; (普渡)
zøx sinhu | become a Catholic Priest (Lit. become a spiritual father) | 做神父
zøx svejit | give a birthday party | 做生日
zøx tiarmbin | become a storefront | 做店面
zøx toaxzuie | flood (disaster) | 做大水
zøx tuienii | first anniversary of death memorial service | 做對年; (死後一週年之祭拜)
zøx tuiethaau | oppose; be at enmity with; act against; be someone's rival or opponent | 作對; 作對頭
zøx zuxnthviax | labor pangs; pangs of childbirth; pains that occur at intervals | 陣痛
zøx | make; do; use as; use for; be; serve as; play the part of; betroth; hold; jujube; commonly called dates | 做; 舉行
zøx-bixnzuo | put up a pleasant front; do something for the sake of appearance | 做面子
zøx-buncviw | write essays | 作文章
zøx-bøe løqchiuo | cannot bring oneself to do; hindered from doing | 下無了手
zøx-bøefbøe | do business | 做生意; 做買賣
zøx-bøexkaux | cannot be done; can't do it | 做無到
zøx-bøexkhix | can't do it all | 做無了
zøx-bøexlaai | can't do it | 做無來
zøx-bøloxlaai | cannot do it properly | 做不路;來; 無得要領
zøx-cide | all at once; all together | 做一個; 全部; 一起
zøx-cidhøea | together | 做一伙; 做一夥; 一起
zøx-cidsii | all at one time | 做一時; 同一時間
zøx-cidui | together at one place | 做一位; 在一起
zøx-exseeng | do a somewhat improper thing successfully (unsuccessfully) | 做得成; 做無成
zøx-gøeqlai | celebrate childbirth | 做月子
zøx-hongthay | become a typhoon | 做颱風; 做風颱; 刮颱風
zøx-kangge | keep busy, killing time, occupy oneself | 做工藝; 消遣
zøx-kapzøq | be a carpenter | 做木工
zøx-khauar | prepare straws for drawing | 作刮仔
zøx-khiernsngr | perform superstitious rites; exorcize | 做迷信
zøx-khvoarthaau | be a watchman | 把風的
zøx-kiernzexng | bear testimony as a witness | 作見證
zøx-koeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøx-køeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøx-langkheq | be a guest | 作人客
zøx-lefpaix | attend Sunday services (Protestant) | 做禮拜
zøx-mekafng | do night work | 做夜工
zøx-moelaang | act as a go between; a matchmaker | 做媒人
zøx-senglie | do business | 做生意; 做生理; 做買賣
zøx-toaxzuie | have a flood | 做大水; 鬧水災
zøx-zuyzay | have a flood | 做水災; 鬧水災
zøx`aq | did it | 做矣
zøx`ee | made | 做的
zøx`laang | be a human being | 做人
zøxbak | japann | 塗墨
zøxbiø | establish a temple | 造廟
zøxchviuu | build walls | 築牆
zøxcieen | conventional phrase placed after the salutation in a letter addressed to one's senior | 座前
zøxciu jinzaai | educate for good citizenship | 造就人材
zøxciu | education, train a man for an official position, one's achievement or accomplishment | 造就
zøxge | accomplishments; attainments | 造詣
zøxgiet | do evil things | 造孽
zøxgu | confront; encounter; get caught in; incur | 遭遇
zøxgvo liofng'iong | reclining chair that can also be used as a bed | 坐臥兩用
zøxgvo | chair bed; a chair that can be used as a chair or a bed | 坐臥
zøxheeng | model | 造型
zøxhioxng | sit to | 坐向
zøxhoad | manufacturing process | 做法; 造法
zøxhoaf | artificial flowers | 造花
zøxhoarn | stir up; excite a rebellion | 謀反; 造反
zøxhoax loxngjiin | be a plaything of fate | 造化弄人
zøxhoax | fate; Heaven; Mother Nature; the Creator; one's luck or fortune | 造化
zøxhog jinkuun | do good deeds to benefit all like building a road, bridge, school or orphanage | 造福人群
zøxhog | do good things for the community | 造福
zøxhorng | visit | 造訪
zøxhuo | visit | 造府; 到貴府
zøxiaau hegcioxng | cheat, swindle or mislead the people with lies or rumors | 造謠惑眾
zøxiaau sengsu | start rumors and incite incidents | 造謠生事
zøxiaau | start a rumor | 造謠
zøxiuxbeeng | motto | 座右銘
zøxkarng | construct a harbor | 築港
zøxkea | building cost, manufacturing cost | 造假
zøxkerng | landscaping | 造景
zøxkex | building cost, manufacturing cost | 造價
zøxkhuxn | confined | 坐困
zøxkiøo | build a bridge | 造橋
zøxkud | hucklebone | 坐骨
zøxkud-sinkefng | the sciatic nerve | 坐骨神經
zøxkux | compose sentence(s) | 造句
zøxlan | meet with misfortune (ill luck) | 遭難
zøxliim | afforestation, reforestation, to afforest | 造林
zøxlip | sitting and standing | 坐立
zøxlo | make roads | 築路
zøxlok | housed; perch on; sit; stand; site or locality | 坐落; 座落
zøxoe | tell a lie | 造話; 捏造言詞
zøxpax | raised levee, build a dam | 築壩
zøxpeachviuo | mint money | 造幣廠
zøxphiaw | coordinates (math) | 座標
zøxpiauhe | coordinate system | 座標系
zøxpiaw | coordinates (math.) | 座標
zøxseeng | create; give occasion to; lend itself to; make; complete; build up; compose; result in; cause to happen | 造成
zøxsek | seat, pew | 坐視; 座位
zøxsex | build momentum | 造勢
zøxsi putkiux | stand by without helping | 坐視無救
zøxsi | stand by without helping | 坐視
zøxsiaux | make a false account | 作帳; 造假帳
zøxsieen | meditate in Buddhism | 坐禪
zøxsioxngkheq | guest of honor | 座上客
zøxsit sanphefng | by idleness and eating; business or wealth (Lit the mountain) dwindles away | 坐食山崩
zøxsit | no income | 坐食
zøxsviaa | build a city wall or castle | 築城
zøxsvoaf | orogenic | 造山
zøxtaam | discussion, a symposium, panel discussion | 座談
zøxtai | expand one's power | 坐大
zøxtamhoe | discussion, a symposium, panel discussion | 座談會
zøxthaq | build towers | 造塔
zøxtixn | in charge | 坐鎮
zøxtoa | developed and becoming bigger | 坐大
zøxui | seat place | 坐凳; 座位
zøxzefng | grandfather clock | 座鐘
zøxzheq | printing books | 造冊
zøxzhux | offend | 造次
zøxzoafchviuo | paper mill | 造紙廠
zøxzoar | make paper | 造紙
zøxzoe | forgery | 坐罪
zøxzog | structure, construction, organization | 造作; 裝潢; 構造; 裝置; 隔間
zøxzunchviuo | ship yard | 造船廠
zøxzuun kongsy | shipbuilding company | 造船公司
zøxzuun | construct a ship; build a ship | 造船
zøzag | dirty | 嘈促; 嘈齪
zøzap | noisy and confused | 嘈齪; 嘈雜
zøzøf | structure, construction, organization | 糟糟; 煩悶
øhtid zøx | be difficult to do | 難做
øq zøx | be difficult to do | 僫做
øzøf | endeavor to get a subsidy | 渦糟; 心煩

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