"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zefng

bidtøzefng | Buddhist monk | 彌陀僧
garn zefng chiuo khoaix | sharp of sight and quick of hand; see things clearly and act speedily | 眼清手快
iekhix-cy-zefng | quarrel over a matter of emotion (rather than reason) | 意氣之爭
iøzefng | ring a (hand) bell | 搖鐘; 搖鈴(鐘)
køzefng | Buddhist monk of great repute | 高僧
loxng zefng | ring the bell | 挵鐘
na'aau-zefng | Adam's apple | 嚨喉鐘; 喉結
siøzefng | engage in fisticuffs; bump or knock together (cars or ships) | 打架; 相舂; 相撞
tektøxkøzefng | high rank monk | 得道高僧
zefng bixnzuo | try to win or excel for the sake of face | 爭面子
zefng cidkhawkhix | strive for vindication; struggle for honor or success to prove one's worth | 爭一口氣
zefng | strike with the fist; punch; pound; run against; collide with; crystal; clear; bright; brilliant; radiant | 晶; 徵; 征; 爭; 貞; 睜; 猙; 鐘; 偵; 增; 鍾; 舂; 精; 睛; 衝(掙)(打)
zefng'am | swollen jaw | 腫頷
zefng'ia | the whole night | 整夜
zefng'iah | a full page | 整頁
zefng'ioong goaxkhøf | plastic surgery | 整容外科
zefng'ioong isefng | plastic surgeon | 整容醫生
zefng'ioong | improve one's look by plastic surgery; to tidy one's appearance by shaving or a haircut | 整容
zefng'oaioay | swollen | 腫歪歪
zefng'voaivoay | swollen | 腫歪歪
zefng'y | to adjust the dress | 整衣
zefng-eg-kiuzefng | strive for perfection | 精益求精
zefng`khix | hit it | 衝去
zefng`sie | hit to death | 衝死; 掙死
zefng`tiøh | earn | 衝著; 掙著

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