"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zexng

beeng zexng gieen sun | valid in name and in reasoning; have good reason; deserve; justified | 名正言順
boxngsiorng-zexng | paranoia | 妄想症
chviuphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
chviuxphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
hongsib-zexng | rheumatism | 風濕症; 風濕病
jibkerng-zexng | entry visa | 入境證
kangzog-zexng | an identity card | 工作證
khøzexng | tyrannical government | 苛政
kiapsym-zexng | angina pectoris | 絞心症
kiexnboong-zexng | amnesia | 健忘症
kuxjiin-zexng | gigantism | 軍人政; 巨人症
kvoajiet-zexng | malaria | 寒熱症; 瘧疾
laosae-zexng | diarrhea | 落屎症
laothox-zexng | cholera | 漏吐症; 吐瀉; 霍亂
lefngsiw-zexng | receipt for money | 領收症; 收據
løzexng | tuberculosis | 癆症
na'aau-zexng | diphtheria | 嚨喉症; 白喉
pinhuiq-zexng | anemia | 貧血症
putti cy zexng | incurable disease | 無治之症
siaa pud sexng zexng | evil will not triumph over the virtuous | 邪無勝正
siaa-zexng | right and wrong, good and evil | 邪正
sinhun-zexng | identification card | 身份證; 身份証
sitbiin-zexng | insomnia | 失眠症
taxnpeqjiø-zexng | proteinuria | 蛋白質症; 蛋白尿症
thongheeng-zexng | a pass, a safe-conduct, traveling permit | 通行證
uijiø-zexng | nocturia, bed wetting | 遺尿症
zexng chiuar | plant trees | 種樹仔
zexng | many; multitude; all; the masses; public or popular opinion or views | 眾; 種; 症; 證; 正; 証; 政
zexng'iet | given free of charge; given as a compliment of the publisher or author | 贈閱
zexng'iorng | convalesces; live in the sanatorium | 靜養
zexng'iu | bribery | 贈賄
zexng'uie | a political commissar | 政委
zexng'uo | present; give; donate; bestowal; bestow on | 贈與
zexng'uu | present; give; donate; bestowal; bestow on | 贈與
zexng'ym | mute | 靜音
zexng-pehsvix | the common people | 眾百姓
zexng-pyle | direct proportion | 正比例; 正比
zexng-texzuo | disciples | 眾弟子
zexng`nih | in the people; in the public | 眾裡
zhutkerng-zexng | exit visa | 出境政; 出境證
zwnkhør-zexng | admission card for examination | 准考證

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