"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zhek

iøzhek | hulled rice | 搖穀; 搖擺
kor zhek'ar | winnow un-hulled rice | 簸穀仔
tiah zhek'ar | buy unhulled rice | 糴穀仔
zhek | dangle; reel; stagger; swag; weave | 惻; 摵; 搖晃; 震動
zhek'ar | paddy; rice; unhulled rice | 粟仔; 稻仔
zhek'erng | side stroke (swim) | 側泳
zhek'exng | treat with courtesy | 款待
zhek'ha | my dear parents (a greeting in a letter to parents) literally: kneeling down | 膝下
zhek'hauxsor | weather station | 測候所; 氣象所
zhek'heasiu | loss of longevity | 促歲壽
zhek'hiern | send; to commission; depute; dispatch | 差遣
zhek'hoax | become communism society | 赤化
zhek'hoe | surveying and mapping | 測繪
zhek'hoeasiu | have one's life shortened by Heaven on account of wickedness | 摵歲壽; 減壽
zhek'hofng | imperial appointment | 冊封; 測謊; 敕封
zhek'hongkex | weather vane | 測風計
zhek'hongkhix | lie different way | 測謊器
zhek'hongky | a lie different way | 測謊機; 測謊器
zhek'ieen | sounding line | 測鉛; 測深器
zhek'iensvoax | lead line for taking soundings | 測鉛線
zhek'imkhix | sound locator | 測音器
zhek'oar | press close; as on a man | 擠近; 靠近
zhek'oe | engineer; plan; schedule; plan | 策畫; 策劃
zhek'ox | offend the majesty of a god by unclean conduct in his presence; draw down calamity on another by impure conduct; filthy; obscene | 積惡; 褻慢
zhek'urn | pity | 惻隱; 惻隱之心
zhek'vii-khix | a cyclometer | 惻圓器; 測圓器; 週期計
zhek'ym | to locate a sound | 惻音; 測音
zhek`cide | check | 惻一下

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