"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zhux

auxthaau-zhux | wife's family home | 後頭厝; 娘家
hefsiøzhux | house fire | 火燒厝
hoefsiøzhux | house on fire | 火燒厝; 失火; 房子著火
høefsiøzhux | a house in fire | 火燒屋; 火燒厝; 失火
høzhux | Where? What place? | 何處
kaobu-zhux | office of curriculum, faculty room | 教務處
kefngbu-zhux | provincial police department | 警務處
khefzefng-zhux | tax office, revenue office | 稽征處; 稅捐處
koarhø-zhux | a registry, a register office | 掛號處
pørmiaa-zhux | registration office | 報名處
sunbun-zhux | office of inquiry, information office | 詢問處
tøzhux | many times, again and again | 多次
uxlo-bøzhux | said of a wandering vagrant or very poor man; who has no place to live; bum; vagabond | 無家可歸
uxloxbøzhux | a street has no home | 有路無厝
yn-zhux | his (her) or their home | 他家; 他們家
zhux | house; home; manage; place oneself in; a place; office; department in a government agency | 厝; 次; 處; 房子
zhux-lioxngzwsox | secondary quantum number | 次量子數
zhux`ee | secondary, inferior, second grade, substandard | 次的; 次等的; 副
zuozheq-zhux | registry, registrar's office | 註冊處; 註冊組

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