"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zoex

zoex tiarmbin | become a storefront | 做店面
zoex | work; make; do; act as; give a party or reception | 做; 作
zoex-byle | the most beautiful | 最美麗
zoex-bøexkaux | cannot do it | 做無到
zoex-bøexkhie | cannot do it | 做無起
zoex-bøexkhix | cannot do it | 做無去; 做不了
zoex-bøexlaai | cannot do it | 做無來
zoex-bøexliao | cannot finish it | 做無了
zoex-chincviaa | became relatives | 做親成
zoex-cidhoea | together | 做一夥
zoex-exkaux | able to do it | 做會到
zoex-exkhie | able to do it | 做會起
zoex-exkhix | able to do it | 做會去; 能做成
zoex-exlaai | able to do it | 做會來
zoex-exliao | able to finish it | 做會完
zoex-gixniu | to kill time | 做消遣; 做藝量
zoex-hongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zoex-høesviu | be a monk | 做和尚
zoex-høflaang | be a good person | 做好人
zoex-iwhau | the most effective | 最有效
zoex-kangge | make artifacts | 做工藝
zoex-khangkhøex | do homework | 做工課
zoex-khitciah | as a bagger | 做乞食
zoex-khøfvox | the vilest, the most abominable | 最可惡
zoex-kongteg | do good deeds | 做功德
zoex-kopøo | be an aunt | 做姑婆
zoex-kuythaau | be a bad guys leader | 做鬼頭
zoex-køkib | superlative | 最高級
zoex-langtai | be a human being | 做人代; 人情事
zoex-moafgøeh | celebrate one month old newborn | 做滿月
zoex-phofphiexn | most widespread | 最普遍
zoex-senglie | do business | 做生理
zoex-sinloong | be a groom | 做新郎
zoex-sinniuu | be a bride | 做新娘
zoex-sinseg | the newest style | 最新式
zoex-svijit | celebrate birthday | 做生日
zoex-tionglaang | be the middleman | 做中人
zoex-titlaai | able to do it | 做得來
zoex-toaxzuie | flooding | 做大水
zoex-tuienii | a year ceremony after a person died | 做對年
zoex-tviaxtiøh | engaged | 做定著; 訂了婚約
zoex`laang | matched | 做人; 配嫁
øq zoex | hard to do | 僫做

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