"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zok

Amie-zok | Amis tribe | 阿眉族; 阿美族
Bulurn-zok | Bunun tribe | 布農族; 布倫族
Phaioaan-zok | Paiwan tribe | 排灣族; 派灣族
Pvipof-zok | Taiwanese plains aborigines | 平埔族
Thae'afluo-zok | Tayal (Atayal) tribe (Taiwan aborigines); Tayal tribe | 泰亞落族; ???族; 泰亞魯族
Zøzok | Cao aboriginal | 曹族
cihofng-zok | aliphatic | 脂肪族
hoarhak zok'iong | chemical action | 化學作用
honghiofng-zok | aromatic (chemistry) | 芳香族
hongtviuu zok'hix | take part in merely accidental amusement | 逢場作戲
hux-zok'viu | a deleterious effect, a side effect | 副作樣
itkoaxn-zok'hofng | consistent way of doing things | 一貫作風
ixhoax-zok'iong | catabolism | 異化作用
paisied-zok'iong | excretory functions | 排泄作用
putlioong zok'iong | bad effect | 無良作用
siauhoax zok'iong | digestive function | 消化作用
simlie zok'iong | imaginary perception; mental reaction | 心理作用
siongho-zok'iong | interaction, interplay | 相符作用; 相互作用
thvoarhoax zok'iong | carbonization process | 碳化作用
tosiaw zok'hoex | cancelled and regarded as waste paper | 塗銷作廢
u zok'uii | capable of outstanding achievements | 有作為
zengsiin zok'iong | psychological origin; caused by one's psychic state; psycho somatic | 精神作用
zok | clan; tribe; tribe; clan; family; race of people; family or genus of animals | 昨; 族; 怍
zok'hap | cooperation | 作合; 使結合
zok'hoad | practice a black art; resort to magic arts; way of doing things; course of action; practice | 作法
zok'hoex | make void; nullify; cancel | 作廢
zok'hofng | one's way of doing things; style; manner | 作風
zok'ib | make a low bow with folded hands | 作揖
zok'iong | capillarity; capillary phenomenon; effect; action | 作用
zok'og | do wrong | 作惡
zok'uii | conduct; behavior; achievement; action | 作為
zok'uy | domineer | 作威
zok'uy-zok'hog | domineering | 作威作福
zokøq | form a cabinet in government | 組閣
zongboo-zok'viu | be pretentious; act with affected manners | 裝模作樣

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