"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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biøsiar-zu'yn | descriptors | 描寫茲因; 描寫??
but ie lui zu | Birds of a feather flock together | 物以類聚
kiesut-zu'yn | descriptors | 紀述茲因; 記述??
thokhaf-zu | floor mat | 土跤蓆; 墊子
y-sit-zu-heeng | clothing; food; housing; and transportation | 衣食住行
zu pud lioxnglek | not to recognize one's own limited strength or resources; do something beyond one's ability | 自無量力
zu siim hoanlør | bring trouble upon oneself | 自尋煩惱
zu sit kii kør | reap what one has sown; suffer the consequences of one's own deeds | 自食其果
zu sit kii lek | live by one's own wits | 自食其力
zu suo cix ciofng | from the beginning to end | 自始至終
zu | dwell; inhabit; stay in a place; to contain (inhabitants); to work for; be employed | 住; 苴; 墊
zu'aang | crimson, scarlet | 朱紅
zu'aix | affectionate, benevolent, loving, tender, affection | 自愛; 慈愛
zu'ar | tiny ball | 珠仔; 小珠子
zu'iofnghwn | nourishment; nutrition | 滋養分
zu'iofngphirn | nourishing food; nutritive food | 滋養品
zu'iofngzef | nutrient | 滋養劑
zu'ioong | facial look and posture; woman looks (usually implying good looks) | 姿容
zu'iorng | nourishing; nutritious; nourishing food | 滋養
zu'ui | ladies and gentlemen; honored guests | 諸位
zu-ie-uii-si | opinionated | 自以為是
zu-siofng-mauturn | self contradiction | 自相矛盾
zu-søeahaxn | since childhood | 自細漢
zu-zokgiet | act to invite trouble of oneself | 自作孽
zuøo | pearl Oyster | 珠蚵; 珠蠔; 珍珠貝

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