"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zun

bøsii-bøzun | indefinite tense | 無時無陣; 無定時
zun sizefng | wind a clock | 上緊時鐘的發條
zun | classifier of gusts; showers | 陣; 捘; 擰
zun'afpvy | boat side | 船仔邊
zun'afterng | boat top | 船仔頂
zun'ar | boat; small boat | 船仔; 小船; 舢板
zun'au | save money for future use | 存後; (錢財)
zun'axn | registered case | 存案
zun'eeng | dignity and honor; glory | 尊榮
zun'giaam | dignity, majesty, prestige | 尊嚴
zun'giap | ship industry | 船業
zun'ioong | your face (honorific term) | 尊容
zun'ix | a respectful way to call other's opinion | 存意; 尊意; 存心
zun'oaan | crew; seaman; crew of a vessel | 船員
zun'oah | survive | 存活
zun'of | dock (in a shipyard); dry dock | 船塢
zun'ofng | your father (honorific) | 尊翁
zun'ui | dignity | 尊位
zun'uii | mast (of a ship) | 船桅
zun'ux | dry-dock | 船塢; 乾船塢
zun'øx | dock | 船澳
zun-hof aan | turn tight | 栓緊; 絞緊
zun`khylaai | screw out | 旋起來; 旋開
zun`løqkhix | screw down | 旋落去; 旋牢
zun`sie | to turn off | 熄滅

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