"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: øar

angbøar | red-cap, porter | 紅帽子; 行李夫
angkongpøar | aged couple | 翁公婆仔; 老夫妻; 老伴
biøar | smal temple | 廟仔
bøar | mill; millstone | 磨仔; 石磨; 磑仔
efng tøar chied | to slice with a knife. | 用刀切
giøar | clam | 蟯仔
goaxløar | extra income; kickbacks | 外勞仔
gøar | a goose | 鵝仔
hiamciøar | red peppers, capsicums | 薟椒仔
hoanciøar | bell pepper | 番椒仔; 青辣椒
kethøar | chicken not yet weighing one pound; fryers | 雞桃仔; 中雞 (未成熟的雞)
khautøar | vegetable peeler | 刨刀仔; 削皮刀
khekøar | river fish | 溪哥仔; (溪魚)
khoekøar | stream fish in Taiwan | 溪哥仔
khofløar | servant | 苦勞仔; 傭人; 差役
kholøar | servant | 箍絡仔; 傭人; 差役
kipsiøar | porcelain medicine pot; small thin flat-bottomed earthen pan for warming things quickly | 急燒仔
kiøar | eggplant | 茄子
koethøar | midsize chicken | 雞桃仔
køar | cake | 糕仔
lauxangkongpøar | old couple | 老翁公婆仔
lauxpøar | old lady | 老婆仔
lauxpøar-sym | kind and compassionate heart; excessive solicitude; useless precaution | 老婆仔心
liefnkiøar | sedan chair used for an idol; carved sedan for an idol | 輦轎仔
løar | small gong | 鑼仔; 小鑼
mfpøar | grandaunt(wife of father's older brother | 姆婆仔
moelangpøar | atchmaker | 媒人婆仔
muilangpøar | female matchmaker | 媒人婆仔
phiøar | an aquatic plant | 薸仔
pitløar | Shrike | 伯勞仔
piøar | javelin | 標仔; 標槍
siøfangbøar | little red hood | 小紅帽仔
svahøar | 3rd | 三號仔
søar | weaver's shuttle | 梭子
thiah'iøar | get medicine | 拆藥仔
thiethaupøar | female barber | 剃頭婆仔
thih'voafbøar | iron ball shape hat, imply life time job | 鐵碗帽仔
thøar | peah | 桃子
tiebøar | wear a hat | 戴帽仔
tix bøar | wear a cap or a hat | 戴帽子
toaxcympøar | big aunty | 大嬸婆仔
tøar | knife; small knife; dagger | 刀仔; 刀子
viutøar | start fruit | 楊桃仔
ykiøar | a stroller | 椅轎仔
zabhøar | something assembled from various manufacturers | 雜牌子
zengbøar | the pounding utensil with a sunken middle. | 舂磨仔
zhawchiøar | straw mat | 草蓆仔
zhunthøar | spring peach | 春桃仔
zhvef-hoanciøar | bell pepper | 青蕃椒仔
zuyphøar | blister | 水泡仔
øar | oyster | 蚵仔; 蠔
øar-ciefn | oyster omelette; a Taiwanese stir fry oyster dish | 蚵仔煎
øar-kvy | oyster soup | 蚵仔羹

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