"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: Serngthea

Limciofng Serngthea | Sacrament of Holy Eucharist administered to dying or those in danger of death; Viaticum | 臨終聖體
Serngthea Ciamlea | corpus Christi (Catholic) | 聖體瞻禮
Serngthea Taixhoe | Eucharistic Congress (Catholic) | 聖體大會
Serngthea høkofng | monstrance (Catholic) | 聖體豪光
Serngthea iuheeng | Procession of the Blessed Sacrament | 聖體遊行
Serngthea karnghog | Benediction (Catholic) | 聖體降福
Serngthea | Holy Eucharist (Catholic) | 聖體
bengkiofng Serngthea | exposition of Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 明供聖體
kyioong Serngthea | elevate the host (Catholic) | 舉揚聖體
mo niar Serngthea | receive communion sacrilegious (Catholic) | 冒領聖體
niar Serngthea | receive Holy Communion (Catholic) | 領聖體
paix Serngthea | adore the Blessed Sacrament; make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 拜聖體
seeng Serngthea | consecrate the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 成聖體
siezap siøfsii bengkiofng Serngthea | forty hours devotion (Catholic) | 四十小時明供聖體
siin niar Serngthea | spiritual communion (Catholic) | 神領聖體
zhof niar Serngthea | first Communion (Catholic) | 初領聖體

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