"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: aku

Palakuy | Paraguay | 巴拉圭
aku | uncle (mother's brother); uncle (mother's brothers) | 阿舅; 舅父; 舅舅
chiachiakurn | bustling | 戕戕滾; 熙來攘往
chiakulaxng'axng | make a mess of a room; (Lit. to overturn every box and basket- to make a thorough search) | 翻東翻西
chiakuy | turning-lathe | 車床; 車規; 旋轉車床
cviakuo | for long; for ages | 很久
cviakuun | form a group | 成群; 成羣
gaxmkao siaosviu tikvoakud | hope against hope; a prize beyond one's reach; unattainable goal (Lit. A stupid dog thinks about pig liver bones.) | 憨狗哨想豬肝骨; 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉
hakuun | wear skirt | 穿裙; 繫裙子
heakui | container | 貨櫃
hoakuix | elegant; magnificent | 華貴
hoeakui uxnsw | container shipment; container transport | 貨櫃運輸
hoeakui | container for transportation | 貨櫃
hoeakuixchiaf | container trailer | 貨櫃車
høeakui | cargo; container | 貨櫃
kaku | furniture | 傢具; 家具; 傢俱
kakux | great sentence; good writing | 佳句
kakuxhaang | furniture store | 傢具行; 傢俱行
kakuy | family rules | 家規
khakud | shinbone; foot; leg; leg bone | 腳骨; 跤骨
kheakud | chew bones | 囓骨; 啃骨頭
kheakux | written agreements | 契據
kviakuun | to do shadow boxing | 行拳
kvoakuy | rule of government | 官規
lakuociexn | a seesaw battle | 拉鋸戰
larm-khakud | embrace blackmailed | 攬腳骨
liamsvakuun | one-piece dress | 連衫裙
phakuxnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phunkhakud | pubic | 盆跤骨
phviakud | rib cage | 骿骨
siakuie | demon, devil, evil spirit | 賒鬼; 魔鬼
svakun | hold close relationship each other | 相近; 彼此接近
svakuun | coat and skirt | 衫裙
takuix | dry season; drought | 乾季
thiensiakuie | devil | 天邪鬼
thoakuo | delay for a long time | 拖久
tikvoakud | pig liver bone | 豬肝骨
tvoakux | a note, a bill, a receipt | 單據
voaytng khakud | lose one's footing and break a leg bone | 扭斷腳骨
zeakuie | How many months over one year of age? | 肚祭; 一週歲又幾個月
zhaku | gap, difference, discrepancy | 差距
zhakui | wooden container | 柴櫃; 木櫃
zhakurn'ar | wooden stick | 柴棍仔
zhaozhveakuar | stinky bug | 臭腥龜仔
zheakud | cartilage | 脆骨; 軟骨
zoeakuie | play a ghost | 做鬼
zoeakun | most recent; nearest; recently | 最近
zoeakuo | at the longest | 最久

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