"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ang'ar

ang'ar | puppet | 尪仔; 玩偶; 娃娃
ang'ar-bor | husband and wife | 尪仔某; 翁仔某; 夫妻
ang'ar-mih | toys | 尪仔物; 玩具
ang'ar-thaau | head of a puppet, girl's face, postage stamp | 尪仔頭; 郵票
ang'ar-too | picture for illustration | 尪仔圖; 圖畫
ang'ar-zheq | picture book | 尪仔冊; 圖畫書
bagciu'ang'ar | pupil of the eye | 目睭尪仔; 瞳孔
bang'ar | net | 網仔
bang'ar-thafng | window-screen | 網仔窗
bangbang'ar | very small (as rain) | 濛濛仔; 細小
chiang'ar twtiøh khong'ar | fortuitously; by a happy chance; by coincidence meeting someone unexpectedly (Lit. cripple meets a cripple) | 悾仔; 湊巧
chiaq bang'ar | make a net | 刺網仔; 編網子
cvitang'ar | bamboo till for storing coins | 錢筒仔
giang'ar | little bell; tiny little bell | 鈃仔; 手搖鈴; 手鈴; 鈴鐺; 小鈴
gukang'ar | young bulls; young male cattle | 牛公仔; 小公牛
hang'ar | lane; an ally | 巷仔; 巷子
hang'ar-bøea | the end of a lane or alley | 巷仔尾
hang'ar-khao | entrance to a lane | 巷仔口; 巷口
hang'ar-thaau | beginning of a lane | 巷仔頭
hayzhang'ar | a kind of sedge | 海蔥仔
iutang'ar | oil jar | 油筒仔
kalefang'ar | puppet | 傀儡尪仔
kang'ar | worker; worker | 工仔; 工人
khiang'ar | thief | 鏘仔; 騙子
lang'ar | basket | 籠仔; 籠子; 簍子
lenggiang'ar | bell | 鈴鈃仔
liabmixang'ar | make characters with flour | 捏麵尪仔
liang'ar | little bell | 鈴仔; 喨仔; 鈴鐺; 鈴噹
liangliang'ar | coo, breaze | 涼涼仔
limsikang'ar | temporary workers | 臨時工仔
nngrkawkhang'ar | clim through small hole | 穿狗空仔
nngxkang'ar | two days | 兩工仔
nngxsvakang'ar | two to three days | 兩三工仔
oe ang'ar | draws figures; draw pictures of persons | 畫尪仔
oexang'ar | drawing a character | 畫尪仔
oexthng'ang'ar | painting sugar characters | 畫糖尪仔
otorang'ar | dark red | 烏𪐞紅仔
pang'ar | blocks engraved for printing | 板仔; 枋仔; 房子
phang'ar | chink, crack, opening | 縫仔; 縫口
phoeang'ar | puppet | 皮尪仔
porang'ar | puppet | 布尪仔
portexhix-ang'ar | puppet show figures | 布袋戲尪仔
pøqpang'ar | thin planks; lath | 薄板仔
siexn'ang'ar | playing cards with characters- game played in the old day | 蟮尪仔
siexnlang'ar | gecko | 蟬蟲仔; 壁虎
siexntang'ar | gecko | 壁虎仔
siexnthang'ar | gecko | 壁虎仔; 蟮蟲仔
sin'ang'ar | house lizard | 蟮蟲仔
sinniuu bang'ar | bridal veil | 新娘網仔
siøfkang'ar | an unimportant laborer | 小工仔
siøfkelang'ar | small chicken kage | 小雞籠仔
suizang'ar | every tree | 隨欉仔
tang'ar | canister; small earthen jar or pot | 筒仔; 小壼; 小寬嘴甕; 小壺
tang'ar-bykøf | glutinous rice preparation steamed in casserole | 筒仔米糕
tang'ar-mixsvoax | vermicelli boiled in a earthen jar | 筒仔米線; 筒仔麵線
thang'ar | window; window | 窗仔
thauzang'ar | hair | 頭鬃仔
thihbang'ar | Iron net | 鐵網仔
thihlang'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihpang'ar | sheet iron | 鐵枋仔
thihthang'ar | iron window- prison | 鐵窗仔
tho'ang'ar | clay doll; clay toy figurine | 土尪仔; 泥人
thoahpang'ar | tart | 挩坊仔
tiuotiuotang'ar | a Taiwanese folk song | 丟丟銅仔
tngkang'ar | farm laborer hired for a long time | 長工仔
viuang'ar | doll | 洋尪仔
zha'ang'ar | wooden human object | 柴尪仔
zhang'ar | scallions | 蔥仔
zhapang'ar | firewood room | 柴枋仔
zhathauang'ar | wooden idol; wooden figure; people who have no feeling | 柴頭尪仔; 無感情的人
zoafpang'ar | pper factory | 紙枋仔
zoaftang'ar | paper tube | 紙筒仔
zoar-ang'ar | paper character | 紙尪仔
zoeakang'ar | as a worker | 做工仔
zuyang'ar | water red | 水紅仔
zørkang'ar | worker | 做工仔

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