"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ang'o

ang'o | red taro | 紅芋
ginhang'oaan | bank employee | 銀行員
hang'oaan | clerk in a bank | 行員
kang'oaan | laborer in a factory | 工員; 工人
kang'okheq | itinerant trader | 江湖客
kang'okhix | insincere; sly; sleazy; sneaky | 江湖氣
kang'oo cidtiafmkoad | It's easy; if you know how. (Lit. If you don't know how; the work is like a lake. If you know how; it's like a drop.) | 江湖一點訣
kang'oo | world; underground world; rivers and lakes; wandering; quack; vagrant; sophisticated and shrewd | 江湖
khang'oe | empty words; mere talk | 空話; 白話
korlang'oaxn | does not liked by the others; loathsome; inspiring dislike by one's appearance; action or manner | 顧人怨; 討人厭
kviaa-kang'oo | be an adventurer, be a gypsy, be a traveling quack | 行江湖; 走江湖; 走江湖者
kviakang'oo | wander from place to place among the common people | 走江湖
kviakang'oo`ee | traveling quack | 走江湖的
lang'oe | reasonable statement | 人話
lang'oong | big boss; leader of a group; dominant (position) | 人王; 角頭; 龍頭老大
langkang'oo | artificial lake | 人工湖
lau-kang'oo | sophisticated old traveller | 老江湖
lefnghang'oaan | a navigator, a pilot | 領航海; 領航員
oarntang'oarnsay | resentment | 怨東怨西
pang'og | house; house | 房屋
pang'okkoafn | house tax | 房屋捐 (稅)
pang'oksoex | house tax | 房屋捐; (稅)
phang'onglefng | queen bee honey | 蜂王乳; (漿)
phang'oong | a queen bee | 蜂王
zawkang'oo | wander from place to place among the common people; to live in seclusion | 走江湖
zwlang'ofng | respectful term for host | 主人翁

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