"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: armsi

armsi | give hint; to insinuate; a hint; a suggestion; hint; hint; to suggest | 暗示
armsia | shot from the hiding; allude to | 暗射; 暗中影射
armsiar | write from memory | 默寫
armsii | night; night time; at night; night time; during the night | 暗時; 晚上
armsiofng | internal; invisible injury; damage | 暗傷; 內傷
armsiong | recitation | 暗誦; 背誦
armsip | attack in the dark | 偷襲
ciarmsiefn | lead in a game or contest | 佔先; 佔先,領先
eng'armsii | in night | 今暗時; 晚上; 今晚
iarmsien | to be tired of, to be weary of | 厭倦
karmsi | spy on; monitor; keep an eye on; surveillance; keep a watchful eye on; to watch; keep under surveillance | 監視
karmsiofngkaf | connoisseur | 鑑賞家
karmsiorng | examine and appreciate | 鑑賞
karmsiuo zuxtø | embezzlement; pilfer public properties one is entrusted to safeguard | 監守自盜
khiarmsiaux | indebted; owe an account; buy on credit | 欠數; 欠賬; 欠帳
kiarmsiaux | scabbard | 劍鞘
kiarmsiefn | an immortal swordsman; shrewd man; man of outstanding ability | 劍仙; 精通者
kiarmsiux | the a sheath of a sword | 劍鞘
sarmsiaau | curse roundly; scold abusively | 臭罵
tharmsiim | explore | 探尋
tiarmsiu | go back to den; nest (of birds) | 回巢; (禽類)
tiarmsiøzhoe | hide and seek | 踮相揣
zarmsie | trample to death | 踩死

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