Khoahthau'ar | sampan | 闊頭仔; 舢舨
armthau'ar | nightfall | 暗頭仔; 傍晚
au'ar | tea-cup; small cup | 甌仔; 小茶杯; 杯子
chviuthau'ar | wall around the house | 牆頭仔; 圍牆
ciwlau'ar | funnel | 守漏仔; 酒漏仔; 酒漏斗; 漏斗
ciøqthau'ar | pebble, gravel | 石頭仔; 小石頭; 小石子
hvaethau'ar | rice liqueur | 幌頭仔; 米酒
iulau'ar | funnel | 油漏仔; 漏斗
kau'ar | drain | 溝仔; 鉤仔; 水溝; 鉤子
khankau'ar | agent; broker; pimp | 牽猴仔; 皮條客; 仲介; 掮客
khau'ar | a planer tool; a carpenter's plane; peeler | 刨仔; 剾仔; 削皮器; 刨子
kiaam-pau'ar | salty bun | 鹹包仔
kiau'ar | overseas Chinese; person living abroad | 僑仔
lau'ar | funnel | 漏仔; 漏斗
liau'ar | slowly; [[liauliauar]] | 聊仔; 寮仔
liukhau'ar | draw lots | 抽鬮仔
mixpau'ar | dinner roll | 麵包仔; 小麵包
niau'ar | small cat | 貓仔
othau'ar | sedan, car, limousine | 黑頭仔; 烏頭仔
pau'ar | Chinese hamburger; meat patty or dumpling; steamed pie | 包仔; 小包
pau'ar-øee | booties, shows with soft soles | 包仔鞋
poah-tau'ar | gamble with dice | 賭骰仔
poaqtau'ar | throw dice; gamble with dice | 賭骰仔
porliau'ar | narrow strip of cloth | 布條仔
safnkau'ar | skinny guy | 瘦猴仔
svoakau'ar | ravine | 山溝仔
syniau'ar | dead cat | 死貓仔
tau'ar | beans, peas, any of several lequmes; dice for gambling | 豆仔; 骰仔
tau'ar-voar | bowl used to throw dice in gambling | 豆仔碗; 骰子盒
te'au'ar | tea cup | 茶甌仔
thau'ar | the first; just now; a moment ago | 頭仔; 剛才
thiau'ar | pimple on the face | 痘仔; 𤶃仔; 面皰
thofpau'ar | a country bumpkin | 土包仔; 土包子
tvarthau'ar | load | 擔頭仔
zefngthau'ar | finger | 指頭仔
zhaokau'ar | foul smell ditch | 臭溝仔
zhaothau'ar | bald person (impolite) | 臭頭仔
zhathau'ar | wooden head | 柴頭仔
zngfthau'ar | finger, toe | 指頭仔; 手腳指
zoafliau'ar | paper strip | 紙條仔
zoaftiau'ar | a small piece of paper | 小紙仔
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