"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Toaxsia | a city in Kaohsiung County | 大社
Toaxsiu'vi | Major Seminary (Catholic) | 大修院
axsi | also as | 亦是; 也同樣
bagsaxsi | doze | 目砂視; 微睡
baxbaxsi | all over; all around | 密密是; 到處都是
bøtviaxsiin | capricious; weak-kneed | 無定神; 意志無定
goaxsiaw | export; stay outside (one's own home or dormitory) overnight | 外銷
goaxsiaw-hoex | products for export | 出口貨
goaxsin | the testes; the testicles | 外腎
goaxsiofng | trauma; foreign business person | 外傷; 外商
goaxsiog | external injuries; bruises | 外宿
goaxsioxng | export; for export; export | 外相
haxsiaw | weak kidney, implying inability | 下痟
haxsiog | lodgings (in a boarding-house) | 下宿; 投宿
haxsiok | subordinates | 下屬
hiaxsiu | ant hive | 蟻巢
hvoaxsiaux | treasurer; accountant; keep the accounts | 按數; 按帳
iaxsi | also; also be | 也是
iaxsip | a night raid, a night attack | 夜襲
kawhiaxsiu | ant nest | 螞蟻窩
kaxsie | bite to death | 咬死
kaxsiofng | injury by biting; be injured by a bite (as by a dog) | 咬傷
khiaxsiarm | stay away | 站開; 豎閃
khiaxsietheeng | stand upside down | 豎死挺; 倒立
khiaxsiu | to prepare coffin when one is still alive; prepare a coffin for oneself during life | 豎壽; 未逝前先備好的棺木
khiaxsiuu | tread water; tread water | 徛泅; 立泳; 踩水; 豎泅
khvoarmiaxsiefn | fortune teller | 看命仙
kvoaxsib | wet with perspiration | 汗濕
kvoaxsip'ar | light perspiration | 汗濕仔
kvoaxsiøh | the smell of perspiration | 汗騷
maxsi | or; still; nevertheless; also | 嘛是; 也是; 還是
maxsie | scold to death/harsh | 罵死
miaxsiofng | mortal wound, weak point, the major cause that makes failure inevitable | 致命傷
miaxsioxng | fate | 命相
naxsi | if so; suppose | 若是; 要是,如果,假如
noaxsiaux | bad debt | 爛數; 呆帳
noaxsiern | ringworm | 爛癬
peqhiaxsiu | nest of white ants | 白蟻巢
pintvoaxsiefn | lazy bone | 貧惰仙
siaxsie | kill with an arrow | 射死
siaxsiin | give thanks to the spirits (for favors granted) | 謝神
siorngmiaxsiefn | fortune teller | 相算先
sngrmiaxsiefn | fortune teller | 算命先
sngrmiaxsien'ar | fortune teller | 算命仙仔
toaxsiar | capital letters; the elaborate form of Chinese numerals (used especially in accounting and writing checks) | 大寫
toaxsiefn | haughty manner; consider oneself as amazing | 大仙; 自以為了無起
toaxsiekex | the world | 大四界
toaxsiekoex | the world | 大四界
toaxsii | large spoon, tablespoonful | 大匙; 大湯匙
toaxsimkhuix | very angry and be out of breath; breathe hastily | 大心氣; 氣得上氣無接下氣; 呼吸急促
toaxsinmia | a stomach the size of an expecting mother about to deliver a child | 大身命; 肚子大得快臨盆之婦女
toaxsintoaxmia | big good life | 大身大命
toaxsiogbe | big sale | 大俗賣
toaxsiu | big birthday | 大壽
toaxsiw | capital repair | 大修; 大修(機械)
toaxsiøfciar | big sister | 大小姐
toaxsiør | all sizes, large and small, size, dimension | 大小
voaxsinvoaxsyn | renew | 換新換新
zhoaxsinniuu | take a bride | 娶新娘
zhoaxsinpu | get married | 娶新婦
zofngmaxsi | in short | 總嘛是
zvoaxsiaau | emit semen | 濺迢; 射精

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