"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: bagciw

bagciw buibuy | eyes half-opened (closed) | 目睭微微; 眼睛半開
bagciw buxbu | vision not clear; blurred vision | 目睭霧霧; 眼花
bagciw ee ojiin | pupil of the eye | 目睭的黑仁; 眸子
bagciw ee peqjiin | white of the eye | 目睭的白仁
bagciw hoehoef | blurred vision | 目睭花花
bagciw khie ien'ng | blurred vision | 目睭起煙秧; 眼花
bagciw lai | sharpness of the vision; clear sightedness; keen eye | 目睭利; 眼光銳
bagciw nihchiauq nihchiauq | blink in fear; amazement; loss or disappointment; blink back tears | 乾瞪眼; 望巴巴地
bagciw siab | tired eyes; eyes drooping with sleep; sleepy eyes; drowsiness | 目睭澀; 眼睛澀
bagciw tengsuun | double eyelid | 目睭重紋; 雙眼皮
bagciw thapthab | deep-set or sunken eyes; eyes with bags under them | 目睭塌塌; 眼窩內凹
bagciw tiaotiaux | eyes staring upwards (when about to die) | 目睭吊吊; 斜眼
bagciw tun | not good at recognizing things | 目睭鈍; 眼力遲鈍
bagciw | eye; eye | 眼睛; 目睭
bagciw-aang | blood-shot eye | 目睭紅; 眼紅
bagciw-cieen | now; present | 目睭前; 眼前
bagciw-hoef | blurred vision | 目睭花
bagciw-jiin | apple of the eye | 目睭仁; 眼珠
bagciw-khafng | eye socket | 目睭孔; 眼眶
bagciw-khof | item circle | 目睭眶; 眼眶
bagciw-khud | eye-socket | 眼睭穴; 目睭窟; 眼窩
bagciw-mngg | lash | 目睭毛; 眼睫毛; 睫毛
bagciw-mof | eye-lash | 目睭毛; 睫毛
bagciw-phøee | upper eye-lid | 目睭皮; 眼皮
bagciw-zeeng | in front of eyes | 目睭前
liuo bagciw | gouge out eyes | 挖眼睛
ngf bagciw | cover the eyes | 摀眼睛
oea bagciw | scoop out the eyes | 挖眼睛
ofm bagciw | cover the eyes | 摀住眼睛
or bagciw | gouge out the eye | 挖眼睛
svebagciw | has eyes | 生目睭
thvy bøo bagciw | Heaven has no eyes (said when great criminals go unpunished and prosper all the more by their crimes) | 皇天無眼
thvy u bagciw | Heaven's eye sees (as when calamity suddenly overtakes wicked men) | 皇天有眼

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