"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
Kochiu | a city in Pingtung County | 高樹
Tiongchiucied | seasonal festivals (as New year; May 5th; August 15th of the 8th month etc); according to the lunar calendar | 中秋節
Tiongchiupviar | moon cake | 中秋餅
Tiongchiuzeq | the Mid-autumn Festival, 15th of the 8th month (lunar) | 中秋節
Tiongchiuzoeq | moon festival | 中秋節
Tiongchiuzøeq | Mid-Autumn Festival, Full-Moon Festival | 中秋節
Toaxchiu | a city in Kaohsiung County | 大樹
aang-chiuxmm | strawberry tree | 紅樹梅; 楊梅
akchiuo gienhoafn | shake hands and converse cheerfully | 握手言歡
akchiuo | shake hands; shake hands; a hand shake | 握手
anchiuo | laying on of hands | 按手
angchiu | redwood | 紅樹
arnchiuo | press down with the hand; to impose the hands on the head of the ordained in an ordination ceremony (Catholic) | 按手
atchiuo | shake hands | 握手
auxchiuo | afterwards; what still is owed on an account | 後手; 幫手; 殘額; 後來; 餘額
awchiuo | bend the arm | 拗手; 扭曲手臂
bakchiuo | (vi) meddle; meddle in another's affairs | 沾手; 參與; 干涉
bakkhaf bakchiuo | can't do much | 沾手沾腳
bakkhaf-bakchiuo | get one's feet; hands wet | 沾手沾腳
baxnkhaf baxnchiuo | slow in doing things; slow moving; sluggish; slothful | 慢手慢腳
baychiuo | left handed | 䆀手
be koeachiuo | unable to do something successfully | 未過手
befchiuo | buyer | 買主; 買手
befkhao-chiu | rotund holly | 馬口樹
beng'y sokchiuo | famed physicians are powerless (said of grave illness or strange ailments) | 名醫束手; 無策
bexchiuo | seller | 賣主; 賣手
biauxchiuo hoezhwn | the hand that cures (used to describe a good physician) | 妙手回春
biauxchiuo | admirable skill | 妙手
bin taix chiu'ioong | sad faced; woeful look | 面帶愁容
boefchiuo | the last hand in ownership; e.g. second hand; third hand; last hand | 尾手; 買手; 最後
bogchiuu | don't worry | 莫愁
butegchiuo | cannot be matched; without a rival | 無敵手
bøefchiuo | finally; at last; buyer's | 尾手; 買手; 買主; 後來
bøexsegchiuo | not familiar; layman | 未熟手
chiachiuo | handle; grip; knob | 車手
chiahchiuo khangkuun | bare hands; bare handed | 赤手空拳
chiahchiuo | empty hand | 赤手
chie'afchiu | acacia | 刺仔樹
chienchiuo | trouble; troublesome | 千手; 煩手
chienchiuo-koan'ym | a Bodhisattva with thousand hands | 千手觀音
chienchiuu | thousand warries, countless troubles | 千秋
chietchiuo | stamps | 切手
chinchiuo zøx | do personally | 親手做
chinchiuo | personally; with one's hands; by one's own hands | 親手
chiongchiuo | gunman; substitute | 槍手
chioxngchiu | oak tree | 橡樹
chiu | tree | 樹
chiu'afhiøh | leaves | 樹仔葉
chiu'aflefng | sap | 樹仔乳
chiu'afoef | branches | 樹仔矮; 樹枝
chiu'ar | a tree | 樹仔
chiu'au | to square accounts after the autumn harvest | 秋後
chiu'ioong moafbin | wear a sad look; look distressed | 愁容滿面
chiu'ioong | sad appearance, sad countenance | 愁容
chiu'ix | expression of sorrow; touch of sadness | 愁意; 秋意
chiu'uo | autumn rain | 秋雨
chiuafkhaf | foot of a tree; under the tree | 樹仔腳
chiuafngr | the shade of a tree | 樹仔蔭
chiuafoef | branches | 樹仔枝
chiuar | tree | 樹仔
chiubii khofliern | sad look; distressed expression | 愁眉苦臉
chiubii puttiern | wear a sad or distressed expression | 愁眉無展
chiubii | knitted brows; a worried look; knitted brows; distressed look | 愁眉
chiuboat | end of autumn | 秋末
chiubun | unhappy; distressed; distressful; worried | 愁悶
chiubø | autumn hat | 秋帽
chiuchiuu | worried, seemingly troubled | 愁愁
chiuchiw | tassel | 鬚鬚
chiuchixn | pleasantly cool weather; wind or place | 秋凊; 納涼; 涼爽
chiugaan | a worried face; distressed or sad look | 愁顏
chiuhaytoong | a begonia | 秋海棠
chiuhoaai | sad feeling; sadness | 愁懷
chiuhofng | The autumn wind | 秋風
chiuhwn | the Autumnal Equinox; autumnal equinox | 秋分
chiuhøo | subtle | 秋毫
chiujit | the Autumn sun | 秋日
chiukerng | autumn scenery; prospects for the autumn harvest | 秋景
chiukhor | anxiety; sadness; distress; distress; misery | 愁苦; 憂愁
chiukiog | a chrysanthemum | 秋菊
chiukof | red-mullet | 鰍鮚; 秋姑魚
chiukof-hii | red-mullet | 鰍鮚魚
chiukuii | sunflower seeds | 秋葵; 向日葵
chiukuix | autumn; fall; autumn season | 秋季
chiuliim | autumn rain | 秋林; 秋霖; 秋雨
chiuo baa | hand sleeping | 手痲
chiuo bapix | hand sleeping | 手痲痺
chiuo bøo zhurnthiq | totally unarmed (Lit. Hand does have an inch of iron.) | 手無寸鐵
chiuo cien | cannot take hands off stuff | 手踐; 愛觸弄物品
chiuo iap'au | cross the hands behind the back; hand(s) behind the back | 手揜後; 手藏在背後
chiuo kaw chiuo | personally; with one's own hands | 手交手; 親手
chiuo khafn chiuo | made in hand | 手牽手
chiuo kiw`khylaai | withdraw one's hand; withdraw | 手縮起來; 撒手
chiuo lao`tiøh | sprained one's arm | 手扭著; 扭傷手
chiuo phex`leq | arm in a sling | 手臂著
chiuo sngf | arm tired and sore; as after lifting a heavy weight | 手酸
chiuo voae`tiøh | sprained an arm | 手扭著; 手扭傷
chiuo zhah'iøf | put one's hands on the hip joints; arms akimbo | 手插腰
chiuo zhahkøq | put one's hands on the hip joints; arms akimbo | 手插腰
chiuo | a hand; to select; the head; a broom; ugly; hand; of the hand; a person; personally | 手; 手臂; 醜; 首; 取; 掃
chiuo-exzad | lower arm | 手下節; 手下臂
chiuo-hongkhiim | accordion, concertina | 手風琴
chiuo-tefngzad | upper arm | 手上節
chiuphøf | bright eyes of a beautiful woman; bewitching eyes of a woman | 秋波
chiuseg | autumn scenery; autumnal tints | 秋色
chiusieen | cicadas | 秋蟬
chiusirm | the autumn trial | 秋審
chiusofng | autumn frost | 秋霜
chiusvoax | unwind a thread by pulling it towards us | 曳線
chiusw | thought | 秋思
chiutafng | spring, summer, autumn, winter | 秋冬
chiuthvy | fall; autumn; autumn; autumn time or season | 秋天
chiutngg zhurntoan | gut-wrenching sadness | 愁腸寸斷
chiuu kingoaan | investigate carefully (having found a clue); so as to find the real root and origin of the matter | 揪根源; 追溯根源
chiuu søh'ar | haul in a rope | 揪索仔; 曳繩子
chiuu | to pull; to worry; ; sad; distressed; worried; unhappy; melancholy; gloomy; to worry about | 揪; 愁
chiux | wrinkles; crape; to construct with bricks | 皺; 縐; 甃
chiuxbak | tree; arbor; trees (in general) | 樹木
chiuxbea | treetops | 樹尾
chiuxboea | top of tree | 樹尾
chiuxbøea | top of tree | 樹尾
chiuxciab | sap | 樹汁
chiuxcichiafm | shredded tapioca | 樹薯籤
chiuxcie | resin; resin | 樹子; 樹脂
chiuxcihurn | cassava; tapioca | 樹薯粉
chiuxcii | tropical plant | 樹薯
chiuxe | under the tree | 樹下
chiuxgee | tree bud | 樹芽
chiuxhiøh | leaf; leaves | 樹葉
chiuxhiøqar | leaves | 樹葉仔
chiuxkaf | resin; resin; gum | 樹膠; 樹脂
chiuxkhaf | under a tree | 樹腳; 樹跤; 樹下
chiuxkhag | tree peel | 樹殼
chiuxkhii | a tree frog | 樹蛙
chiuxkvoae | the trunk of a tree | 樹桿; 樹幹
chiuxkwn | root; rootage | 樹根
chiuxky | branch; ramification | 樹枝
chiuxkyn | root; tree root | 樹根
chiuxlah | tree wax | 樹臘
chiuxleeng | age of a tree | 樹齡
chiuxlef | branches | 樹絡
chiuxlefng chit'ar | eraser | 樹乳拭仔; 橡皮擦子
chiuxlefng phiag'ar | slingshot | 樹乳甓仔; 彈弓
chiuxlefng sok'ar | rubber band | 樹乳束仔; 橡皮圈
chiuxlefng | rubber | 樹乳; 樹奶; 橡膠
chiuxleng'ee | rubber shoes or boots | 樹乳鞋; 橡皮鞋
chiuxlengkoo | gum arabic; mucilage | 樹乳糊; 橡皮膠
chiuxlengkorng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxlengpox | rubber sheet | 樹乳布; 橡皮布
chiuxlengtea | rubber soled shoes | 樹乳底; 橡皮底 (鞋)
chiuxlengthngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiuxliuu | tree tumor | 樹瘤
chiuxlyn | gum; rubber | 樹乳; 橡膠; 橡皮
chiuxmm | strawberry tree, basysherry | 樹梅; 楊梅
chiuxnaa | forest, wood | 樹林
chiuxnaa-lai | in the forest | 樹林內
chiuxngr | the shade of a tree; a leafy shade | 樹蔭
chiuxnithngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiuxny | rubber | 樹乳; 樹奶; 橡膠
chiuxny-kefng | a slingshot | 橡乳弓; 彈弓
chiuxny-khof | rubber ring | 樹乳箍; 橡皮圈
chiuxny-kngr | rubber tube | 樹乳管
chiuxny-koo | rubber cement | 樹乳糊; 樹奶糊; 漿糊
chiuxny-korng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxny-liern | rubber tire | 樹乳輪; 輪胎
chiuxny-thaau | rubber tree holes for gathering rubber ring | 樹乳頭
chiuxny-thngg | gum | 樹乳糖; 橡皮糖
chiuxny-toax | rubber belt | 樹乳帶
chiuxny-øee | rubber shoes | 樹乳鞋; 橡膠鞋
chiuxoef | branches or limbs of a tree | 樹萵; 樹枝
chiuxpag | (n) tree trunk | 樹腹; 樹幹
chiuxphoee | bark of a tree | 樹皮
chiuxphøee | rind; bark | 樹皮
chiuxpvy | around a tree | 樹邊
chiuxsiaw | the tip of a tree; a treetop | 樹梢
chiuxsieen | cicadas | 樹蟬
chiuxsiin | a tree became God | 樹神
chiuxsym | heart of tree-trunk | 樹心
chiuxsyn | (n) tree trunk; trunk of a tree | 樹身; 樹幹
chiuxtau | pigeon pea | 樹豆
chiuxterng | top of a tree | 樹頂
chiuxthaau | bottom of a bole; stump; trunk | 樹頭; 樹椿
chiuxtiin | a climbing fern | 樹藤
chiuxtong | hole of the bole | 樹洞
chiuxviar | shadow | 樹影
chiuxvie | a sapling | 樹苗
chiuxym | tree shadow | 樹陰
chiuxzaang | a tree | 樹叢
chiuxzay | plant and nourish tree seedlings | 樹栽
chiuxzuu | casaba | 樹薯
chiuzex | Autumn festival | 秋祭
chiuzhao | spring grass | 秋草
chiuzuie | limpid eyes (of a woman) | 秋水
chvi'ar-chiu | areca | 青仔樹; 檳榔樹
chvichiuo | an inexperienced hand | 生手
chviuchiuo | gunman; sharpshooter; somebody who takes an exam for somebody else | 槍手
ciah-bøe koeachiuo | get caught trying to deceive someone or steal something; get caught taking a bribe; no time to finish this meal | 吃無過手; 得不到手
ciamhiøh-chiu | needle-leaved tree, a conifer | 針葉樹
ciamhiøqchiu | conifers; coniferous trees | 針葉樹
ciamkhaiuochiuo | tender hands and feet unfit for menial work | 尖跤幼手
ciapchiuo | to take over; to take up matters; take up matters left unfinished by predecessor; to follow in office | 接手; 經手
ciarchiuo | borrow | 藉手
cidchiuo | one hand | 一手
ciern chiuar | prune trees | 剪樹仔; 修剪樹木
ciexnchiuo | elfish | 濺手; 調皮的; 好撥弄的手
ciexnkhaf ciexnchiuo | teasing others | 弄腳弄手
citgiap soafnchiuo | professional athlete | 職業選手
cviarchiuo | right hand | 右手; 正手
cviarchiuo-peeng | right hand side | 右手邊; 正手爿; 右邊
cviuchiu | camphor tree | 樟樹
cviuxchiu | climb up to a tree | 上樹
cviuxchiuo | got it | 上手; 到手; 熟練
cyn-chiuchixn | very cool | 真秋凊
egchiuo | change hands | 易手
eng chiuo thvar`khix | carry away on the open palm; a sharp pushing blow delivered with the open palm(s) (Chinese boxing) | 用手推去; 用手頂去
engchiu | cherry tree | 櫻樹
engchiuo | idle hand | 閒手
enghoechiu | cherry tree | 櫻花樹
exchiuo | buyers; an inferior attendant; helper or assistant | 買者; 買手; 下手
exkhaf-chiuo | subordinate, assistant | 下跤手; 部下
exngchiuo | by hand | 用手
gagchiuo | musicians | 樂手
gaixkhaf gaixchiuo | be very much in the way | 礙手礙腳
gaixkhaf-gaixchiuo | be in the way; difficult to handle | 礙手礙腳
garn zefng chiuo khoaix | sharp of sight and quick of hand; see things clearly and act speedily | 眼清手快
giab'uu soafnchiuo | amateur player; non-professional entrant | 業餘選手
giaqchiuo | raise hand; lift hand | 舉手; 攑手
giofngchiuo | cupping one hand in the other in front of one's chest to express respect | 拱手
giogchiuo | fair hands; hands of a pretty lady | 玉手
giwkhaf-giwchiuo | hold hands and pull feet; pull and push | 扭腳扭手; 拉手扯腳
gixchiuo | artificial arm or hand; artificial limb | 義手; 義肢
gixmchiuo | to shake hands; holding hand to resist | 擒手; 握手; 抵當
goaxiafchiuo | outfielders | 外野手
gvexchiuo | force to get; importunity to take | 硬手; 硬取; 使硬法子
gvixchiuo | force to get; importunity to take | 硬手; 硬取; 使硬法子
hagchiu | a species of oak | 學樹; 槲
hahchiux | sneeze | 喝嚏; 打嚏聲
hangchiuo | warm one's hands | 烤手; 烘手
haqchiuo | suiting one's hand | 合手
hauxkhaf-hauxchiuo | slow | 慢吞吞的
haxchiuo | begin; put one's hand to; get to work | 下手
he togchiuo | lay violent hands on | 下毒手
he-auxchiuo | action afterwards | 下後手
he-togchiuo | to lay violent hands on someone | 下毒手
hexchiuo | buyers; an inferior attendant; helper or assistant | 買者; 下手; 動手
hiernchiuo | generous; vehement; fervent; giving; liberal | 獻醜
hiexnchiuo | on hand; available | 現手; 現有
hiongchiuo | murderer; cutthroat; killer | 凶手; 兇手
hiongchiuu | nostalgia | 鄉愁; 懷舊
hiuochiuo | let go the hand; pass away | 洒手; 擺手辭退
hoaichiu | a pagoda tree | 槐樹
hoanchiuo | to return a blow; to hit back; to strike back; strike back | 還手
hoat chiuxzay | plant and nourish tree seedlings | 培植樹苗
hoatchiuu | worry; be concerned; feel distressed | 發愁
hochiubin | face with beard | 鬍鬚面; 長落腮鬍的臉
hochiuo | a master, an expert | 鬍手
hoechiuo | to fight back; to return blow for blow | 回手
hongchiu | maple; Formosan sweet gum tree | 楓樹
horchiuo | hands; buddha hands | 戽手; 拂手
hoxsvoarchiu | terminalia tree | 雨傘樹
huchiuo | armrests; a handrail | 扶手
hudchiuo | Buddha's hand | 佛手
huichiuo | to wave the hand | 揮手
huiechiuo | disabled hand | 費手
hukhaf-safngchiuo | to serve; attend to comforts of parents; receive guests very graciously (Lit. support by the hand by the foot) | 扶腳扶手; 誇大的招待; 奉侍
hunchiuo | to part; to separate; break off relations | 分手
huochiuo | helpers; assistants | 副手; 助手
hviechiuo | lift a hand (as to give order or to write) | 甩手; 擲手
høchiu | Chinese guger-tree, lotus | 何樹; 荷樹
høfchiuo | good hand; skilled hand | 好手
høfkhachiuo | quick in action or understanding; agile; quick and efficient | 好腳手; 手腳敏捷
høfkhaf-høfchiuo | good health | 好腳好手; 身體強健
hør-khachiuo | good helper; quick in action or understanding, agile, quick and efficient | 好腳手; 伶俐,; 敏捷; 手足敏捷者
høxchiuo | trumpeter, bugler | 號手
iachiu | coconut | 椰樹; 可可椰子樹
iacychiu | coconut tree | 椰子樹
iapchiuo | with one's hands clasped behind one's back | 揜手; 背著手
iedchiuo | beckon; beckoning | 擛手; 招手; 搧手
iongchiu | banyan tree | 榕樹
itchiuo | single-handedly; all by oneself | 一手
itchiuo-jiathvy | hoodwink the public (Lit. to cover the entire sky with one hand) | 一手遮天
itluychiuo | first baseman | 一壘手
iuchiuo-hvorhieen | to live idleness; to be a lazy good-for-nothing | 遊手好閒
iuchiuu | sorrowful; gloomy; melancholy; distressed; sad | 憂愁
iutongchiu | physic nut | 油冬樹; 麻風樹
iuxchiuo | right hand | 右手
iøchiuo nihbak | give secret signals by waving the hand and winking | 搖手眨目
iøchiuo | wave the hand to show disagreement; move the hand from side to side with fingers up and palm forwards (as in declining; refusing or warning not to do); gesture of negation | 搖手
iøcvichiu | money tree; anyone one depends on as a steady dollar-earner; Pagoda-tree--a prostitute | 搖錢樹
jibchiuo | get under way; to start; a start; come in to one's hands; get | 入手; 著手
jinchiuo | manpower; human hand | 人手
jixchiuo | secondhand; assistant | 二手; 助手; 副手
jixluychiuo | second baseman | 二壘手
juchiu | elm (tree) | 如樹; 榆樹
kae iuchiuu | console; relieve grief | 解憂愁
kaochiuo | in one's possession; come into one's hands or possession | 到手
kapy-chiu | coffee-tree | 咖啡樹
kauchiuo | assault at arms; exchange blows (in a fight) | 交手
kaukhaf-kauchiuo | very agile; can do things very fast (Lit. monkey feet and money hands) | 手腳敏捷; 猴腳猴手
kauvoaxchiuo | telephone operator | 接線生; 交換手
kaychiuu | release worry | 解愁
keachiuo | pass from one man to another (money; things etc.); do something successfully | 過手; 得手
kefchiuo | to do something through somebody else; artificial limb | 假手; 義肢
kengchiuo | handle; deal with; pass through the hand so | 經手
keqchiuo | be a hindrance | 礙手
kexkhaf-kexchiuo | in the way | 礙手礙腳
khachiuo pun | clumsy hand and foot | 手腳遲鈍; 腳手笨
khachiuo tun | clumsy hand and foot | 手腳遲鈍; 腳手鈍
khachiuo | hand and foot; action; tricks; legs and hands; a (helping) hand | 腳手; 跤手; 手腳; 幫手
khachiuo-kex | scaffolding | 腳手架; 跤手架
khaf sngf chiuo nngr | limbs weak with sickness or exhaustion | 腳酸手軟
khanchiuo | wife; hand in hand; wife; to hold another's hands | 牽手; 妻子
khangchiuo | bare hands; empty-handed | 空手
khangchiuo-horhee | empty-handed; unarmed | 兩手空空; 空手戽魚
kharmchiu | cut tree | 砍樹
khawchiuo | skilled hands, skill | 巧手; 熟練的手
khechiuo | be a hindrance | 瘸手; 礙手
khiarngchiuo | a clever person, a sharp, strong-willed, overbearing | 能手; 精明的人
khinchiuo | careful and gentle in doing fine hand-work | 輕手
khoatchiuo | lack of hands | 缺手
khoeachiuo | rest one's elbow on | 擱手
khoechiuo | deformed or paralyzed arms (hands) | 瘸手; 手癱瘓
khuichiuo | open hands | 開手
khutchiuo | railing | 屈手; 扶手
khychiuo | commence; start to fight | 起手; 動手; 出手; 著手
khykhaf-taxngchiuo | (literally) to move hands and legs; to start an action | 動手動腳; 起腳動手
khøechiuo | an elbow can't function normally | 痂手; 萎手; 瘸手
kiarmchiuo | swordsman; a fencer | 劍手
kichiuo | standard-bearer | 旗手
kii hoong tegchiuo | opponents of equal strength; capability; evenly matched opponents | 棋逢敵手
kikoafn-chiuo | locomotive engineer | 機關犛; 機長
kimkw-chiu | Manila tamarind | 金龜樹
kiofngchiuo | to hold one's hands in a bow (usually in greeting or saying farewell) | 拱手
kiongchiuo | a strong person; archery bow; a catapult | 強手; 弓手
kiongcviechiuo | archer | 弓箭手
kiuchiuo | to draw hands back; look on unconcerned | 縮手; 勼手; 抽手無幹; 避免介入
kizherngchiuo | machine gunner | 機槍手
koachiuo | singer | 歌手
koaechiuo | digger | 怪手
koeachiuo | pass from one man to another (money; things etc.); do something successfully | 過手; 得手
koeazwchiuo | executioner | 劊子手
koefcychiu | fruit trees | 果子樹
kof-khachiuo | having no assistants; only one born (no brothers and sisters) | 孤跤手; 單單一個人; 獨自一人
kofchiu | ancient tree | 古樹
kofchiuo | drum player; drummer | 鼓手
kokchiuo | athletic representative of one's country | 國手
korchiu | an old tree | 古樹
kuichiuo | take care of entire job | 整手; 一手包辦
kunkekchiuo | boxer | 拳擊手
kvanafchiu | olive tree | 橄欖樹
kvanafchiuxoef | olive branch (symbol of peace) | 橄欖樹萵; 樹枝
kvanar-chiu | olive tree | 橄欖樹
kwchiuo | raise one's hands | 舉手
kychiuo | raise hand | 舉手
kyliaxmchiu | tree planted in commemoration | 紀念樹
kynchiuo | to do (something) quickly; to proceed quickly; be skillful in doing something | 緊手; 手腳敏捷; 快手; 敏捷; 手快
køchiuo | an expert; skilful person | 高手
køeachiuo | to fight hand to hand; prevail; succeed | 過手; 得手; 經手; 過後; 得逞
køfchiu | fruit trees | 果樹
lagkhaf-lagchiuo | take hold of one (as a child does) | 礙手礙腳
laixiafchiuo | infielder | 內野手
lak'hiøh-chiu | deciduous tree | 六葉樹; 落葉樹
langchiuo | manpower | 人手
lauxchiu | old tree | 老樹
lauxchiuo | an old hand | 老手
lawchiuo | experienced craftsman; an old hand at it; an expert | 老手
lawtiøh chiuo | sprained one's arm | 扭傷手
legchiuo | green hand | 綠手
lekchiuo | nervous and let go | 慄手; 緊張而放手
lengchiuo | expert; capable; competent person | 能手
lenggefngchiu | logan tree | 龍眼樹
lenggefngchiuxkhaf | under logan tree | 龍眼樹跤
liamkhaf-liamchiuo | walking with light steps; walking stealthily | 躡手躡腳
liaqkhaf-liaqchiuo | grab the foot the hand | 捉腳捉手
liarmchiuo | pinch hand | 捻手
lienchiuo | join hands | 聯手
liuliuchiuchiw | take a look | 溜溜瞅瞅
liuliw-chiuchiw | in great disorder | 溜溜瞅瞅; 零亂
liuochiuo | (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods; etc.); let fall from one's hands | 溜手; 失手; 滑下手
liwchiu | willow tree | 柳樹
liwchiuxky | willow branch | 柳樹枝
liwchiuxlaxm | willow | 柳樹湳
lixchiuo | leave hand | 離手
lixkhachiuo | grown up- no longer need parents' help | 離跤手
loadchiuo | weaker hand | 劣手
loanchiu | Chinese soapberry (tree) | 肥皂漿果樹; 欒樹
lok sie suii chiuo | At whose hand did the deer die ? ─ After all, who got it ? Who will win ? | 鹿死誰手
loxbefchiuo | in the end | 落尾手
loxboefchiuo | in the end | 落尾手
loxbøefchiuo | afterwards; later | 路尾手; 落尾手; 後來
ludchiuo | make a slip of the hand | 失手; 捲袖
lwnchiuo | to hold back one's hands | 忍手; 畏縮; 膽怯而鬆手; 做事有節制
lyafchiu | plum | 李仔樹
løethaau-chiu | box-leaf eugenia | 犁頭樹
løfchiuo | an old hand | 老手
løqbefchiuo | last; at the end | 落尾手
løqboefchiuo | las;at the end | 落尾手
løqchiuo | hands-on | 落手
naixcichiuxkhaf | lychee tree bottom | 荔枝樹跤
naixcichiuxterng | lychee tree top | 荔枝樹頂
niuafchiu | mulberry | 娘仔樹
niuar-chiu | mulberry | 娘仔樹; 桑樹
niuxchiuo | make a concession; yield to; give in; give way; relax one's attack a little (in a game or fight) | 讓手; 容讓; 手下留情
nngfchiuo | soften | 軟手; 手軟; 軟化
nngxchiuo | two hands | 兩手
nngxexchiuo | two hands- easy and quick to take care of | 兩下手
oaqoaqbea pak ti sie-zhengchiu | A live horse tied to a dead banyan tree--to tie up resources and (personnel) in a useless project | 活馬綁在死榕樹; 埋沒人才
oaxnchiuo | assist; lend a hand; extend a helping hand; assistance | 援手
ochiuo | mechanic is someone whose job is to repair and maintain machines and engines, especially car engines | 烏手; 機工; 技工
pafchiuo | knob, handle, grip | 飽手; 把手
pafnchiuo | wrench | 扳手
pagkhapagchiuo | get in the way- hands and feet are tied | 縛跤縛手
paixchiuo | to be defeated | 敗手; 手無靈而敗
panchiuo | wrench | 扳手
pangchiuo | helping hand; assistant; helper | 幫手
parngchiuo | relinquish; loosen the grasp or hold; let go; let go from one's hand; relinquish | 放手; 放棄
parngchiuo`aq | let go | 放手啦
pasethihchiu | Brazil iron tree | 巴西鐵樹
paxchiuo | to give up; stop; discontinue; cease; discontinue an action; to stop; to pause | 罷手
paxnchiuo | handle | 辦手
paxng bøe løqchiuo | cannot (or unwilling to) stop doing something | 放無下手
paxngkiuu soafnchiuo | baseball player | 棒球選手
pefngchiuo | flip hands over | 翻手
pek'hviw-chiu | cedar (of Lebanon) | 柏香樹
peklieen chiuxjiin | Education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruit | 百年樹人
pengchiuo | tie another (in competition); come out with even scores | 平手
penghwn chiuseg | two sides share (top honors; fame); equal each other in (achievement; scores) | 平分秋色
peqchiu | Formosan snow-bell, Taiwan reevesia | 白樹; 鈴木紅皮
peqchiuo sengkaf | built up fortune from scratch | 白手成家
peqchiuo | empty hands- no background | 白手
phahchiuo | hired thugs; clap the hands | 打手; 拍手; 保鏢
phanghiøh-chiu | Chinese spice bush | 香葉樹
phanghiøqchiu | Chinese spice bush | 香葉樹; 芳葉樹
phaochiuo | artillery soldier; gunner | 炮手
phaq-chiuhofng | autumn breeze | 打秋風; 拍秋風
phokhaf-phochiuo | flattering someone; special treatments | 抬腳抬手
phothechiu | pipal; tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; bo tree; (Buddhism) bodhidruma; the wisdom tree under which Sakyamuni attained his enlightenment and became Buddha | 菩提樹
phothee-chiu | tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; Bo-tree | 菩提樹
phud chiuxoef | cut off twigs; lop off branches | 砍樹枝
phutøchiu | grapevine | 葡萄樹
phvarchiuo | generous; generous; elegant and composed in good taste | 大方; 用錢大方
phvaychiuo | bad hand | 歹手
phvoaxchiuo | a present or a gift for the visit; small gift (bring gift to visit friends) | 伴手; 隨手帶的禮物; 小禮物 (拜訪人家或親友所帶的)
phøh'afchiu | a tropical tree | 朴仔樹
phøxchiuo | fold the arms | 抱手
pichiuu | melancholy; sad; grievous; pensive | 悲愁
pin'nngchiu | areca; betel nut palm tree | 檳榔樹
png'afchiu | maple; maple tree | 楓仔樹
pngchiu | maple; Formosan sweet gum tree | 楓樹
poefchiuo | ward off with the hands; use the hands to push or strike lightly (at the beginning of a quarrel) | 撥手
pofchiuo | catcher | 捕手
pokuichiu | palmetto tree | 蒲葵樹
poxchiuo | catcher (baseball) | 捕手
puxnkhaf-puxnchiuo | clumsy-handed; awkward | 笨手笨腳
puxnkhapuxnchiuo | clumsy | 笨手笨腳
pvechiuo | tie another (in competition); come out with even scores | 平手
pvichiuo | tie | 平手
pviekhachiuo | playing tricks | 變跤手
pychiuo oexkhaf | gesticulate; use sign language | 比手畫腳
pychiuo | to signal with hands; gesture with the hands; indicate or point out with the finger; gesticulate | 比手; 做手勢
pykhaf oexchiuo | gesticulate; use sign language | 比手畫腳
pykhaf taxngchiuo | move about one's arms and legs in a boisterous; troublesome manner | 動手動腳
pykhaoexchiuo | expressed with hands and feet | 比跤畫手
pøefchiuo | to push aside someone's hand | 拂手
pøløchiu | pineapple tree | 婆羅樹
samchiu | Japanese cedar, peacock pine, willow fir | 杉樹
sanhochiu | coral tree | 珊瑚樹
saochiuo | broom | 掃帚
satchiuo | hit man; killer | 殺手; 撒手
saxng-chiuphøf | amorous glance | 送秋波
sefchiuo | wash the hands; wash one's hands of evil ways; have nothing more to do with it | 洗手
sefng zhutchiuo | be the first to start something (e.g.; to attack his opponent); be the first to lend a hand or have a hand in | 先出手
segchiuo | old experienced worker | 熟手
seh'auxchiuo | bribe | 踅後手; 行賄
sengchiuo | novice | 生手
serngchiuo | the holy hand | 聖手
serngtarnchiu | Christmas tree | 聖誕樹
siangchiuo baxnleeng | with these two hands one can work miracles | 雙手萬能
siangchiuo | both hands; two hands | 雙手
siap'auxchiuo | bribe | 塞後手; 賄賂
siauchiuu kaybun | allay sorrow and dissipate worry | 消愁解悶
siauchiuu | sorrow | 消愁
siaxchiuo | shooter; marksman; gunner; archer | 射手
siaxngchiuo | same hand | 同手
siefn haxchiuo uii kioong | It's always advantageous to make the first move or take the initiative | 先下手為強
sinchiuo | agility; artistic skill | 身手
sinzherngchiuo | marksman | 神槍手
siongchiu | pine; pine-tree | 松樹
siongchiu-iuu | turpentine | 松樹油; 松脂
sionglegchiu | evergreen trees | 常綠樹
sionglek-chiu | an evergreen | 常綠樹
siorngchiuo | Physiognomy- hands; opponent- in Japanese | 相手
sioxngchiu | oak, terebinth (tree) | 松樹; 橡樹
sitchiuo | break something or hurt somebody by accident; to slip; lose control of the hand | 失手
siukhasefchiuo | makes on'e feet and hands clean- not getting involved anymore | 收跤洗手
siukhasoefchiuo | makes one's feet and hands clean- not getting involved anymore | 收跤洗手
siøliarmchiuo | direct; guide; give directions in secret | 相捏手; 暗中指點
siør-chiuxnaa | grove | 小樹林
sngsuichiu | mulberry tree | 桑垂樹
soafnchiuo | player; member of a sports team or delegation representing a school; area or country | 選手
soarchiuo | take over; continue | 續手
sofng'chiu | songchiu | 桑樹
sokchiuo buzheg | no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手無策
sokchiuo pongkoafn | fold the arms and look on; stand by and observe | 束手旁觀
sokchiuo thaixpex | wait for one's death with hands tied ─ be a sitting duck | 束手待斃
sokchiuo | have one's hands tied ─ no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手
songchiu | Japanese mulberry; pine tree | 松樹
suichiuo khøfteg | easy to get; be within easy reach | 垂手可得
suichiuo kvoaimngg | Close the door with the same hand (Lit. Close the door behind you.) | 隨手關門
suichiuo | Pmod: as you go; as you do (sthg else); [[suxnchiuo]]; as you wish; as you pass by; easily (obtain); as one pass by; at once; without hesitation; freely | 隨手
suxnchiuo khanviuu | steal something in passing; steal something without premeditation because the article in question happens to be conveniently located when one chances to see it | 順手牽羊
suxnchiuo | as you go; as you do; taking the opportunity to do something else of the same sort; by the way | 順手
svakichiuo | 3 hands | 三肢手
svaluychiuo | third baseman | 三壘手
svanngxexchiuo | easy, not much efforts | 三兩下手
sviusi'afchiu | acacia tree | 相思仔樹
sviusichiu | acacia tree | 相思樹
sychiu | dead tree | 死樹
sym tok chiuo loah | callous and cruel; cold blooded; merciless in heart and deed | 心毒手辣
søchiuo | empty handed (lose all the money); touch the hand | 疏手; 搓手; 形容輸光光
søefchiuo | wash hands | 洗手
søkhasøchiuo | slow to act; lazy | 趖跤趖手
tahchiuo | clap the hands | 貼手; 拍手
taokhachiuo | helper; co-worker; assist one another; to help; give a hand | 鬥腳手; 幫手
tauchiuo | baseball pitcher | 投手
taux-khachiuo | help, lend a hand | 鬥腳手; 鬥跤手; 幫忙
taxngchiuo | begin; get one's feet wet; take action; heavy or strong hand; handle roughly | 動手; 重手; 笨拙; 手力重
taxngkhachiuo | move hands and feet- implying fighting | 動跤手
taxngkhaf-taxngchiuo | move one's arms and legs about boisterously or in a troublesome manner; to gesture; gesticulate | 動手動腳
teachiuo | immediately, at once | 綴手
techiu | the Camellia; a tea plant (botany) | 茶樹
tefngchiuo | master; overman; previously done by another; the wholesaler or manufacturer (said by a retailer) | 頂手; 師傅; 上盤
tegchiuo | rival; competitor; adversary; an enemy of equal strength | 敵手
thauchiuo | 1st hand | 頭手
thauchiuo`ee | the head man of several workmen on a job; foreman | 第一手; 頭手
theachiuo | substitute | 替手
thekhimchiuo | a violinist | 提琴手
thengchiuo | stop working; writing; fighting | 停手; 住手
thihchiu khuihoef | literally; the blooming of an iron tree ─ an impossibility; something that very rarely happens | 鐵樹開花
thihchiu | cycad; a type of palm tree | 鐵樹
thiq-saochiuo | fortune teller's phrase regarding a girl who will injure the bridegroom's family | 鐵掃帚
thoatchiuo | to slip off one's hand; to sell out (goods or stock on hand) | 脫手
thoeachiuo | substitute for, substitute worker | 替手
thuichiuo | to push the hand | 推手
thveachiuo | support the hand or arm on something; because without such support we could not hold the object up | 蹩手
thøafchiu | peach tree | 桃仔樹
thøeachiuo | substitute for, substitute worker | 退手; 替手
tiaochiuo | Working with the arms in an awkward position (usually over head) in such a way as they become easily fatigued | 吊手
tiaq chiuxoef | to snap off twigs | 摘樹枝
tiogchiuo | start doing something; put or set one's hand to; begin to work on; make a beginning | 著手
tiongchiumee | mid autumn festival eve | 中秋暝
tiongchiupviar | moon cakes; autumnal equinox cakes | 中秋餅; 中秋月餅
tiongchiuzeq | the Mid-autumn Festival; 15th of the 8th month (lunar) | (節); 中秋
tiongchiuzoeq | mid autumn festival | 中秋節
titchiuo | get into one's hand; obtain | 得手
tixn-khachiuo | block | 擋腳手; 阻擋
tiøqchiuo | to start doing something; take action | 著手
tngchiuo | long hand | 長手
tngfchiuo | to fall into another's hand; a very brief time; sale | 轉手
toa-zhutchiuo | generous | 大出手
toarchiuo | carry in the hand, carry a gift | 帶手; 手提
toaxchiu | big tree | 大樹
toaxchiuar | big tree | 大樹仔
toaxchiuxkhaf | under big tree | 大樹跤
toaxzhengchiu | large banyan | 大榕樹
toaxzhutchiuo | generous | 大出手
tochiuo | bare-handed, unarmed | 圖手; 徒手
togchiuo | an atrocious act; a murderous scheme; venomous action | 毒手
toxngchiuo | begin fighting, begin action | 動手
tuiechiuo | an opponent; an adversary; a match; other party; a rival | 對手; 伙伴…對手
turnchiuo | shake hands | 頓手; 握手
tuxnkhatuxnchiuo | clumzy | 鈍跤鈍手
tvikhaf-tvichiuo | be a hindrance; encumbrance or impediment; (a family) holds one back from work | 纏手纏腳; 礙手礙腳
tvikhapvoarchiuo | got in a way | 纏跤絆手
tvikhatvichiuo | got in a way | 纏跤纏手
tvoakhachiuo | having no assistants; only one born (no brothers and sisters) | 單跤手; 獨自一人
tørchiuo | left hand | 左手; 倒手
tørchiuo-peeng | left side | 左手邊; 倒手爿; 左邊
tøxchiuo | helmsman; steersman | 舵手
uxkhaf-uxchiuo | healthy; can operate freely | 手腳健全; 行動自由
uxnzoafnchiuo | driver | 運轉手
voaxchiuo | change hands (e.g.; house or land); to change from one hand to the other (when carrying a heavy basket) | 換手
zaichiu | plant trees | 植樹
zaixchiuo | in hands; in stock | 在手
zangchiu | palm; palm tree | 棕樹; 棕櫚樹
zao-køeachiuo | missed it | 走過手
zengchiuo | front claws | 前手
zerngchiu | plant trees | 種樹
zerngchiuafcied | Arbor Day; March 12; anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's death | 植樹仔節
zexng chiuar | plant trees | 種樹仔
zhachiu | firewood | 柴樹
zhachiuar | firewood | 柴樹仔
zhachiuo | cross the arms | 插手
zhadchiuo | thief | 賊手
zhadkhaf-zhadchiuo | thief | 賊腳賊手
zhadkhazhadchiuo | thief feet and hands | 賊跤賊手
zhahchiu | insert tree | 插樹
zhahchiuo | interfere; take part in; meddle | 插手; 手插腰上
zhamchiu | Japanese mulberry | 蠶桑; 小葉桑
zhapchiuo | interfere; meddle officiously; want a share in | 插手
zhapkhaf-zhapchiuo | get involved | 插腳插手
zhechiuo | cross hand | 叉手
zhekchiuo | bare hands | 赤手
zheng'afchiu | banyan | 榕仔樹
zheng'afchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔樹跤
zheng'afchiuxkofng | old banyan tree | 榕仔樹公
zheng'afchiuxterng | banyan tree top | 榕仔樹頂
zhengchiu | banyan | 榕樹
zhengchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕樹跤
zhengpeh'afchiu | banyan | 榕柏仔樹
zherngchiuo | hired gunman; gunman; substitute writer | 鎗手
zhoaan-khachiuo | prepare manpower | 拴腳手; 備人馬
zhochiuo puxnkhaf | awkward; maladroit; clumsy | 粗手笨腳
zhochiuo | not delicate; not careful | 粗手
zhof-khachiuo | unskilled laborer | 粗腳手; 苦力
zhokhaf-taxngchiuo | crude acting; rude; violent; wild | 粗手笨腳
zhorchiuo putkip | be caught unawares or unprepared; be taken by surprise | 措手無及
zhuiechiuthaau | beard stubble | 嘴鬚頭; 鬚根
zhuiehiøqchiu | broken leaf tree | 碎葉樹
zhuiehiøqchiuxpvy | broken leaf tree edge | 碎葉樹邊
zhunchiuo | stretch out hands | 伸手
zhunha-chiutafng | spring; summer; autumn; winter | 春夏秋冬
zhunkhaf-zhutchiuo | reaching out | 伸腳伸手
zhuntngchiuo | stretch out a long arm (said of a beggar or man always requesting money or things) | 伸長手; 求乞
zhutchiuo | start (a fight; a doing); buy; put forth the hand; to attack | 出手; 動手
zhutkhachiuo | action | 出跤手
zhvechiuo | beginner; novice | 生手
zhvechiuxzaang | areca tree | 青樹欉
zhwn-tngchiuo | stretch out- asking for a favor | 伸長手
zhørchiu | cut or fell a tree | 砍樹; 伐木; 剉樹
zhørchiuar | cut or fell a tree | 剉樹仔; 伐木; 砍樹
zhørchiuo | make a slip; injure a person accidentally | 錯手; 失手
zoafnchiuo | sale; fall into another's hands | 轉手
zoxchiuo | helpers; assistants | 副手; 助手
zuiechiuo | drunken | 醉酒
zuxchiuo | hold one's hand; Stop! Stop an action; to halt; to hold | 住手
zuychiuo | sailor | 水手
zøeachiuo | deceive by sleight-of-hand | 做手; 玩弄手法
zøfafchiu | jujube tree | 棗仔樹
zøfchiuo | left hand | 左手
zøfiu-chiuo | an assistant | 左右手
zøfiuo-chiuo | an assistant | 左右手
zøfiuxchiuo | left and right hands, able assistants, top aides | 左右手
zørchiuo | fake; to counterfeit | 偽造; 玩弄手法; 做手腳
zøx-bøe løqchiuo | cannot bring oneself to do; hindered from doing | 下無了手

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