"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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armkongciao | a night bird(owl); a guy who stays up late; owl; person who sits up late at night; night owl | 暗公鳥; 暗光鳥; 夜貓子; 貓頭鷹
baxngciao | catch birds | 網鳥
bunciao | munia, weaver bird | 文鳥
chiogciao | magpie | 鵲鳥; 臺灣藍鵲
ciao | a marsh; bird | 沼; 鳥; 鳥(兒)
ciao'exng | (v) take care of | 照應
ciao'iau | to shine upon | 照耀
ciao'iog | in compliance with agreement | 照約; 依照約定
ciaobeeng sietpi | illuminating equipment; photo flash equipment | 照明設備
ciaobeeng | lighting; lightening; illumination | 照明
ciaobeeng-tefng | illuminating lamp | 照明燈
ciaobeeng-tvoaa | a flare bomb, an illuminating shell | 照明彈
ciaobeng | an imperial command | 詔命
ciaobengtvoaa | flare | 照明彈
ciaobin | face to face | 照面
ciaociah-ciaophaq | go Dutch | 照吃照打; 各付各的
ciaociaqciaophaq | go Dutch | 公吃公付錢, 各付各的
ciaocie | an emperor's edict | 詔旨
ciaociofng paxnlie | carry on; operate; or manage according to rules; regulations | 照章辦理
ciaociofng | according to regulations | 照章
ciaogiah | in compliance with a quota; according to this amount; according to quantity | 照額; 按照金額
ciaogoaan | (adj) as before; as in the past | 照原; 按照原來; 復原; 照樣; 照舊
ciaohap | photo | 照合
ciaoho | care | 照護
ciaohoad | in compliance with the law | 照法; 依法
ciaohoe | (n) letters of understanding or concern exchanged between governments; diplomatic notes; memoranda; inquiry by letter; make inquiries about a matter | 照會
ciaohux | pay the full amount according to the price; tag; receipt; notice; IOU | 照付
ciaoiau | radiate; light up; illuminate | 照耀
ciaoiog | follow the contract | 照約
ciaojit | based upon the date | 照日
ciaokaq | (v) pair up; put into pairs; (v) add sth into a group; mixed in proper proportions like of good and bad | 照佮; 搭配; 公允分配
ciaokex siubea | buy or requisition land according to the price declared by the owner | 照價收買
ciaokex | in compliance with the price | 照價
ciaokhoarn | as before; (same) as usual | 照款; 照樣
ciaokhuy | to pay fee evenly | 照開
ciaokhvoax | ordinarily; as a rule | 照看; 看情形; 照常理看
ciaokhykafng | according to the rules | 照紀綱; 按規矩
ciaokiao | pay taxes or fines according to the stipulated amount | 照繳
ciaokii | according to the date | 照期
ciaokoarn | take care of; certainly; surely; take care of; manage; keep safe | 照管; 管理
ciaokorng | in the ordinary course of events; ordinarily; normally; as a rule; ordinarily | 照講; 照理說
ciaokox | see after; attend on; care for; take care of | 照顧
ciaoku | as formerly, as before | 照舊
ciaokviaa | follow | 照行
ciaole | customarily; as usual; follow precedents or usual practices | 照例
ciaolea | according to the ceremony | 照禮
ciaoliau | care; keep an eye on; look after; take care of; look after | 照料
ciaolie korng | speak according to reason | 照理講
ciaolie | according to reason; in the ordinary course of events; normally; theoretically | 照理
ciaolok | record or copy exactly what is said or written | 照錄
ciaoluie | split | 照壘; 均分
ciaolun | in one's turn | 照輪
ciaoluun | take turn | 照輪; 輪流
ciaopaai | sequence; order; arranged in regular order | 照排; 依次; 挨次; 順序; 照順序排
ciaopan | wilco; do the same; come across; take action; accordingly; manage or handle something according to instruction; orders | 照辦
ciaophoex | mixed in proper proportions | 照配; 平均分配
ciaophvix | a photo, a photograph, a picture | 照片
ciaopo | in order | 照步; 按照秩序; 照規矩
ciaopoxlaai | in the proper order | 照步來; 照規矩來
ciaopurn be | sell at cost | 照本賣
ciaopurn zhutsiuu | sell at cost price (a common sales slogan in a Chinese shop) | 照本出售
ciaopurn | at cost price, as priory decided | 照本
ciaopwn | dividing equally among all; in equal parts | 照分; 均分; 平分
ciaosia | throw light on; illuminate | 照射
ciaosii | on time; before deadline; on schedule; on time | 照時; 按時
ciaosiong | take picture | 照像
ciaosiong-koarn | a photo studio | 照像館; 照相館
ciaosiong-ky | a camera | 照像機; 照相機
ciaosiong-pho | an album | 照像簿; 相簿
ciaosioong | as usual; as ever; as usual | 照常
ciaosiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
ciaosiorngky | camera | 照相機
ciaosiorngsut | photography | 照相術
ciaosiorngsw | photographer | 照相師
ciaosioxng | take a photograph | 照相
ciaosit | in accordance with the fact; in accordance with facts; to tell the truth | 照實; 據實
ciaosiw | duly receive; duly received; accept accordingly | 照收
ciaosngx | according to the calculation; reckon accordingly; charge without deduction; discount | 照算
ciaosoad | to say so | 照說
ciaosw | imperial brief | 詔書
ciaothaau | (adv) anew; de novo | 照頭; 依次; 挨次; 從頭
ciaothaulaai | from the beginning | 照頭來; 照順序
ciaothauluun | take turn from the beginning | 照頭輪
ciaothaupaai | follow the line | 照頭排
ciaothvoaf | divide expenses according to the stake or share that each has | 分攤
ciaotit | follow straight | 照直
ciaoviu | just the same; none the worse; pattern after; to copy; in the old manner | 照樣
ciaozeeng | as before,as formerly | 照前; 照以前
ciaozhaw | make a copy of the original | 照抄
ciaozhuosu | following the order | 照次序
ciaozoex | do it accordingly | 照做
ciaozurn | in accordance with the order; approve a request; give approval to a request | 照准
ciaozøx | do it according to this rule; do it this way | 照做; 按常規做
ciuxciao | a vulture | 鷲鳥
cvyciao | young birds | 嫩鳥
engciao | a warbler; an oriole | 鷹鳥
gai laan ciaozurn | It is impossible for this office to grant the permission. (conventional phrase in official communications) | 礙難照準
gogciao | a swan | 鵠鳥
haixciao | injurious birds; vermin | 害鳥
hayciao | seabirds | 海鳥
hoadjiin ciaoexng | there is no one to take care of him | 乏人照應
hoksefng ciao'iau | wishing someone good luck (may the auspicious star shine on you) | 福星照耀
horngsiaxsvoax ciaosioxng | radio graph | 放射線照相
hoxngciao | phoenix | 鳳鳥; 鳳凰
huiciao | flying bird | 飛鳥
hwnciao | pigeon; pigeon | 粉鳥; 鴿子
hwnciao-tuu | dovecot | 粉鳥櫥
hyciao | a bird which came in announcing good news | 喜鳥
ke'afciao | chicks and birds | 雞仔鳥
keatangciao | migratory birds | 過冬鳥
khehciao | magpie | 客鳥; 喜鵲
kimsy-ciao | canary | 金絲雀; 金絲鳥
koaeciao | strange bird, freak bird | 怪鳥
kociao | a lonely bird; an isolated bird | 孤鳥
koeatangciao | migratory birds | 過冬鳥
køehkongciao | | 郭公鳥
lafngtiongciao | restricted and confined; without much freedom (Lit. bird in a cage) | 籠中鳥
lafpahciao | hornbird | 喇叭鳥
lauxciao | old bird like old soldier never die | 老鳥
lawciao | an old bird; an old hand | 老鳥; 老練者
laxnciao | glans; penis (slang) | 陰莖; 𡳞鳥; 陽具; 屌; 龜頭
luiciao | thunderbird | 雷鳥
luikofng-ciao | Lagopus mutus | 雷公鳥; 雷鳥
ngciao | yellow bird; oriole | 黃鶯
niauthauciao | owl | 貓頭鷹
pahciqciao | to shriek | 百舌鳥
paklengciao | lark | 百靈鳥
panbunciao | Chinesemunia | 斑紋鳥; 斑文鳥
parnghwnciao | set a pigeon free to fly with whistle attached; send off carrier pigeons; break appointment | 放鴿子
pekleeng-ciao | Formosan skylark | 百靈鳥
peklengciao | a lark having a sustained; melodious song | 百靈鳥
peqauciao | white seagull | 白鷗鳥
peqciao | white bird | 白鳥
phahciao | shoot birds | 打鳥
phangciao | bee bird | 蜂鳥
phitciao | Mandarin duck | 匹鳥; 鴛鴦
phoarkehciao | magpie | 破格鳥
phu'iongciao | ricebird | 芙蓉鳥
poeciao | flying birds | 飛鳥
porkog-ciao | the cuckoo | 布穀鳥
pøeciao | birds of the air | 飛鳥
siekhaciao | 4 legs bird | 四跤鳥
siøciaokox | take care of each other | 相照顧
sorciao | Stear's bubbler (bird) | 素鳥; 藪鳥
svoaauxciao | gray-faced vulture | 山後鳥
svoaciao | mountain bird | 山鳥
taixphengciao | an enormous (legendary) bird | 大鵬鳥
tekciao | rufous laughing thrush (bird) | 竹鳥
tharmciaotefng | searchlight | 探照燈
thaubagciao | chief bird | 頭目鳥
theqphoeciao | mailbird | 提批鳥
tikvy-ciao | robin (bird) | 知更鳥
tokbogciao | woodpecker | 啄木鳥
tuieciaopiør | contrastive or comparative table | 對照表
tøciao | ostrich | 鴕鳥; 駝鳥
vie'afciao | swallow | 燕仔鳥
zhaeciao | rookie | 菜鳥
zhaociao | dark hoopoe | 臭鳥; 戴勝
zhuokakciao | sparrow | 厝角鳥
zhuothauciao | sparrow | 厝頭鳥
zuyciao | water bird; aquatic bird | 水鳥

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