"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: cviw

afmcviw | starch of rice gruel; porridge | 粥漿
buncviw | sentence; article; essay; composition; an essay; article; paper; writing; composition | 文章
bycviw | pulp made by grinding rice in water | 米漿
ciaqcviw | starch a garment or material; starch clothing; cloth or clothes that are starched | 吃漿; 上漿
cidcviw | one chapter | 一章
ciencviw | previous chapter | 前章
citcviw | this chapter | 這章
cviw | chapter; slurry | 章; 漿
cviwar | paddle | 槳仔
cviwhagkym | scholarship, fellowship | 獎學金
cviwhuun | lines on palm of hand | 掌紋
cviwkoaxn | lottery ticket | 獎卷; 獎券
cviwkym | prize-money | 獎金
cviwsym | center of the palm | 掌心
cviwtiofng | in the palm of the hand; in control | 掌中
cviwtø | grasp the tiller; to steer | 掌舵
gagcviw | a musical composition; a song composition; musical movement | 樂章
gamcviw | lava; geology | 岩漿
hicviw | fish paste | 魚漿
hierncviw | a charter, constitutional visions | 憲章
hietcviw | blood plasma | 血漿
hoehcviw | blood plasma | 血漿
hucviw | fish paste | 魚漿
huihcviw | blood plasma | 血漿
hwncviw | starch | 粉漿; 澱粉
kafngcviw | written lecture or sermon | 講章; 講稿
khycviw | to remove the starch; to remove the thick fluid | 去槳
koarncviw | to fill the crevices between bricks; etc. with mortar to make the foundation; wall; or pavement secure; grouting; to fill the space between bricks with mortar; to make the foundation; wall or pavement secure | 灌漿
kuicviw | whole chapter | 整章
moafpag buncviw | very learned; erudite | 滿腹文章
muycviw | every chapter | 每章
nicviw | mud | 泥漿
phangcviw | mountain litsea | 香薑; 山胡椒
siangcviwar | sampan | 雙舢仔; 舢板
siar buncviw | write a literary essay | 寫文章
tagcviw | every chapter | 逐章
tauxcviw | bean milk not yet cured | 豆漿; 未加水的豆漿
tefngcviw | the chapter immediately preceding | 前章
texsvacviw | the third chapter | 第三章
thngcviw | syrup; molasses | 糖漿
thocviw | deep slushy mud | 泥漿
thøfcviw | Taiwan camphor tree | 土漿; 土樟
tøe-id cviw | first chapter | 第一章
zhaocviw | bird camphor tree, Taiwan cryptocarya | 臭樟
zhawcviw | bird camphor tree, Taiwan cryptocarya | 草漿
zoafcviw | paper pulp | 紙漿
zøx-buncviw | write essays | 作文章

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