"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: efar

befar | pony | 馬仔
boefar | at the end; at last | 尾仔; 後來
bøefar | cauda; trail; afterwards; later | 尾仔; 後來; 尾巴
bøefbøefar | the very last one; near the end of line | 尾尾仔; 最後
cidkehefar | whole family | 一家伙仔
cidkehoefar | whole family | 一家伙仔
efar | a short person; dwarf | 矮仔; 侏儒
hviuhoefar | small bag of joss stick ash or written spells carried as a talisman | 香火仔; 隨身符; 香包
høflefar | courteous; carefully | 好禮仔; 小心的
kefar | rack, set of shelves | 架子
kin'aftefar | basically; fundamental | 根仔底仔; 底細
koefar | pho | 粿仔
kvefar | a machine for gathering grains | 耞仔
køefar | rice cake | 粿仔
liawboefar | useless kids | 了尾仔
logkhogbefar | horse | 碌硞馬仔
loxboefar | in the end | 路尾仔
løqboefar | las;at the end | 落尾仔
mngbefar | hairy tail | 毛尾仔
mngboefar | hairy tail | 毛尾仔
nngxboefar | not much | 兩尾仔
nngxpefar | two bunches | 兩把仔
okalefar | black puppet | 烏傀儡仔
paxnkehoefar | play house; playing at house keeping | 辦家家酒
paxnkonghefar | child's play | 扮公伙仔
paxnkonghoefar | child's play | 扮公伙仔
paxnkongkehoefar | child's play | 扮公家伙仔
peqkefar | maidenhair tree | 白果仔
pvoartefar | half piece | 半塊仔
pørbefar | an informer; scout; spy; detective | 報馬仔; 探子; 打小報告
sefar | millet | 小米; 粟
sefar-svoax | type of thread | 紗仔線
sioxngboefar | the last | 上尾仔
siøfbefar | a pony, acolt | 小馬仔
soahboefar cidtiarfmar | the youngest (latest, smallest) child. | 小尾仔囝
soahboefar | last one | 煞尾仔
soefar | millet | 黍仔
taixthefar | big body | 大體仔
teftefar | a little bit short | 短短仔
thauphoefar | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭皮屑
thauzangboefar | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾仔
thvite boefar | end of heaven and earth ─ said of extraordinary calamities or unexampled crimes; portending the end of the dynasty | 末日
toxpefar | brown cricket | 土蟋蟀
zhuopvithauboefar | neighboor | 厝邊頭尾仔
øefar | shorty | 矮子; 矮仔

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