aemai heng'uii | scandal (especially an illicit affair) | 曖昧行為
beng'u | honor | 名譽
beng'ucid | honorary post | 名譽職
beng'ui | famous painting | 名畫
beng'usym | desire for fame; ambition | 名譽心
beng'uu | honor; fame; reputation | 名譽
beng'uu-hag'ui | honorary degree | 名譽學位
beng'uu-hoexoaan | honorary member (honorary president) | 名譽會員
beng'uu-phoksu | honorary doctor | 名譽博士
bong jii seng'uix | be awe-stricken by merely looking at it | 望而生畏
buu heng'uii lenglek ee laang | person without disposing capacity in law | 無行為能力的人
bøleng'uy | ineffective, powerless 'of a god' | 無靈威
eng'u chixbinzexng | certificate of honorary citizenship | 榮譽市民證
eng'u hag'ui | honorary degree | 榮譽學位
eng'u hoextviuo | honorary chairman | 榮譽會長
eng'u kunjiin | servicemen wounded in action | 榮譽軍人
eng'u phoksu | honorary doctor (PhD) | 榮譽博士
eng'u | honor; honorary; credit; glory; luster | 榮譽
eng'un | operations | 營運
eng'uu | a balance remaining; surplus; profit | 盈餘
eng'uy | brilliant and dignified | 英威
gixkiab heng'uii | chivalrous conduct | 義俠行為
heng'uihoan | criminal caught in the act | 行為犯
heng'uii | conduct; behavior; deportment; an act; action; conduct; deed | 行為; 胸圍
heng'uii-putbeeng | unclearly behavior | 行為不明
hoaxnzoe heng'uii | criminal act | 犯罪行為
honghai beng'u | libel; to slander | 妨害名譽
huihan-seng'uo | drops of perspiration falling down like a shower | 揮汗成雨
huypoxng heng'uii | act of libel or slander; libel | 誹謗行為
keng'unky | power tiller | 耕耘機
keng'uun | till and weed; cultivate | 耕耘
kørjiin-beng'u | personal reputation | 個人名譽
leng'ui | memorial tablet | 靈位; 牌位
leng'uii | able; resourceful | 能為
peng'urn | calm; quiet; tranquil; steady and smooth (bus ride; driving) | 平穩
phvae-heng'uii | bad behavior | 歹行為
phørhai beng'u | ruin one's reputation; to slander | 破壞名譽
poesioong beng'u | indemnity for defamation | 賠償名譽
put'beng'u | disgraceful, disreputable | 不名譽
putbeng'u | dishonor; disreputable; scandalous | 不名譽
putzexng heng'uii | wrong action | 不正行為
seng'uii | to become | 成為
seng'un | success | 成運
seng'urn | stable | 成穩
sexng-heng'uii | sexual intercourse | 性行為
sid beng'u | lose reputation or good name | 失名譽
tantok heng'uii | unilateral action (legal) | 單獨行為
tegtuix heng'uii | hostile act; hostility | 敵對行為
teng'ui | ascend the throne; begin a reign | 登位
thiauciexn heng'uii | provocative actions | 挑戰行為
u-leng'uy | majestic and powerful (god) | 有靈威
zerngtofng ee heng'uii | correct behavior | 正當的行為
zheng'un | clearance | 清運
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