"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: engbeeng

Zhengbeeng | Feast of Tombs; a lunar period during which the Chinese worship at or clean the grave roughly corresponding to Easter time | 清明; 清明節
beerng'bengbeeng | so | 明明明
bengbeeng pegpek | clear; clearly; obviously; evidently | 明明白白
bengbeeng | clearly; certainly; obviously; apparently; without a doubt | 明明
engbeeng | go far; wisdom; fame | 英明; 英名
itkie-sengbeeng | become famous with one move | 一舉成名
kioxngtoong sengbeeng | joint statement; joint communique | 共同聲明
lienhap sengbeeng | joint statement; declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap-sengbeeng | a join declaration | 聯合聲明
sengbeeng | announce; declare; issue a statement; announce; declare; make a statement; clarify publicly | 聲明; 成名
tengpøx sengbeeng | make the matter widely known through the press; clarify or announce by a newspaper advertisement | 登報聲明
zengbeeng toadli | contest for fame and riches | 爭名奪利
zengbeeng | artful; canny; heady; prudent; clever and smart | 精明
zhengbeeng | Tomb-sweeping Day | 清明

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