"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: engkøf

apengkøf | soldier | 阿兵哥
engkøf | parrot; popinjay; parrot | 鸚鵡; 鸚哥
engkøf-phvi | a parrot's like protruded nose | 鸚哥鼻; 高突的鼻子
hoglengkøf | type of sweet cake made with Chinese root | 茯苓糕
khiaxtengkøf | setup bamboo lantern for lunar July ceremony | 徛燈篙
lengkøf siexnbuo | skilled in both singing and dancing (usually said of a woman) | 能歌善舞
pengkøfseg | ice store | 冰果室
pengkøftiaxm | Ice fruit shop | 冰果店
zengkøf | to raise, to heighten | 爭高
zhengkøf | aloof from politics and material pursuits; morally lofty or upright; not interested in politics or other worldly things | 清高
zuxbeeng zhengkøf | consider oneself morally superior to others; look down on all others as vulgar or dishonest | 自鳴清高

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Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

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