"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: engsefng

bengsefng | a star; an impersonator; movie star; famous person | 明星
engsefng | express congratulations; best wishes for.. | 榮升
hengsefng | Fixed stars | 恆星; 行星
kengsefng | start life anew, have a new life, turn over a new leaf | 更生
khengsefng | risk one's life; regard life lightly; commit suicide | 輕生
lengsefng | fragmented; fractional; not as a whole | 零星
luo-bengsefng | female star; actress | 女明星
osengsefng | chimpanzee | 黑猩猩
pengsefng | in all one's life; usually; ordinarily; during one's whole past life; in all one's life; throughout one's life; life long | 平生
sengsefng seasex | from generation to generation; without end | 生生世世
sengsefng | an orangutan | 猩猩
sengsefng-bok | poinsettia | 生生木; 猩猩木
serngkarm bengsefng | movie queen; sex kitten; sex goddess | 性感明星
siøfsengsefng | little ape | 小猩猩
tiexnsi bengsefng | TV star | 電視明星
tiexnviar bengsefng | movie star | 電影明星
toaxsengsefng | gorilla | 大猩猩
zengsefng | hyperplasia | 增生
zuxlek kengsefng | achieve self renewal through one's own effort, attain or develop a new way of life all by oneself, stand on one's own two feet | 自力更生

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