"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: exhngf

binnafexhngf | tomorrow night | 明晚
exhngf | tonight | 今晚; 下昏
jiedtaix-texhngf | tropics | 熱帶地方; 熱帶
jixkao-exhngf | last evening of the lunar year (even though it be the 30th) | 二九下昏; 除夕夜
kin'exhngf | this evening | 今下昏; 今晚
koeanii-exhngf | New Year's Eve | 過年下昏; 除夕
kym-exhngf | this evening | 今下昏; 今晚
min'ar-exhngf | tomorrow night | 明仔下昏; 明天晚
texhngf hengzexng | local administration | 地方行政
texhngf hoat'vi | district court | 地方法院
texhngf jinsu | distinguished personalities in a locality; local luminaries | 地方人士
texhngf kong'eg | local public utilities | 地方公益
texhngf sekzhae | local color; provincialism | 地方色彩
texhngf sinbuun | local news | 地方新聞
texhngf thoanthea | local organizations | 地方團體
texhngf tviwkvoaf | magistrate | 地方長官
texhngf zaizexng | local finances | 地方財政
texhngf zuxti | local self-government | 地方自治
texhngf | place; region; locality; local; locally | 地方
toexhngf | area | 地方
tøexhngf | district; local; place; regin | 地方
zaf-exhngf | last night, yesterday evening | 昨下昏; 昨晚
zaxhngf-exhngf | yesterday afternoon | 昨昏下昏

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Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

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