"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: exkhix

bexkhix | will not go (simple future); not able to; cannot because of excessive quantity) | 未去; 無會去
boexkhix | will not go 'simple future' | 未去
bøexkhix | unbearable to | 未去; 袂去
ciah-bøexkhix | can't eat that much | 吃未去; 吃無完
exkhix | to be out of breath | 下氣; 會去
gvexkhix | very honest; of great integrity; very open; blunt; straight-forward or plain-speaking; not afraid to tell a man his faults to his face; firm and manly | 正直; 剛毅; 硬氣
joexkhix | dauntless courage | 銳氣
khurnbexkhix | lying down; but unable to sleep | 睡無著; 睡未去
khvoax-bøexkhix | I can't look at all of them (The time is so short; there are so many) | 看無了; 看不完; 看未去
oexkhix | true sense of one's speech | 話氣; 語氣
pan-bøexkhix | too much for anyone to handle | 辦無了
poexkhix | turn one's back on; renounce; betray | 背棄
sii-bøexkhix | be unable to have one's resignation accepted | 辭無掉
siuxoexkhix | telephone receiver | 受話器
texkhix | influence of the ground (on disease or geomancy) | 地氣
thebexkhix | excuses of no avail, unable to get out of, unable to shirk, unable to decline (an invitation) | 推不掉
thebøexkhix | excuses of no avail; unable to get out of; unable to shirk; unable to decline (an invitation) | 推無掉
theh-bøexkhix | unable to carry (from want of strength or because things too many) | 拿無了
tøexkhix | 'earth vapor', the air near the ground | 地過; 地氣; 大氣
zae'exkhix | able to be carried | 載得去
zaeexkhix | able to be carried | 載得了
zawbexkhix | too tired to run, cannot escape | 跑不動, 跑不掉
zawbøexkhix | too tired to run; cannot escape | 走袂去; 跑無動; 跑不掉
zexkhix | sit down | 坐去
zhawtøexkhix | Taiwanese redneck | 草地氣
zoex-bøexkhix | cannot do it | 做無去; 做不了
zoex-exkhix | able to do it | 做會去; 能做成
zøx-bøexkhix | can't do it all | 做無了
øexkhix | able to, can | 能去; 會去; 得完

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