"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bexli | cannot, unable to | 不了
boexli | cannot, unable to | 不了
boexliao | cannot 'because of excessive quantity' | 未了; 不完
bøexli | unable to abandon; won't end | 無及; 袂離; 未離; 無法完了; 不了
bøexliao | has not; sold out | 未了; 袂了; 不完; 售罄
bøexliao-bøexcin | endless | 沒了沒盡
ciah-bøexliao | can't eat that much | 吃未了; 吃無完
cviuxsiab ciu bexliab | too old at forty; over the hump (Lit. at forty; lose sexual vigor) | 上四十就未捏; 人到四十精力就差
cviuxsiapbexliab | over the hill | 上卌袂攝
cviuxsiapboexliab | over the hill | 上卌袂攝
eng-bøexliao | inexhaustible | 用未了; 用袂了
ernghux-bøexliao | can not take action about; can not deal with | 應付無了
exli | to be able to make it in time | 會離; 來得及
exliao | will do | 會了
gexliin | artist | 藝人
gvexliah | to convince someone to do something they don't want to do; twist someone's arm to make someone do something | 硬捉; 逮捕
gvexlien | exercise hardly; train hardly; learn experience by hardships | 硬練
hexliet | series; spectrum | 系列
hoexlip | money transfer | 匯入
it'hexliet | a series of | 一系列
jinbuun-texlie | political geography | 人文地理
joexli | acute, keen sharp, pointed | 銳利
kexli | low interest | 低利
khofbexliao | miserable fate during one's whole life | 苦未了; 一生都是苦命
khvoax texlie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a building | 看地理
korng bøexliao | can not be fully told (since it is so great or long); can not enumerate all of them | 講無完
korng-bøexlierntngr | speaking not very fluently; unable to speak distinctly; speak with a lisp | 講話無明; 口齒不清
kwntexlioong | play, sport | 嬉戲
lexliim | arrive at | 蒞臨
lixhiongpoexlie | away from home town | 離鄉背里
loexlie | circumstances not known to the outsider; inside story | 內情; 內裏
loexlimpaf | endolymph | 內淋巴
oexliao | finish drawing | 畫了
oexliau | painting material | 畫料
pai texlie | disturb the good luck of a place | 敗地理; 敗風水
pan-bøexliao | too much for one to finish or accomplish | 辦無完
paxng bøexli | inseparable (one person with another); unwilling to leave one's wife and children | 放無開
poexliam | recite | 背念
poexlie | offensive to good taste | 背理
pvexlie | pathology | 病理
pøflexlioong | styrofoam | 保麗龍
texli | geographical advantages; advantages of situation; land productivity | 地利
texlie siensvy | geomancer | 地理師
texlie | geography; geomancy; good or bad luck of graves | 地理; (學)
texlie-hak | geography; geomancy; good or bad luck of graves | (學); 地理
texlixkae | 2nd time | 第二改
texlixzhwn | 2nd marriage | 第二春
thienbuun texlie | astronomy and geography; astrology and geometry | 天文地理
thiensii putjuu texli | advantages of time are not equal to those of situation | 天時無如地利
toexli | convenient location | 地利
toexlie | geography | 地理
tøexlie | geography | 地理
tøexlie-hak | geography | 地理學
tøexlie-sw | geomancer | 地理師; 風水先生
zao-bøexli | cannot escape | 跑無了; 走袂離; 逃不及
zawbexli | unable to get away | 走袂離
zawboexli | unable to get away | 走袂離
zawbøexli | can't escape | 走無掉
zhoafnbexli | can't catch one's breath | 喘不過氣來
zhoafnbøexli | can't catch one's breath | 喘未離; 無過氣來
zoex-bøexliao | cannot finish it | 做無了
zoex-exliao | able to finish it | 做會完
zoexliin | sinner | 罪人
Ørtexli | Austria | 奧地利
øexli | be able to make it | 會離; 來得及
øexliao | able to finish, can finish | 能了; 會了

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