bin'afexpof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下埔; 明天下午
bin'ar expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明天下午
bin'ar-expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下埔; 明仔下晡; 明天下午
binnafexpof | tomorrow afternoon | 明天下午
binnar expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下晡
expo | lower or inferior part | 下部
expoex | younger; next generation | 下輩; 下一輩
expof | afternoon; this afternoon | 下午; 下晡
exposii | late afternoon; in the afternoon | 下晡時; 下午
gvexpo | drastic measure | 硬步; 強硬之策
hoarnbøexpo | commissary (in school; barracks; a store | 販賣部
kexpoex | lower generation | 低輩
kin'expof | this afternoon | 今下晡; 今天下午
kym-expof | this afternoon | 今下埔; 今天下午
laau texpo | reserve some plan or force yet unused; be ready for an emergency; not to push one's advantage too far; not to go to extremes | 留地步; 留餘地
loexpo | internal section; interior | 內部
loexpoan | internal disorder; civil strife | 內叛
oexpoaq | transfer funds pay out | 劃撥
oexpox | canvas (for painting) | 畫布
phøexpof | bed and bedding | 被甫
poexpoan | to betray, to rebel, to forsake | 背叛
texpo | a situation; position; condition; predicament | 地步
texpong | weighbridge | 地磅
texpox | white linen, lamie-fiber fabric | 地布
toexpo | situation | 地步
tøexpo | situation; condition | 地步
tøexpor | make up | 遞補
tøexpox | white linen, ramie-fiber fabric | 苧布
za'expof | yesterday afternoon | 昨下埔
zaexpof | yesterday afternoon | 昨天下午
zang'expof | yesterday afternoon | 昨下埔
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]