"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hongkhofng

hongkhofng haghau | aviation school; flying school | 航空學校
hongkhofng iefnsip | air raid drill | 防空演習
hongkhofng iukarn | air letter form; air mail form | 航空郵簡
hongkhofng iukvia | air mail | 航空郵件
hongkhofng kangthenghak | aeronautic engineering | 航空工程學
hongkhofng koarhø | registered air mail | 航空掛號
hongkhofng kongsy | an airline | 航空公司
hongkhofng pien | air mail | 航空便
hongkhofng sietpi | anti air raid facilities | 防空設備
hongkhofng | air defense | 防空; 航空
hongkhofng-bøflam | aircraft carrier; floating aerodrome | 航空母艦
hongkhofng-høo | a ditch serveing as air-raid or bomb shelter | 防空壕
hongkhofng-tong | bomb shelter, air raid shelter | 防空洞
khinkhyn-khongkhofng | sound of bowl and dish colliding | 輕輕空空; 碗盤相碰聲
khongkhofng | silly; fool; not serious; frivolous; not all there | 悾悾; 傻瓜; 無正經; 愛開玩笑
tveakhongkhofng | play dumb | 佯悾悾

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