hongle | a habit; a usual practice | 風例; 習慣
honglee | oriole | 黃鸝
hongleeng | am imperial mausoleum; age of a young lady | 皇陵; 芳齡
honglegpiør | wind gauge, anemometer | 風力表
honglek | wind power; the force of the wind | 風力
khongleeng | healthy and undisturbed | 康寧
thonglek habzog | to join forces; cooperate for a common cause; to work in concert | 通力合作
thonglek | united strength; join forces | 通力
thongleng | communicate orders; issue a circular order | 通令
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]