"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hoxho

hoxho | every household | 戶戶
hoxhoad | to uphold the constitution; to protect the Buddha-truth | 護法
hoxhoaf suociar | protector of women; a woman's escort | 護花使者
hoxhoaf | protect women | 護花
hoxhoan bukioong | continuous disasters resulting because no finalizing action is taken to prevent it | 後患無窮
hoxhoan | aftermath; dangers left over from previously unsettled affairs (usually said of a vanquished enemy permitted to retain potential for a comeback) | 後患
hoxhoe iwkii | See you again. Be seeing you | 後會有期
hoxhoe | good by; see you next time | 後會
hoxhoea bogkip | too late to regret something (useless crying over spilled milk) | 後悔莫及
hoxhoea | regret; repent; remorse | 後悔
hoxhog | great luck | 厚福
kakaf-hoxho | every family and household | 家家戶戶
kekef hoxho | every family (house) | 家家戶戶
kekef-hoxho | every home; all family | 家家戶戶
kekehoxho | every household | 家家戶戶
pøfhoxhoad | protection law | 保護法

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