"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hoxkhao

hoxkhao miapho | household identification folder | 戶口名簿
hoxkhao thengpurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao zhaupurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao | the number of households and total population; census registration | 戶口
hoxkhao-miapho | a booklet of each registered residence | 戶口名簿
hoxkhao-pho | a houshold register | 戶口簿
hoxkhao-phofzaf | census taking | 戶口普查
hoxkhao-thengpurn | a copy of the registered residence | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao-tiauzaf | census taking | 戶口調查
hoxkhao-zhaupurn | a written copy of the registered residence | 戶口抄本
liutong hoxkhao | registered temporary domicile | 流動戶口
liutong-hoxkhao | registered temporary domicile | 流動戶口
pørhoxkhao | census report | 報戶口
sinpøx hoxkhao | report one's address for the domiciliary register | 申報戶口
tiauzaf hoxkhao | census | 調查戶口
zhaa hoxkhao | make checks from house to house (said of police or census officials) | 查戶口
zoankog hoxkhao tiauzaf | national census | 全國戶口調查

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