"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hunlie

goanzuo hunliet | atomic fission | 原子分裂
hudhunliet | nuclear fission | 核分裂
hunlie | to arrange separately | 分理; 分手整理
hunliet | split off; split up; fragmentation; break up; to split; disunite | 分裂
kaophaix hunliet | schism | 教派分裂
seapaw hunliet | cell division | 細胞分裂
taq zhunlieen | put up scrolls at New Year's time | 貼春聯
zengsiin hunliedzexng | schizophrenia | 精神分裂症
zhunlie | village | 村里
zhunlieen | a poetry put on gate during Lunar New Year; new year couplets written on strips of red paper and pasted on doors usually containing words of luck | 春聯
zocid ee hunliet (zongkaux) | schism | 組織的分裂

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