"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ahbi'ar | ducking | 鴨咪仔
ang'vi'ar | infant; a baby | 紅嬰仔; 嬰兒
bahhi'ar | pomfret | 肉魚仔
bahsvi'ar | minced meat | 肉生仔; 肉豉仔; 碎肉
beni'ar | veneera; veneer | 單板仔
bibi'ar chiøx | smile; a smile | 微微仔笑
bibi'ar hofng | soft wind; light breeze; very gentle breeze | 微微仔風
bibi'ar | slightly; few; lightly; gentle | 微微仔
biqki'ar | thin bamboo slice; thin bamboo strip | 蔑枝仔; 竹片
chi'ar | market; market | 市仔
chiapai'ar | bus stop | 車牌仔; 公車招呼站
chitji'ar | Taiwanese drama tune with 7 words | 七字仔
chitli'ar | Taiwanese drama tune with 7 words | 七字仔
chiwki'ar | cellular phone; mobile phone | 手機仔; 大哥大
chvi'ar | indigo plant, betel-nut palm | 青仔; 菁仔; 木藍
chvi'ar-chiu | areca | 青仔樹; 檳榔樹
chvi'ar-zaang | palm-tree, romping girl, flapper | 青仔叢; 菁仔欉
chviti'ar | small bird | 青苔仔
ciawlai'ar | wild pear | 鳥梨仔; 梨的一種
cidli'ar | a small amount | 一哩仔
cidmi'ar | a handful | 一咪仔; 一小撮
cidsi'ar | a small amount | 一些仔; 一絲仔; 一點點
cidtiaau khuiesi'ar | just a little breath left | 一條氣絲仔; 氣息如絲
ciwkhui'ar | corkscrew; can opener | 酒開仔; 開瓶器
hai'ar | bad guy | 害仔; 小流氓
hi'ar | fish | 魚仔; 小魚
hitsi'ar | that littles | 那絲仔; 那一點點
hoahhi'ar | fish auction | 喝魚仔
hoebi'ar | thrush | 花眉仔; 畫眉鳥
hoesi'ar | bon tools | 灰匙仔
honghunchi'ar | night market for unsold stock | 黃昏市仔
honghwn-chi'ar | evening market | 黃昏市仔
hongsi'ar | slight breezes; zephyrs | 風絲仔
hui'ar | pottery; earthenware | 磁仔; 瓷仔; 陶器
hvi'ar phakphag | ears standing out so much as almost to cover the opening (like a pig's) | 耳仔趴趴; 垂耳
hvi'ar toaxtuix | ears very large--sign of good luck in making money (physiognomy) | 耳仔大對
hvi'ar | ear; handle | 耳仔; 耳朵
hvi'ar-tuun | ear lobe | 耳仔唇; 耳垂
høfhviati'ar | good friends; euphemistic name for the ghosts for whom the living prepare a feast on the 15th of the 7th month | 好兄弟仔; 無主孤魂
i'ar | wife's sister; younger sisters of one's wife | 姨仔; 小姨子; 姨妹
iaxchi'ar | evening market; night market | 夜市仔; 夜市
irmsvi'ar | salted soy beans | 蔭鼓仔
jit`si'ar | daytime | 日時仔
kauhvi'ar | one of the radicals | 交耳仔; 耳朵旁; (漢字部首之一)
kax sai'ar | teach apprentices | 教師仔; 教徒弟
kekui'ar | balloon (because its shape is like a balloon) | 雞規仔; 氣球
khafn sai'ar | discipleship | 牽師仔
khi'ar | small persimmon | 柿仔; 臺灣黑壇
khi'ar-seg | persimmon color | 柿仔色
kho'si'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔
khof-pi'ar | whistle | 呼啡仔; 吹哨子
khof-si'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔; 呼口哨; 吹口哨
khopi'ar | hiccup | 呼啡仔; 打嗝
khosi'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔; 吹口哨
khuiesi'ar | almost die; one's breath become to weak | 氣絲仔; 微弱的氣息
khvi'ar | mountain valley | 澗仔; 鉗仔; 山谷; 鉗子
ki'ar | flag; banner | 旗仔; 小旗
kiammoai'ar | pickled plum | 鹹糜仔; 鹹梅仔; 酸梅
kiamvi'ar | salty rice ball | 鹹圓仔
kiarsvi'ar | a hermit crab | 寄生仔; 寄生蟹
kirmcie-pai'ar | prohib sign | 禁止牌仔
kixn'ui'ar | nearby; neighboring; vicinity | 近位仔; 無遠的地方
kngrhvi'ar | pierce the ears | 穿耳仔
koad hvi'ar | slap the ears | 打耳仔
koekui'ar | ballon | 雞胿仔
korngthui'ar | hammer | 鎚子仔
kui'ar | a cabinet; a sideboard; chest of drawers | 櫃仔; 櫃子
kvi'ar | edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline | 墘仔; 邊緣
køekui'ar | balloon | 氣球仔; 雞胿仔
lai'ar | pear | 梨仔; 梨子
lai'ar-hoef | pear flower | 梨仔花
laixli'ar | inner fence | 內籬仔
leeng hvi'ar | pull by the ear | 擰耳仔
lefpaesi'ar | Sunday | 禮拜時仔
li'ar | a bamboo fence; reed; bamboo or thorn fence | 籬仔; 驢仔; 籬笆; 簾子
liammi'ar | just a second | 連鞭仔
lidsi'ar | Japanese er | 日時仔
lili'ar | tiny | 釐釐仔; 毫釐
lit`si'ar | day time | 日時仔
liw pai'ar | draw cards from the pack | 抽牌仔
loaqthvisi'ar | summer days | 熱天時仔
logkomoai'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
lysi'ar | tiny amount | 哩少仔; 極少
mechi'ar | night market | 暝市仔
meni'ar | next year | 明年仔
mi'ar | cotton; cotton batting; cotton wadding | 綿仔; 棉仔; 綿花
miapai'ar | brand name | 名牌仔
mimi'ar | wide stretches of; continuously; softly | 綿綿仔
mngli'ar | curtain | 門簾仔
mngsui'ar | hair hanging down at side of woman's head | 劉海仔
moai'ar | plum | 梅仔
mokhi'ar | a small crab | 毛蜞仔
mui'ar | plum tree | 梅仔
ni'ar | breast; mamma; udder | 奶仔; 乳房
niaubi'ar | katy | 貓咪仔
niaumi'ar | kitten | 貓咪仔
nizehsi'ar | New Yearjj | 年節時仔
nngfsi'ar | soft | 軟絲仔
nngxki'ar | two sticks- a little bit | 兩支仔
nngxsi'ar | a little bit | 兩絲仔
obui'ar | tick | 烏蝛仔
okui'ar | turtle | 烏龜仔
otauxsvi'ar | black tempeh | 烏豆豉仔
othvi'armte | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
othvi'armtoe | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
padni'ar | some other year | 別年仔
padui'ar | other place | 別位仔
pai'ar | small tablet; signboard; playing card; bus stop; card; tag; playing cards | 牌仔; 牌子
pengsi'ar | usually | 平時仔
pengsiongsi'ar | usually | 平常時仔
peqhayti'ar | white dolphin | 白海豬仔
phahmi'ar | fluff cotton wool with a bow-like tool | 拍棉仔; 彈棉仔
phi'ar | coverlet | 披仔
phofthongsi'ar | normal time | 普通時仔
phvai'ar | package carried on back | 揹仔; 背包
phvi'ar | nose | 鼻仔
pi'ar | a whistle ; pool; marish; a whistle | 哨仔; 觱仔; 水塘; 哨子; 埤仔; 沼地
piaq u hvi'ar | Beware of eavesdropping! Even the walls have ears | 牆有耳仔
poaqpai'ar | play cards; to gamble with cards | 打牌仔
poarnpvi'ar | half sick | 半病仔
pofthaucvi'ar | axe wedge | 斧頭楔仔
porchi'ar | clothes market | 布市仔
porli'ar | cloth curtain | 布簾仔
porphvai'ar | cloth back | 布揹仔
punkekui'ar | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿仔
punkoekui'ar | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿仔
punpi'ar | whistle | 歕觱仔
punpipi'ar | whistle | 歕觱觱仔
puntaxpi'ar | musician who play Taiwanese trumpet | 歕咑觱仔
purnki'ar | dustpan | 畚箕仔
purnsørchi'ar | dung market | 糞埽市仔
puun kekui'ar | blow up a toy balloon | 吹雞規仔; 吹氣球
puun koekui'ar | blow a balloon | 歕雞胿仔
puun pi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
puun pipi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
pvi'ar ee laang | bystanders | 邊仔的人; 旁人
pvi'ar | side; at the side | 邊仔; 旁邊
pvoariammui'ar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoarmesi'ar | midnight | 半暝時仔
pvoarmi'ar | midnight | 半暝仔
pvoarsirn'gi'ar | half faith | 半信疑仔
pvoarthafngsai'ar | half-bucket apprentice, imply the student is not there yet | 半桶師仔
sai'ar | an apprentice | 師仔; 獅子; 徒弟; 學徒; 獅仔
samputgoxsi'ar | once in a while | 三無五時仔
sea'i'ar | mistress | 細姨仔
seaharnsi'ar | during the young age | 細漢時仔
seaji'ar | extremely careful | 細膩仔
seaki'ar | skinny | 細枝仔
seaseaki'ar | little | 細細支仔
si'ar | small spoon, small spoonful | 絲仔; 湯匙
siangsvi'ar | twins | 雙生仔; 孿生
siekhoui'ar | surounding | 四箍圍仔
siexn hvi'ar | slap the ears; to box the ears | 搧耳仔; 賞耳光
sinkhupvi'ar | body side | 身軀邊仔
sinzuo-pai'ar | tablet | 神主牌仔
sinzwpai'ar | worship wooden person object | 神主牌仔
siøfti'ar | young brother | 小弟仔
sngbui'ar | sou | 酸微仔
sngkamtvi'ar | sweet and sour | 酸甘甜仔
sosui'ar | hair hanging down at side of woman's head | 劉海仔
svani'ar | 3rd grader | 三年仔
svesvoai'ar | chancre | 下疳仔
svi'ar | pig iron; type of cast iron; pot metal | 生仔; 生鐵
svisvoai'ar | syphilis | 生檨仔
sviusi'ar | Taiwan acacia | 相思仔; 想思樹
svoai'ar | mango | 檨仔; 芒果
svoai'ar-zaang | mango tree | 檨仔欉; 芒果欉
svoakhi'ar | Morris persimmon, red-flowered persimmon | 山柿仔; 油柿
svoasvoai'ar | mountain mango | 山檨子
svoati'ar | wild boar | 山豬仔
svy-svoai'ar | have a bubo | 生檨仔; (淋巴結炎)
søf vi'ar | roll dumplings | 挲圓仔; 搓湯圓
tafui'ar | where | 佗位仔
tai'ar | foxtail millet; Setaria italica; a type of millet (grain) | 栗仔; 台仔; 小米; 臺; 秮仔
tai'ar-hii | common carp, cyprinus carpio | 呆仔魚; 𩸙仔魚; 鯉魚
tangboefsi'ar | end of year | 冬尾時仔
tangcvi'ar | copper coin | 銅錢仔
tangsai'ar | wives of husband's brothers; sisters-in-law | 妯娌仔; 同姒仔
tangsi'ar | at that time | 當時仔
tangsiefncvi'ar | copper coin | 銅仙錢仔
tangthvisi'ar | during the winter | 冬天時仔
tek'ui'ar | bamboo garden | 竹圍仔
tekpai'ar | rows of bamboos | 竹棑仔
tekphi'ar | a sheet of bamboos | 竹披仔
tesi'ar | teaspoon | 茶匙仔
thai'ar | griddle; screen; screener; sieve; sifter | 篩仔; 篩子
thaozafsi'ar | dawn | 透早時仔
thaukhiøhsai'ar | first disciple; the head disciple | 頭拾師仔; 大徒弟仔
thaulai'armkhix | secret correspondence | 偷來暗去
thauthai'ar | 1st born | 頭篩仔
thihki'ar | railway | 鐵枝仔
thngsi'ar | spoon | 湯匙仔
thofsvoai'ar | Taiwanese mango | 土檨仔
thui'ar | hammer | 槌仔; 槌子
ti'ar | pond, pool | 池仔; 豬仔; 水池
ti'ar-kviar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tiexnhøea kui'ar | electric bulb | 電火球仔
tiexnkui'ar | electric (light) bulb; unwanted third party accompanying courting couple | 電球仔
toaxi'ar | elder sisters of one's wife | 大姨仔
toaxtoxhi'ar | big belly fish | 大肚魚仔
tokphvi'ar | person with an aquiline (hook) nose ─ foreigner | 大鼻仔; 洋人
tongzhoesi'ar | back then | 當初時仔
toxkoai'ar | tadpole | 蝌蚪仔; 肚胿仔
toxkui'ar | toad | 肚胿仔
toxui'ar | frog | 杜蝛仔
tubwni'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tubøfni'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tui'ar | pendant | 墜仔; 墜子
tvikhi'ar | sweet persimmon | 甜柿仔
tøfui'ar | where | 佗位仔
ui'ar | seat | 位仔
uili'ar | fence | 圍籬仔
uxsi'ar | sometimes; now and then; sometimes; (adv) occasionally; often; but not at any fixed time; by chance | 勻時仔; 有時; 偶而
uxtangsi'ar | sometimes | 有當時仔
vi'ar | infant; baby; dumplings | 圓仔; 楹仔; 嬰仔; 嬰孩
vi'ar`ee | rice ball | 圓仔的
zabpai'ar | less known and inferior brand | 雜牌仔
zafkhysi'ar | morning | 早起時仔
zafsi'ar | in the morning | 早時仔
zaykhysi'ar | in the morning | 早起時仔
zaysi'ar | in the morning | 早時仔
zekpehhviati'ar | uncle brother | 叔伯兄弟仔
zhab-pai'ar | shuffle cards | 插牌仔; 洗牌
zhacvi'ar | wooden wedge | 柴楔仔; 樁
zhaechi'ar | market; market place | 菜市仔; 菜市場
zhahki'ar | put out a flag; plant a flag | 插旗仔
zhaki'ar | firewood | 柴枝仔
zhaokhi'ar | (n) tomato | 臭蜞仔; 臭柿仔; 蕃茄; 番茄
zhathui'ar | gavel, mallet | 漆陶仔; 木槌
zhehphvai'ar | satchel | 冊揹仔
zhengtvi'ar | sweet | 清甜仔
zhoahpengki'ar | ice crusher | 礤冰機仔
zhohui'ar | coarse porcelain | 粗瓷仔
zhuopvi'ar | neighbor | 厝邊仔
zhvethi'ar | lettuce | 青苔仔
zoafpai'ar | playing cards | 紙牌仔
zuosvi'ar | casting | 鑄生仔
zuykhi'ar | water persimmon | 水柿仔
zuylai'ar | peach | 水梨仔
zuyphi'ar | water cape | 水披仔
zuypvi'ar | water side | 水邊仔
zuyti'ar | pool | 水池仔

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