Bengtiaau | Ming Dynasty (1386-1644 AD) | 明朝
Beqliaau | a city in Yunlin County | 麥寮
Bykiaau | U.S.A. citizen living abroad; U.S. resident in a foreign country; U.S.A. expatriate | 美僑
Chiasviaa | a village in Pingtung County | 車城
Chit'iaa Peh'iaa | Taiwan’s legend of two temple guards one short and one tall | 七爺八爺
Chit'iaa Poeh'iaa | Taiwan’s legend of two temple guards one short and one tall | 七爺八爺
Chit'iaa | guard of a City god in Taiwanese religion | 七爺
Ciw tiaau | A dynasty in ancient China | 周朝
Cixn-tiaau | Chin dynasty (A.D. 265~419) | 晉朝
Exviaa | a city in Tainan County | 下營
Giaam | surname Yan; Yen | 嚴
Goaan-tiaau | the Mongol Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368 A.D.) | 元朝
Goantiaau | a Chinese dynasty | 元朝
Ha-tiaau | a Chinese dynasty | 夏朝
Harntiaau | Han dynasty | 漢朝
Haxn-tiaau | Han Dynasty | 漢朝
Hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
Hwsviaa | prefectural city – refers to Tainan City | 府城
Iasof Serngmiaa ciamlea | Feast of Holy Name (Catholic) | 耶穌聖名瞻禮
Jidkiaau | Japanese residents in a foreign country | 日僑
Joaqlanjiaf sviaa | Fort Zeelandia | 熱蘭遮城; 安平古堡
Katviaa | a city in Kaohsiung County | 茄萣
Kharkaebiaau | BCG vaccine | 卡介苗
Kimsviaa | a city in Kinmen County | 金城
Koantea'iaa | deified name of Kuan Yu; Emperor Guan | 關帝爺
Kokserng'iaa | Koxinga; the name of Cheng Cheng-Kung | 國姓爺; 鄭成功
Korngliaau | a city in Taipei County | 貢寮
Laam-tiaau | the South dynasty | 南朝
Lampaktiaau | the South and North dynasties | 南北朝
Lan'iaang | nickname for ‘Gilaan' | 蘭陽
Liogtiaau | the Six Dynasties; Wu; East Tsin; Sung; Chi; Liang and Chen (3rd to 6th centuries) | 六朝; 吳,東晉,宋,齊,梁,陳
Liwviaa | a city in Tainan County | 柳營
Niawchykhafng oea-kaq cviaa oankongmngg | hollow out a rat hole until it becomes an arch ─ make a trifling matter become very serious; make a mountain out of a molehill | 鳥鼠洞挖成拱門; 小事變成大事。
Okbea oklaang khiaa | A wicked horse can only be driven by a cruel man | 一物一剋
Pangliaau | a city in Pingtung County | 枋寮
Peglefngsviaa | Bethlehem; town in Palestine where Jesus Christ was born (Catholic) | 白冷城
Poiaam | a city in Changhua County | 埔鹽
Sam'oong laitiaau | Epiphany (obsolete Catholic) | 三王來朝
Senghong'iaa | the city god | 城隍爺
Serngmiaa | Holy Name | 聖名
Siaa | surname She; She | 佘
Sinsviaa | a city in Hualien County | 新城
Sinviaa | a city in Tainan County | 新營
Sorngtiaau | Sung-Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.) | 宋朝
Soxng-tiaau | Sung Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.) | 宋朝
Taioankoaiaau | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌謠
Taioanmiaa | Taiwanese name | 台灣名
Taipaksviaa | Taipei city | 台北城
Tea'iaa | Kwanti; a hero of the Three-Country era | 關帝; 帝爺
Teaiaa | Kwanti, a hero of the Three-Country era | 關帝, 帝爺
Thausviaa | a city in Yilan County | 頭城
Thofsviaa | a city in Taipei County | 土城
Thosviaa | a city in Taipei County | 土城
Thviaa | surname Cheng; Ch'eng (Cheng) | 程
Tiongliaau | a city in Nantou County | 中寮
Tngsviaa | Great Wall | 長城
Toaxliaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 大寮
Toaxtiuxtviaa | Dadaocheng; big rice drying-field; historic section of Taipei City | 大稻埕
Tongtiaau | the Tang dynasty | 唐朝
Toong-tiaau | Tang-dynasty | 唐朝
Zabtiaau-kaix | the Ten Commandments | 十條戒; 十條誡
Zhanliaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 田寮
Zhefng-tiaau | Ching dynasty | 清朝
Zhengtiaau | Ching o Manchu Dynasty (1644-1911) | 清朝
Zøfviaa | a city immediately north to Kaohsiong | 左營
ab bextiaau | unable to command or exercise control over a group of people because of a lack of prestige or personal ability; (Lit. not enough pressure to hold down a compressed object which is resilient) | 壓無住
afm bextiaau | unable to cover or hide | 掩無住
afnniaa | Mother! | 阿娘; 母親
aniaa | mother | 阿娘; 媽媽
anniaa | mother | 阿娘; 媽媽
anviaa | make camp | 安營
aomiaa | bad reputation | 惡名; 臭名
armtiaau | undercurrent; undercurrent | 暗潮
auxpiahtviaa | back yard | 後壁埕
auxpiaq-tviaa | back yard | 後壁埕; 後院
auxtviaa | backyard; rear courtyard | 後埕; 後院
auxviaa | rear camp | 後營
bad laang mxbad miaa | recognize a person but not remember his or her name | 認人無識名
bagboea jiaau | wrinkles at outer side of eyes; crow's feet | 目尾皺
ban-kviaa | walk carefully, goodbye | 慢走; 慢行
baxnban'afkviaa | walk slowly; good-bye | 慢慢仔走; 再見
baxnban-kviaa | walk slowly | 慢慢行
baxnkviaa | walk slowly; good-bye | 慢走; 再見
baxnlie tngsviaa | the great wall of China; the wall ten thousand miles long | 萬里長城
baxnsoea'iaa | long life god | 萬歲爺
baxnsoex-iaa | the Emperor | 萬歲爺
beftiaau | barn; horse stable; stable | 馬廄
bengliaau | understand clearly; clear; distinct; perspicuous | 明瞭
bexkviaa`tid | road cannot be traveled; it won't do | 未走得; 無能走
bexmiaa | self-advertisement | 賣名
bextiaau | not firmly fixed; fastened or tied | 未條; 無牢; 不上癮
biaau | young plant; trace; aim; trace; to draw; to sketch; describe; depict | 苗; 描; 瞄
biauthiaau | slender; slender figure | 苗條
biautiaau | slim woman; willowy; slender and graceful; lithe | 苗條
bie jii liaam | beautiful and cheap | 美而廉
biedtiaau | destroy dynasty | 滅朝
bin'iaau | folk song; folk-songs; ballad | 民謠
bixnphoee jiaau | wrinkled face | 臉皮皺
biøxtviaa | temple environs or courtyard; temple environs or courtyard | 廟埕
boadtiaau | the last dynasty | 末朝
boafntiaau | high tide; at full sea; high tide | 滿潮
boahtiaau | apply on the surface | 抹住
boaq iaam | rub salt | 抹鹽
boextiaau | cannot, unable to | 未住; 不會
bofngkviaa | walk casually; walk informally or randomly | 罔行; 隨便走走
borng kviaa | tentatively | 罔行
boxliaau | staffs; secretaries; advisors | 幕僚
boxngtviaa | cemetery; level place just in front of a grave | 墓埕; 墓地; 墓庭
boxtviaa | cemetery | 墓埕
budlie tixliaau | physiotherapy | 物理治療
bugoaxhøfkviaa | bumpy | 無外好走; 無太好走
buliaau | ennui; dejected; purposeless; unhappy; uneasy; silly; tiresome; tasteless | 無聊
bunhoarsviaa | cultural or civilized city | 文化城
but bie kex liaam | excellent quality and reasonable price for merchandise | 物美價廉
bøefmiaa | last rank | 尾名; 最後一名
bøexcviaa | unable to (construct, become) | 未成; 袂成
bøexkviaa`tid | won't work | 行無得; 未行得
bøextiaau | unbearable to; won't stick | 未條; 袂牢; 無能忍受; 未著住
bøhiaam | not picky; do not mind; although; in spite of the fact (introduces the conceded fact in a concessive sentence) | 無嫌; 不嫌棄; 無嫌棄
bøiaam ymsit | salt-free diet | 無鹽飲食
bøkee giaa kau'ie | look for trouble | 無枷抬交椅; 自找麻煩
bøliaau | nonsense; bored | 無聊
bømiaa | nameless; anonymous | 無名
bømiaa-si | anonymous | 無名氏
bøo kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballot | 無記名投票
bøo simcviaa | be reluctant to do; absent minded | 沒心情
bøo suviaa | tie; draw; come out even | 無輸贏; 平手; 無分輸贏
bøsiaang | unlike; quite different | 無同; 不一樣
bøzhaosiaau | irresponsible; won't obey | 無責任; 無聽
chiaa | slanting | 斜
chiaafciafm | needles for sewing machines | 車仔針
chiaafsvoax | threads for sewing machine | 車仔線
chiaam | hidden; latent | 潛
chiaang | to kill; ordinary; a market; the intestines; an orange; to pour water; wash away; dash water upon something | 戕; 常; 場; 腸; 橙; 沖
chiaau khaq ban | set back clock or watch | 調較慢
chiaau khaq kirn | set forward or advance clock or watch | 調較快
chiaau sizefng | set clock or watch | 調時鐘
chiaau soafui | move things slightly; without much alteration of their position | 移徙位; 挪移
chiaau tiexnsixky | turn the dial or volume control of a TV; adjusting a TV set | 調電視機
chiaau ytøq | move desk or chairs to proper place(s) | 排椅桌
chiaau | move; move a thing slightly so as to get it into the right place or position; alter a slight twist to a statement or message on purpose; to adjust by a small change | 移; 撨; 調整
chiaauxtao | small truck rear compartment | 車後斗
chiachiaa | askant | 斜斜
chiafngmiaa | call out names | 唱名
chiagiaa | toss restlessly from side to side; be constantly moving from one situation to another | 車夯; 無事找事
chialiaau | car shed, railway roundhouse | 車寮; 車房; 鐵路迴旋處
chiammiaa | sign name; sign; put down one's signature | 簽名
chiamtiaau | memo; office note | 簽條
chiangchiaang`leq | take a shower (bath) | 沖沖咧
chiaphiaam | suspicion | 竊嫌
chiarchiaa | somewhat declining | 斜斜
chiarngmiaa | call name; call the roll loudly | 唱名
chiau'iaam | mix with salt | 攪鹽
chiauchiaau`leq | adjust, move to the proper place | 調調咧
chiaw hof ciaau | mix completely | 搜乎齊; 攪勻
chiegiagiaa | fierce; violent | 兇巴巴; 刺夯夯
chiliaang | desolate; lonely | 悽涼
chincviaa | relatives; relative by marriage | 親成; 親戚;
chit'iaa | a god worshiped in Taiwan | 七爺
chviaa | finish; complete; accomplish; become; turn into; win; succeed; one tenth; foster; rear; take care of; manage properly; rear and educate; help out | 成; 晟; 撫養; 照顧; 養育
chviwviaa si siaux | To the victor belong the spoils; Possession is nine points of the law; Possession is proof of ownership | 搶贏算數
ciaa | who | 誰
ciaam | hidden; latent; hide; conceal; to dive; hidden; secret; latent | 潛
ciaarm'ciamciafm | very sharp (point) | 尖尖尖
ciaau | fully; even; firewood; a reef | 全; 齊; 礁; 樵
ciah bextiaau | can't hold anything down | 吃不牢
ciaokviaa | follow | 照行
ciaqmiaa | animal feed; eat; food; to feed | 吃名; 冒名
ciaqtaxngkiaam | strong flavor; lustful | 吃重鹹; 重口味; 好色
ciaqtiaau | to be addicted to | 食條; 上癮
ciaqviaa sixsiaux | only care about one's own sustenance; not of others | 吃贏是數; 光自己吃就好
ciarmiaa | took the name by force | 佔名
ciau'iaau toxngphiexn | swindle or cheat by posing as a VIP or claiming to be related to a VIP | 招搖撞騙
ciau'iaau | to show off | 招搖
ciauciaau | complete | 齊齊; 齊齊全全
cibtiong'viaa | a concentration camp | 集中營
cichii bextiaau | unable to keep up the effort; unable to hold down; not able to support or manage | 支持無住
cidsviaa | ten percent; a tenth | 一成
cidtiaau khuiesi'ar | just a little breath left | 一條氣絲仔; 氣息如絲
cidtiaau | a strip of; a bar of; a pair of | 一條
cientiaau | previous regime | 前條; 前朝
cienviaa | front barracks | 前營
ciern'viaa | victory on a combat | 戰贏; 戰營; 軍營
cihzaix bextiaau | too heavy to bear (as a load or a disease) | 支持無住
cihzaix-bøextiaau | can't stand for burden | 支載無住
cincviaa | really | 真地
cioksviaa | one hundred percent | 足成; 全
cionggiaam | severely; strictly | 從嚴
ciorng'viaa | commander camp | 將營
citmiaa | statement of official rank | 職名; 職稱
ciøhtiaau | an IOU | 借據; 借條
ciøqgiaam | a boulder | 石岩; 浮石
ciøqiaam | rock salt | 石鹽
ciøqkiaam | sodium hydroxide | 石鹹; 石鹼
ciøqliaau | stone bench; long stone slab used for a seat; stone bench | 石條; 石條板
ciøqphviaa | gently sloping large rock with little or no soil on it | 石灘
ciøqthauphviaa | beach full of stones | 石子埔
ciøqtviaa | stone paved courtyard | 石埕
cviaa geqlit | about a month | 成月日
cviaa goeqjit | about a month | 成月日
cviaa gøeqjit | days in January | 成月日
cviaa laang-koaan | about as high as a man's height | 將近一人高; 近人高
cviaa | success; completed | 成; 很
cviaa-bø'eeng | very busy | 很無閑; 誠無閒
cviaa-hexng'un | very good luck | 很幸運
cviaa-hiharn | very rare, very few, very costly | 成稀罕; 誠稀罕; 很險
cviaa-hikii | very rare, very strange, very curious | 很稀奇; 誠稀奇
cviaa-hokkhix | greatly blessed | 誠福氣
cviaa-hvoahie | very glad | 很歡喜; 誠歡喜
cviaa-høfsex | very convenience, well fitted | 很合適
cviaa-iong'vi | very easy | 很容易; 誠容易
cviaa-kankhor | very miserable, very painful | 很艱苦; 誠艱苦
cviaa-khinsafng | very confortable, fresh, relaxed, free | 很輕鬆; 誠輕鬆
cviaa-khøfleeng | very likely, most probably | 很可能
cviaa-kietsit | very strong and healthy | 很結實
cviaa-kikoaix | very strange | 很奇怪; 誠奇怪
cviaa-kviahviaa | very frightened, very terrified | 很驚惶; 誠驚惶
cviaa-kyntviw | very tense, very strained | 很緊張
cviaa-suxnli | roll one's hoop; in luck's way; favorableness | 很順利
cviarmiaa | a real name; one's own proper name as opposed to a nickname | 真名; 正名
cviuløfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 樟腦寮
cviuokiaam | pickled vegetables; pickled | 醬菜; 醬類; 醬鹹
cviuxtiaau | to go to court | 上朝
cvyiaam | salt from a well | 井鹽
cymiaa | to mention by name; to name; nominate | 指名
cyn hafnkviaa | rear visit | 稀客; 好久沒有來; 真罕走
cynliaau | medical examination and treatment | 診療
egbiaau | vaccine; vaccin; bacterin; vaccine | 疫苗
egmiaa | translation name; translated name | 譯名
eng siaq liaam | to solder | 銲錫; 用錫黏
excviaa | to be able to; to be capable of | 會成; 能夠
exkviaa`tid | will work | 會行得
exphviaa | lower part of a slope (hill) | 下坡
gam'iaam | halite; rock salt; rock salt | 岩鹽; 礦鹽
gesiaau | hate (vulgar); to disgust | 厭惡; 㤉潲; 怨恨; 討厭
gexmiaa | artist's stage name; stage name | 藝名
giaa | carry a large bulky object with both hands or on shoulders); to lift; to raise (as one's head); have a fit (spasm) | 舉; 夯; 發作; 扛; 舉起; 抬; 鵝
giaa-bøe tyntang | incapable of lifting or being lifted | 抬無動
giaa-bøe`khylaai | incapable of lifting or carrying on shoulders) | 抬無起來
giaa-bøhoad`tid | incapable of lifting or being lifted | 抬無法得; 抬無動
giaa-lauxjiet | have a festival procession | 迎鬧熱
giaa`khuy | move something out of the way (e.g.; chair) | 拿開; 抬開
giaa`khylaai | carry; lift up | 抬起來
giaafzhaix | vegetables or greens that the goose eats | 鵝菜
giaam | village gate | 閻; 嚴; 岩; 巖
giaau | fortunate; lucky | 僥
giafmsiaau | loath; to hate; be disgusted with; disgust | 討厭; 厭惡; 憎恨
giamgiaam | strictly, sternly, severely | 嚴嚴
giedsiaau | very mischievous (slang) | 調皮; 孽潲; 孽迢; 很陶氣; 蘗
gintiaau | silver bar | 銀條
giwtiautiaau | pull very tight; hold onto securely | 拉牢牢
gixnsiaau | hate (vulgar), to disgust | 厭惡, 怨恨
goanmiaa | the original name | 原名
goansenggiaam | primary rocks (geology) | 原成岩
goaxkiaau kuliuzexng | foreign resident certificate | 外僑居留證
goaxkiaau | foreign resident; alien resident; foreign residents | 外僑
goaxsviaa | outer city | 外城
goaxtviaa | yard; out court | 外埕 外院
gutiaau | cattle shed; stable; cattle pen (shed) | 牛寮; 牛牢; 牛欄
gviaa lauxjiet | have festive procession | 迎神賽會; 迎鬧熱
gviaa | go out to receive ceremoniously; go in procession | 迎
gviaa-lauxjiet | jolly party's celebrations; to greet the crowd on holidays | 迎熱鬧; 迎鬧熱; 節期遊行
gyn'ar-miaa | pet name, nickname | 囡仔名; 乳名
habcviaa | unite to become | 合成; 併成
hafnkviaa | rare move | 稀客; 罕行; 很少來; 久未走動
hagliaau | student dorm; school dormitory | 學寮; 學生宿舍
hagmiaa | scientific name or term | 學名
hagtiaau | student demonstrations; such as strikes; etc | 學潮
hanliaau | gossip; waffle | 閒聊
hatsiaau | roar at; speak loud and angrily | 叱責; 怒吼
hausiaau | exaggerate; fail to keep one's word; make glib promise; speak irresponsibly; lie | 詨精; 嘐潲; 謊言; 說謊
hauxtviaa | schoolyard; school playground | 校埕; 校園
haxleng-viaa | summer camp | 夏令營
haxlexng'viaa | summer camp | 夏令營
haxliaau | subordinates | 下僚; 屬下
haxntiaau | welding rod | 焊條
hayiaam | sea salt; sea salt | 海鹽
hayliaam | sea catfish | 海鯰
hayphviaa | sandy area of the beach; portion of shore left dry at low tide | 海坪; 沙灘
haypviaa | seashore with sloping bank | 海坪
haytiaau | ocean tide | 海潮
heng'viaa | field headquarters | 行營
hi'miaa | empty name or title | 虛名
hiaa | overthere | 遐
hiaam | mislike; find fault with | 嫌; 嫌棄
hiaau khazhngf | sodomy; feeling horny (be burnt by taking part in an unnecessary activity) | 多事; 自作孽; 嬲尻川
hiaau | loose in morals; licentious; lewd; have sex appeal; lascivious | 嬲; 嬈; 風騷
hiabtiaau | to readjust | 協調
hiarng'iaang | facing the south or the sunny side (said of a house) | 向陽; 採光好
hiauhiaau | somewhat ramping | 爬坡
hibiaau | fry; baby fish | 魚苗
hiernsviaa | to forward territory | 獻城
himiaa | empty name or title, inflated reputation | 虛名
hiøhliaang | keep away from heat; rest and cool (oneself) | 歇涼; 乘涼; 放暑假
hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
hoangiaau | circle around; circle round | 環繞
hoanjiaau | wreathe; surround; zone; circle | 環繞
hoarmiaa | to assume a pseudonym; anonym; anonymousness; pseudonym | 化名
hoatmiaa | religious name | 法名
hoattiaau | spring (in clockwork); spring of a watch or clock | 發條; 彈簧
hoaxnhiaam | be liable to blame, be suspected, fall under suspicion | 犯嫌; 嫌疑犯
hoea siøf koliaau | no hope; hopeless (Lit. the net house is burnt down; it's hopeless.) | 火燒罟寮; 形容無望了
hoeatiaau | deposed dynasty | 廢朝
hoesviaa | garden city | 花城
hoethiaau | minnow; chub; dace | 花跳; 花鮡; (魚名)
hoetiaau | return receipt; brief note in reply | 回條
hofiaa | tiger god | 虎神; 虎爺
hong'uo-phiau'iaau | be tossed about in wind or rain | 風雨飄搖
hongjiaau | rich and fertile; fecund | 豐饒
hongliaang | desolation; bleak; savageness; desolate | 荒涼
hongmiaa | polite respectful way to ask a girl's name | 芳名
hongsiaa | to catch cold; (common) cold; in Chinese medicine ailments caused by cold | 風邪; 風寒; 傷風; 感冒
hongsviaa | emperor's city | 皇城
hongtiaau | direction of wind and tide; a paper strip seal; strips of paper pasted across parcels | 風潮; 封條
hongtiaau-wsun | timely wind and rain | 風調雨順
hoxkhawmiaa | official name | 戶口名
hoxliaam | hurry up | 雨黏; 快點
hoxmiaa | bank depositor; a bank account | 戶名; 戶頭
hoxviaa | place in Taiwan | 後營
huisiaam-zawpiaq | thief (climb over eaves and walls) | 飛簷走壁
hulofviaa | concentration camp for prisoners of war | 俘虜營
humiaa | empty name or title, inflated reputation | 虛名
huojiaau | opulent, rich | 富饒
huxncviaa | mixed | 渾成; 無從分辨
hviaa | burn; on fire; carbonado; burn fuel; to heat | 惶; 燃; 燒; 加火; 橫; 焚
hviaa-ciøqiuu | burn kerosene | 燒石油
hviaa-hoefthvoax | burn charcoal as fuel | 燒木炭
hviaa-hof kurn | boil | 燒開; 燒沸
hviaa-kwnzuie | boiling water | 燒開水
hviaa-oafsw | burn gas as fuel | 燒瓦斯
hviutiaau | stick of incense | 香條
hvoaikviaa | walk sideways | 橫行
hvorphiaau | fond of visiting prostitutes; frequent brothels; given to whoring | 好嫖
hwn ciaqtiaau | enslaved to cigarettes; unable to give up smoking | 食條; 煙抽上癮
hwnchiaan | a kind of sausage | 粉腸
hwnchiaang | rice roll | 粉腸
hwnciawtiaau | pigeon house | 粉鳥巢; 鴿棚
hwntiaau | vermicelli made from beans; stick type cosmetics foundation | 粉條
høfkviaa | easy to walk; easy | 好行; 好走
høfmiaa | good fame | 好名; 好名聲
hør-sofkviaa | the upright condut | 好所走; 品行好
høxmiaa | to name; give a name | 命名; 號名; 起名
iaa | cocoa nut palm | 椰; 爺
iaam | village gate; salt | 閻; 鹽
iaau | slander, gossip | 謠
iamkekviaa | walk on one's hands | 倒立走
iamtviaa | slattern; salt bed | 鹽埕; 鹽池; 鹽田
iau'iaau bukii | in the indefinite future | 遙遙無期
iau'iaau iogtui | shaky; wobbly; very unstable (regime; authority) | 搖搖欲墜
iau'iaau lefngsiefn | far ahead; enjoy a commanding lead | 遙遙領先
iau'iaau siongtuix | facing one another at a distance | 遙遙相對
iausiaa | evil spirit; immoral spirit; weird; weirdness; strange; monstrous | 妖邪; 妖怪
ienchiaang | sausage; Taiwanese sausage | 香腸; 煙腸
ienthiaau | lead bar | 鉛條
iliaau | cure or treat (a disease); medical treatment | 醫療
iliaau-ioxngkhu | medical instruments | 醫療用具
iliaau-ioxngphirn | medical materials | 醫療用品
imliaang | shady and cool; shaded and cool | 陰涼
iogbiaau | cultivate seedlings; seedling | 育苗
ioxngkviaa`ee | walk alone | 用走的
ittiaau thienzuo ittiaau siin | When a new king is crowned he brings to the court his own favorites and expels those of his predecessor.--the tenuous nature of official positions | 一朝天子一朝臣
ittidkviaa | go straight ahead | 一直走
iuobiaau | tender seedling | 幼苗
iuoiaam | refined salt | 白鹽, 精製鹽
iutiaau | fried bread stick; fritters of twisted dough--a Chinese breakfast specialty; a suave; well-oiled person; long on experience but short on sincerity | 油條
iwmiaa | famous | 有名
iwtiaau-iwtvoa | systematical; orderly; properly and logically arranged | 有條有段; 有條有理
jiaau | forgive; to spare; have mercy; lenient; abundantl to become unsmooth; to get wrinkled | 饒; 皺
jiafmtiaau | dyeing | 染住
jiaujiaau | crumpled | 皺皺
jib'viaa | enter military service | 入營
jibsviaa | get to a city | 入城
jibtiaau | enter the dynasty | 入朝; 進見
jidsiaa | sunset | 日斜
jiedtiaau | upsurge | 熱潮
jih-bextiaau | unable to command or exercise control over a group of people due to lack of prestige; personal ability etc.; not enough pressure to hold down a compressed resilient object | 壓無住
jinsexng-zungiaam | dignity of the person | 人性尊嚴
jintiaau | stream of people | 人潮
jirm-boextiaau | cannot stand it | 忍無著
jixtiaau | memorandum; note; note or slip attached to a document | 字條
juxmiaa | a person's name on maturity | 乳名; 字
jwmiaa | a child's pet name | 乳名
jymbextiaau | cannot endure it | 忍無住
ka-tiautiaau | clench the teeth firmly; as in convulsion near death; holding fast with the mouth | 咬牢牢
kabsiaau | be grumbling (vulgar expression) | 嘀咕; 抱怨 (粗話)
kaegiaam | the state of siege; proclaim martial law | 戒嚴
kaegiaam-khuhek | area under martial law | 戒嚴區域
kaegiaam-sikii | period during which martial law is in force | 戒嚴時期
kafmo sviemiaa | falsely use another's name | 假冒姓名
kagiaam | my father (used in polite speech) | 家嚴
kangliaau | a shack used by workers; simple hut for workmen at a construction site; construction shack | 工寮
kangtiaau | labor strike or sabotage | 工潮
kangtviaa | construction, engineering | 工埕; 工程
kansiaa | crafty and evil; treacherous; corrupt; wicked | 奸邪
kansviaa | defenders; protectors; champions | 干城
kaotiaau | creed; doctrine | 教條
kaotiaau-zwgi | doctrinairism | 教條主義
kauliaang | sorghum; sorghum liquor | 高粱; 高梁
kaxn lirn-niaa | Fuck your mother! (Not to be used- for hearing only!) | 幹恁娘
kaxngmiaa | of the same name, a namesake | 同名; 仝名
kaycviaa | convert; change | 改成
kaygiaam | lift curfew; martial law; lift martial law | 解嚴
kaymiaa | change one's name; change the name | 改名
kaysiaa | forsake evil ways | 改邪
kaysiaa-kuizexng | forsake evil ways and return to the straight-and-narrow | 改邪歸正
kaysvix-voaxmiaa | change name | 改姓換名
keamiaa | false name, to falsely use another's name | 過名
keatat liensviaa | invaluable; priceless | 價值連城
kee`tiaau | stuck | 卡住
kefmiaa | forge a name; use a false name | 冒名; 假名
kemiaa | name of street | 街名
kengmiaa | accept with respect | 更名
kengtviaa | temple courtyard | 經埕; 禪院
keq cidtiaau kaw | separated by a stream | 隔一條溝
ketiaau | a coop; a henhouse; chicken roost | 雞舍
khafn-chincviaa | act as a go-between | 牽親戚; 做媒
khah'viaa | be superior to | 勝過; 較贏
khaliaau | shackles, fetters | 腳銬
khangkviaa | made a trip to no purpose; get no good results from going | 空走; 白走一趟
khangmiaa | empty fame | 空名
khangsviaa | empty city | 空城
khantiautiaau | hand in hand | 拑牢牢
khaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 跤鼻臁
khaq-viaa | be better to | 較贏
kharmbextiaau | cannot be hidden | 蓋無了
kharmtiautiaau | cover tightly | 蓋牢牢
khengsiaa | tilt; stant; fall away; declension; slant; slope; inclination | 傾斜
khengsviaa-khengkog | exceptionally beautiful woman for whose sake a city is ruined or a country lost | 傾城傾國
khia-extiaau | stand steadily; able to hold one's own | 站得住
khiaa thihbea | ride a bicycle | 騎腳踏車; 騎鐵馬
khiaa | mount; straddle | 騎
khiaam | nail that looks like the mouth of a leech or u-shaped; has two heads | 水蛭釘
khiaau | be fretful, be peevish | 使性的; 脾氣暴躁的
khiaxmiaa | sign (a signature); affix signature | 署名; 具名; 豎名
khiaxmkhiaam | economical, thrifty, money saving | 儉儉
khiaxtiaau | stand still | 站住; 豎條
khichiaa | to slant to one side | 傾斜; 欹斜
khiehiaam | dislike; disdain; dislike | 棄嫌; 嫌棄
khiesiaa | abandon the false or bad; remove such effect | 去邪
khiesiaa-kuizexng | depart from evil and return to the good | 去邪歸正
khitciaqliaau | beggar's hut | 乞丐寮
khitciaqviaa | beggar's camp | 乞食營; 乞丐收容所
khiøhkhykhaf ciu kviaa | get up on one's two feet then walk away immediately | 提腳就走; 拾起腳就走
khoanjiaau | surround | 環繞
khongsviaa | empty city | 空城
khongtiaau | A/C | 空調
khorsiaau | muddled or mixed up characterized by rashness or recklessness | 無知死活
khusiaa | to expel evil; to keep evil spirits away; expel noxious influence (evils) | 驅邪
khvitiaau | to succeed in capturing | 擒住; 纏住
khvoakhvoa'ar kviaa | walk slowly (leisurely) | 寬寬仔走; 款款仔走; 緩緩仔走
khybiaau | to weigh anchor | 起錨
khyjiaau | beginning to have wrinkles | 起皺; 起皺紋
khykviaa | to start on a journey; to set out; set out; leave; start on journey | 起行; 起程; 動身
khymiaa | to give a name; to christen | 起名; 取名
khøftiaau | pass an examination (for admission to a school; employment) | 考取
khør-bøtiaau | failed in an examination | 沒考上; 考無著
khør-uxtiaau | passed the examination | 考有著; 考上
kiaam køq siab | stingy; sordid | 鹹擱澀
kiaam | salty | 鹹; 鹼
kiaam-ah'nng | salted duck egg | 鹹鴨蛋
kiaam-lienhii | salty fish; salty silver carp | 鹹鮭魚; 鹹鰱魚
kiaam-pau'ar | salty bun | 鹹包仔
kiaam-sysie | very salty | 鹹死死; 鹹極了
kiaam-tibaq | salty pork meat | 鹹豬肉
kiaam-toktog | salty | 鹹篤篤
kiaang | strong; powerful; better than | 強
kiaau | disguise; one who lives abroad; bridge; inn; to sojourn | 喬; 鯤; 翹; 僑; 蕎; 橋
kiamkiaam | salty, somewhat bitter of words | 鹹鹹
kiap'hiaam | to cherish resentment | 夾嫌; 挾嫌
kiap'viaa | to hijack from a military barracks | 劫營
kiemiaa | to record the name; registered (stock; bonds; etc.;); write down one's name | 記名
kiemiaa-tauphiøx | vote with signed ballots; open balloting | 記名投票
kietcviaa | to form; to unite; to connect; to found | 結成
kietiautiaau | remember perfectly | 記牢牢
kiliaau | brothel | 妓寮; 妓女戶
kimpngr temiaa | one's name is listed as a successful candidate in the examination | 金榜題名
kimtiaau | gold ba | 金條
kinpurn tixliaau | thorough treatment | 根本治療
kiongsviaa | the imperial capital | 宮城
kirmsviaa | the forbidden city | 禁城
kirmtiaau | forbidden article; section; clause etc of an agreement; pact; treaty; law; etc. | 禁條
kirn kviaa | hurry up | 緊行
kiujiaau | to ask for forgiveness; to seek pardon; to beg for mercy | 求饒
kiutviaa | cour | 球埕
kix-bøextiaau | unable to memorize | 記無住
kixm-bøextiaau | cannot bear it; cannot help; involuntary | 禁無住; 忍不住
kiørmiaa | call the name | 叫名; 點名
kngrtiaau | steel wire | 鋼條
ko'iaa | a son-in-law | 姑爺
koa'iaau | popular song | 歌謠; (曲)
koaesiaau | monstrous; strange; strange phenomenon | 怪迢
koaiaau | popular song | 歌謠
koarmiaa ee angbor | husband and wife only in name | 掛名的夫妻
koarmiaa | in name only; nominally; titular; only in name | 掛名
koarnchiaang | purge the bowels; to remove poison from one's stomach by means of laxative or saline | 洗腸
kocviaa | entreat; implore; coax; implore with sweet and soft words | 懇求; 姑情; 姑成; 好言勸誘; 誘哄
koeamiaa | transfer | 過戶
koetiaau | chicken coop | 雞牢
kofng sviaa | to attack a city | 攻城
kofngchincviaa | propose a marriage as a matchmaker | 說親成
kofngsiaau-kofngphvi | scold someone criticize behind him (slang) | 講迢講鼻; 罵他人在背後批評; (粗話)
kofsviaa | ancietn city; old city; ancient city; town | 古城
koiaa | address for a man by his wife's family and servant | 姑爺
kongsviaa | to attack a city | 功城
koo bøextiaau | paste does not stick | 糊無住; 貼不住
koo`tiaau | to stick tightly; to adhere tightly | 糊住
kortiautiaau | keep and guard carefully | 顧牢牢; 看得緊緊的
kosviaa | solitary city; an isolated city | 孤城
kotiaau | glued | 糊住
kotiaau`leq | glued or pasted firmly | 糊住的; 黏住
kuisvoaphviaa | all over the mountains and plains | 規山坪
kuitiaau | regulation, the whole rod | 整條; 規條
kun'viaa | military camp | 軍營
kunviaa | a military camp; barbacks | 軍營
kuxmiaa | put one's own signature | 具名
kuyliaau | how many | 幾寮
kuysiaa | ghosts and evils | 鬼邪
kuysviaa | how many percent? | 幾成
kuytiaau | how many (sticks) | 幾條
kviaa cidliexn | walking round in a circle; making one revolution | 走一圈
kviaa mxtiøh lo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
kviaa toaxlea | pay the highest respect by kowtowing; make a deep obeisance | 行大禮
kviaa | walk; go; do; to act; perform; to run (as a watch) | 行
kviaa-armlo | behave very wickedly and licentiously | 走暗路; 走邪路
kviaa-bøexkhuy khaf | regret to leave (with lingering affection or anxiety) | 依依無捨
kviaa-bølo | walk but not find a road; have nowhere to go | 無處去; 迷路
kviaa-kang'oo | be an adventurer, be a gypsy, be a traveling quack | 行江湖; 走江湖; 走江湖者
kviaa-køeathaau | passed by | 行過頭
kviaa-teflo | to suicide | 走短路; 自殺
kviaa-zhørlo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
kviaa`jipkhix | walk in | 行入去
kviaa`khix | to die; impassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid | 死去
kviaa`køex | passed by | 行過
kviaauxbefmngg | back door; under table | 行後尾門
kviaauxboefmngg | back door; under table | 行後尾門
kviahviaa | dread; panic; consternation; be panic-stricken | 驚惶; 恐慌
kviakviaa`leq | walk around | 行行咧
kviakviaf-hviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚驚兢兢
kviakviahviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚惶驚惶; 戰戰兢兢
kviasviaa | the capital (of the country); metropolis; capital of a country | 京城
kviliaau | guard-house | 更寮; 守更亭
kvoaliaau | bureaucrats; government official | 官僚
kvoamiaa | official title | 官名
kynkviaa | hurry; let's go; Bear it!; go quick; go fast | 快走
køeamiaa | transfer to another person | 過名; 過戶
køiaau | ballad | 歌謠
køliaang | sorghum; kaoliang | 高梁
kørviaa | won a law suite | 告贏; 勝訴
køtiaau | high tidal wave | 高潮
laau-bøextiaau | unable to detain; unable to make someone to stay | 留無住
labliaang | cool oneself on a hot day | 納涼
lafmtiaau | hold by the waist; usu. from behind | 抱住; 攬住
lafmtiautiaau | embrace tightly | 攬牢牢
lafngtiautiaau | pull the pant or skirt tightly | 簍牢牢; 拉緊(褲; 裙)
lagiaa | big spider; long foot spider; very large spider | 蛤蜊; 蟧蜈; 平地蜘蛛; 蜘蛛
laitiaau | come to court; pay respects | 來朝
laixsviaa | inner city | 內城
laixtviaa | courtyard; inner court | 內埕; 內院
laliaang | chat | 拉涼; 閒談
lampag-tiaau | Southern and Northern Dynasties | 南北朝
lancviaa | difficult matter to accomplish | 難成
langmiaa | personal name; man's name | 人名
laophviaa | to rid of roof shingles | 漏坪; 除屋頂瓦
laptiaau`teq | step on | 踏住得
laqchiaang | smoked sausage | 臘腸
laqtiaau | candle | 蠟燭; 蠟條
larliaang | open one's clothing for coolness; cool oneself; cool off | 乘涼; 納涼
lau-thaeiaa | a term of respect for an old gentleman | 老太爺
laumiaa | leave a good name (after death) | 留名
lautiaau | keep; stay | 留牢
lauxhiaau | old obscene husband's mother?? | 老精
lauxiaa | old gentleman (term of respect); district magistrate; sir; old man | 老爺
lauxiutiaau | a person who has learned to be sly; a sleazy fellow; a smoothie | 老油條
lea-gi-liaam-thie | sense of propriety justice honesty and shame; the four cardinal virtues of the people | 禮義廉恥
legmiaa | anonymous; record names; pick up names and write them in another book | 匿名; 抄名字
legtiaau | successive dynasties; through the successive dynasties | 歷朝
lengmiaa | pet name given to children | 乳名
lexnggiaam | your father | 令嚴
liaam bøextiaau | fail to stick or adhere | 黏無住
liaam thithy | very sticky (adhesive) | 黏巴巴的
liaam | catfish | 鯰; 黏; 廉; 粘
liaam-thithy | adhesive and sticky | 黏黐黐
liaang | good; fine; excellent; peaceful; virtuous; very; quite | 良; 涼
liaarng'liangliaang | cool | 涼涼涼
liaau khear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
liaau khoear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
liaau | ;to wade through or across water bright; clear sighted; sharp eyed | 瞭; 寮; 涉木; 蹽; 條
liaau-pofpor | wrinkled | 皺襞襞
liaau`løqkhix | get involved; participated | 蹽落去
liamkhakviaa | walking softly so as to avoid making a noise | 躡足走
liamliaam | be sticky; be glutinous; be adhesive | 粘粘; 粘粘的
liamtiaau | stick together | 粘住; 黏牢
liamtiautiaau | stick together well | 黏牢牢
liangliaang | cold | 涼涼
liapmiaa | a false name | 攝名; 偽名
liaqtiaau | have grabbed or arrested | 捉住; 緊握
liauliaau | to have a chat | 聊聊
liaxm'iaau | sing | 唸謠
liedtiaau | upsurge | 熱潮
lienkiaau | forsythia | 連翹
lienmiaa | jointly (signed; declared; sponsored); joint signatures | 聯名
limsii kaegiaam | temporary martial law | 臨時戒嚴
lintiaau | crowd | 人潮
liofngkhaf-khiaa | ride two horses with both legs | 兩腳騎; 兩跤騎; 騎牆
liogliaam | six virtues of a magistrate: goodness, ability, reverence, uprightness, regard for law, discrimination | 六廉 (善, 能, 敬, 正, 法, 辨)
lirn-niaa | Your mother! (used for cursing) | 恁娘
liuliukviaa | fooling around; glide | 溜溜行
liuoliuokviaa | fooling around; glide | 溜溜行
liusng'iaam | sulphate salts | 硫酸鹽
liwtiaau | willow branch | 柳條
loah'iaam | rub (meat or fish) with a little salt | 抹鹽; 醃醢
lokang'viaa | slave-labor camp | 奴工營
loswnbiaau | young asparagus plant | 蘆筍苗
loxiaam | cure with salt, to salt, slightly salted | 滷鹽, 醃
loxkekthien'iaau | far away from the destination | 路隔天遙
loxmiaa | street name | 路名
loxtiaau | violent radicalism; angry waves; tides; a traveling passport | 怒潮; 路條
loxviaa | open-air camping; a jamboree; to bivouac | 露營
lurn-bøextiaau | cannot stand it any more | 忍無住
lwmiaa | nickname | 乳名
lwnbextiaau | unable to bear it; unable to suffer more; insufferable; intolerable | 忍無住
lyafkiaam | dried plum | 李仔鹹
lynniaa | your mom | 恁娘
løfiaa | the Honorable Oldman, lord | 老爺
løfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 腦寮
løqmiaa | sign one's name | 落名; 簽名
maflengcitiaau | French fries | 馬鈴薯條
mafzofbiøxtviaa | Matsu temple front plaza | 媽祖廟埕
miaa | name; designation; title; rank; position; honor; fame; reputation; famous; valuable; precious; great | 名
miaau | seedling; plantlet; shoot | 苗
miatiaau | name tag | 名條
miauthiaau | slender; slim | 苗條
mixtiaau | noodle | 麵條
mngkhao-tviaa | courtyard in front of the door | 門口埕; 門口埕; 院子
mngkhawtviaa | front courtyard | 門口埕; 前庭
mngtviaa | courtyar | 門埕
moafsviaa | whole city | 滿城
moafsvoaphviaa | whole mountain area | 滿山坪
moafthviaaang | couplet used at wedding so whole drawing full of jubilant, joyous | 滿廳紅; 喜形容喜氣洋洋
moaliaam | stinging catfish | 鰻鯰; 刺鯰魚
mohtiaau | hold on | 抱住
mohtiautiaau | clinging and hindering; cling together | 摟牢牢; 抱緊
moxmiaa | forge a name; use a false name | 冒名
mxcviaa svaf nng | not amounting to much; of little use | 毋成數; 數目少
mxcviaa | not good; of no use; not seem to be; not appear to be | 毋成; 不像
mxcviaa-ciah | not a proper meal | 毋成食; 吃不好
mxcviaa-viu | deformed, not well formed | 毋成樣; 不成樣
mxsixn-sviaa | free from superstition; will not believe what he is told | 毋信邪
mxtamsuviaa | hard feelings following a loss as after a baseball game, to welsh on a wager. | 扯爛帳, 輸不起
nahliaang | relax in cool place | 乘涼
naixkiaam | alkali proof; alkali-resistance | 耐鹹
narliaang | relay in cool place | 乘涼
neh tiautiaau | grasp tightly | 掐牢牢
niaa | mother; mother. | 娘; 母親
nngxsviaa | twenty percent | 二成
oancviaa | complete, finish completely | 完成
ofngsysviaa | abode of the spirits of those who have died through injustice | 枉死城
okmiaa | a bad reputation, ill repute | 惡名
omtiautiaau | covered tightly | 掩牢牢
ong'iaa | rude and unreasonable | 王爺; 橫暴; 霸王; 蠻橫
ongsviaa | the city of a king | 王城
ongtiaau | dynasty | 王朝
oxngtiaau | domesticated animals; prosperous livestock (pigs and chickens doing well) | 王朝; 家畜興旺
padmiaa | different name | 別名
padtiaau | different song | 別條
pafnliaau | the rest and beat of music; orderliness | 拍子; 板眼
pagtiaau | to tie; to bind; tied firmly; bound fast | 綁住; 綁緊; 縛住
pagtiautiaau | restrain; control very tight | 綁牢牢
paichiaang | cut quite a figure | 表裝; 排場; 出風頭
paimiaa | ranking | 排名
paixmiaa | to bring ruin and shame upon oneself; tarnish one's reputation; disgrace oneself | 敗名
parngkhang'viaa | no one takes care of home | 放空營; 無人顧家
parngkhangsviaa | empty city | 放空城
pautiaau | wrap tight | 包牢
pautiautiaau | wrap tightly | 包牢牢
pauviaa | guarantee to win; certain to win | 包贏
paxng-khang'viaa | empty house | 放空營
pehsviaa | eight-tenths; 80% | 八成
peng'afviaa | barracks | 兵仔營
peng'viaa | a military camp | 兵營
penglaxmgiaam | warship rock | 兵艦岩
pengliaang | icy cold | 冰涼
pengpengliangliaang | icy cold | 冰冰涼涼
peqiaam | refined salt | 白鹽; 精製鹽
peqkviaa | worthless effort | 白走
perngcviaa | to combine into | 併成
pexbør svecviaa`ee | I was born so; be born (a cripple; blind) | 爸母生成
phag'iaam | sun dry salts | 晒鹽
phah'viaa | win in a combat or fight; win (a game); conquer; gain the victory | 打贏
phahcviaa | make by beating (metal) | 打成; 打叉仔
phahjiaau | wrinkle | 打皺; 弄皺
phahlaliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remark | 拍拉涼; 閒扯; 講風涼話
phahlaqliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remarks | 打抐涼; 說風涼話
phahlaxliaang | make fun of | 打抐涼; 無為閒談
phahsviaa | made it | 打成
phak iaam | expose to sunlight to obtain salt | 曝鹽
phan'giaam | rock climbing | 攀岩
phaosviaa | artillery castle | 炮城; 炮打襄陽(花炮臺)
phaubiaau | cast anchor; develop engine trouble and become stuck mid-way | 拋錨
pheksiaa | an animal that is used to be a talismanic symbol; remove such effects; monsters; evil spirits | 避邪
phiaau tor | prostitution and gambling ─ profligacy; patronize whore and gambling houses; indulge in fast women and slow horses | 嫖賭
phiaau | prostitution; a ladle made from a dried gourd; visit prostitutes; patronize whorehouses; commit with a harlot; whoredom | 嫖; 瓢
phiaau-tor-irm | prostitution, gamble, and drinking alcohol | 嫖賭飲
phiau'iaau | rocking in the wind; drifting about | 飄搖
phienmiaa | nickname | 偏名; 別名; 俗名; 綽號
phiensiaa | not straight | 偏斜
phiernkviaa | walk all over | 遍走
phiesiaa | ward off evil | 避邪
phoarsviaa | broken castle | 破城; 荒城
phoetiaau | comments sheet | 批條; 批語條
phofløbinjiasviaa | | 普羅民遮城
phumiaa | float, unreal fame | 浮名
phvaixtiautiaau | hold something on the back tightly | 揹牢牢
phvaykviaa | difficult to walk upon; not safe for traveling | 難行; 不好走
phvaymiaa | disreputable; disgraceful; dishonor; disgrace; shame | 歹名; 惡名; 無名譽
phviaa | remain attached to an opinion; insist; stubborn; obstinate; naughty; disobedient | 頑固; 坪; 頑皮
phvialiaau | mid-section of an animal (exclusive of front and hind quarters) butchered for food | 背料; 背脊肉; (豬)
phviemiaa | movie title | 片名
phvoaxkviaa | accompany | 伴行
phynmiaa | name and description of articles | 品名
phø-tiautiaau | hold tightly in one's arms | 抱牢牢
piedmiaa | an alias; alias; a second name | 別名
pienmiaa | make a name | 編名
pierncviaa | to become; to turn into; to change into | 變成
piernkviaa | walk all over | 遍行
piernmiaa | assumed name; change one's name | 改名
piexntiaau | a note paper; a scratch paper; note; memo; informal letter | 便條
piexnviaa | gain a point in an argument; overcome in argument | 辯贏
piliaang | desolate | 悲涼
pitmiaa | a pen-name; pen name; nom de plume | 筆名
pixhiaam | to avoid anything that may bring aspersion | 避嫌
pixsiaa | avoid evil spirits; influences | 避邪
pngfsiong bøo miaa | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
poah-suviaa | loses ying | 賭輸贏
poaqviaa | win in gambling | 賭贏
poarnthien'giaam | stone hanging in the sky | 半天岩
poesiaam zawpiaq | fly on eaves and walk on walls acrobatic feats | 飛簷走壁
porliaau | narrow cloth strip | 布條
portiaau | cloth strips | 布條
poxkviaa | walk on foot | 步行; 徒步
pud kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballots | 無記名投票
put'iaxsviaa | big city with gay night life; no night quarters (Lit. city with lights turned on all night) | 無夜城
put'toxng'iaau | unswerving, firm, steadfast | 無動搖; 不動搖
putliaam | not cheap | 無廉
puxnchiaang | clumsy in movement due to being overweight; unwieldy (man too fat or wearing too many clothes); slow; heavy; graceless (walking) | 肥鈍; 笨重; 肥胖難動
pviaa | copy | 抄
pviarsuviaa | win or lose | 拚輸贏
pviarviaa | fight to win | 拚贏
pviecviaa | change to; become | 變成
pvoarchiaa-goat | half-reclining moon | 半斜月
pvoarkviaa-pvoarzao | trot along | 邊走邊跑; 疾走
pwncviaa | originally; originally; from the first; in itself; essentially | 本成; 本來
pwnmiaa | original name; one's formal name (as distinct from pen name; nicknames or other aliases) | 本名
pwntiaau | original dynasty | 本朝
pwnviaa | headquarter | 本營
pysuviaa | compete | 比輸贏
pøeh'iaa | native Taiwanese god (The eighth father god) | 八爺
pøehsviaa | 80 percent, almost | 八成
pørmiaa | enroll; report for duty; register; enlist; enter one's name (in an examination; competition) | 報名
pørmiaa-zhux | registration office | 報名處
sae lirn-niaa | this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally) | 使恁娘
safm'iaam | sprinkle with salt | 撒鹽
samtiaau-goanlør | high statesman of three reigns | 三朝元老
sanhociaau | coral reefs | 珊瑚礁
saobiaau | scan | 掃描
sarm'iaam | sprinkle with salt | 撒鹽
sarmsiaau | curse roundly; scold abusively | 臭罵
seatiaau | little strips | 細條
sefng'viaa | managed by the provincial government | 省營
sefngsviaa | provincial capital | 省城
sengkviaa | go before the others; go first; die first | 先走; 先死
serng'iaam | blessed salt (Catholic) | 聖鹽
sernggiaam | holy | 聖嚴
serngmiaa | baptismal name | 聖名
serngsviaa | holy city | 聖城
sexngliaang | take a rest under tree shadow | 乘涼
siaa pud sexng zexng | evil will not triumph over the virtuous | 邪無勝正
siaa | inclined; sloping; slanting; leaning; oblique; diagonal | 斜; 邪
siaa-tuiebin | not directly opposite; diagonally opposite | 斜對面
siaa-zexng | right and wrong, good and evil | 邪正
siaam | cicada; locust; toad | 蟬; 簾; 蟾
siaam-tiautiaau | seize firmly in the arm | 蟾牢牢; 摟得緊緊的
siaang | auspicious; favorable; propitious; good omen; who? | 祥; 同一樣; 常; 甚; 啥人
siaau | semen; ejaculate; semen; sperm | 韶; 迢; 精; 精液
siabhiaam | suspect | 涉嫌
siafmiaa | wrote name | 寫名
siang'viaa | win-win | 雙贏
siangsaigiaam | double lion rocks | 雙獅岩
siao'iaa | child; signorino; young master (of a wealthy family); young lord; your son (honorific term) | 少爺
siaoiaa | young master (of a wealthy family), young lord, your son (honorific term) | 少爺
siariaam | epsom salt; pungative, cathartic | 瀉鹽
siasiaa | carelessly; lackadaisically; incline; lean; slant;heel over; bias; oblique; oblique; inclined; tilted | 斜斜; 遊遊逛逛的
siau'iaau hoatgoa | remain out of the law's reach | 逍遙法外
siau'iaau | to be free; loose; wander about for pleasure; loiter about | 逍遙
siau'iaau-zuxzai | enjoy leisure without restraint; enjoy a free and leisurely life; carefree | 逍遙自在
siauiaau | wander about for pleasure, loiter about | 逍遙
siauliaang | to amuse .. at; pastime; recreation; pass away the time | 消涼
siausng'iaam | nitrate | 硝酸鹽
siautiaau | at a low ebb; at an ebb; depression; slacken off; lonely and desolate; bleak and chilly; poverty stricken | 蕭條
siaxmiaa | community name | 社名
sidbut-tixliaau | therapy by food-control, food-control therapy | 食物治療
sidiaam | salt | 食鹽
sidliaau | diet | 食療
sien'giaam | my late father | 先父, 先嚴
siengiaam | my late father | 先父; 先嚴
sikviaa | be in fashion; fashionable; much in vogue (style; customs); be widely circulated or accepted | 流行; 時行; 慣行
siliaau | operate a free medical clinic | 時設; 義診
simcviaa | vigor; animated; frame; state of mind; mood | 心情
simgiaam | stern and severe; awe inspiring; forbidding (countenance) | 森嚴
simhied laitiaau | hit upon a sudden idea; have a brain storm | 心血來潮
simtiaau | heart tight | 心緊
sinhiø siautiaau | die without heirs or an inheritance for them | 身後蕭條
sinliaau | new village | 新寮
sintiaau | renaissance | 新潮
siogmiaa | common name | 俗名
siok'viaa | to camp | 宿營
sipsipkiamkiaam | damp and salty | 溼溼鹹鹹
sirntiaau | tenet; creed or code; dogma | 信條
sittiaau | disorder | 失調
siuo-bøextiaau | cannot hold (a frontline; position) | 守無住
siutiaau | receipt | 收據; 收條
siwsviaa | protect a (walled) city | 守城
siøfmiaa | my (insignificant) name | 小名; 敝名
siøftiaau | neap tides | 小潮
siøkhiehiaam | disagreeable; disgusting; hard to handle | 相棄嫌; 無滿意
siøliaam | joined together | 相黏; 粘在一塊
siøsiaam | embrace eacher | 相尋
siøsiaang | same; identical; similar; alike | 相同; 相𫝛; 相像; 同樣,
siøsuviaa | gamble | 相輸贏
siøsviaa | allure each other | 相眩
soah'iaam | salt, sprinkle salt on food | 撒鹽
soahkiaam | add a little salt or soy sauce | 煞鹹; 加鹹
soan'ociaugiaam | coral | 珊瑚礁岩
soan'otagiaam | coral | 珊瑚礁岩
soaq iaam | sprinkle salt | 撒鹽
soatiaau | any of several kinds of shark, Carcharhinus sorrah, Carcharhinus menisorrah | 沙條
soaxnsiaau | shame | 訕潲
soesiaau | be out of luck (vulgar) | 衰精
sofkviaa | behavior, conduct | 所行; 行為
sorbiaau | pencil sketch; line drawing; sketch; sketch (writing or painting) | 素描
suniaa | teacher's spouse | 師娘
suokuieiaau | four seasons folk songs | 四季謠
sutiaau | current in thought | 思潮
suviaa | bet; wager; contest; lose or win; to bet; gamble | 輸贏; 打賭
suxnkviaa | good-bye; goodbye | 順走; 順行; 慢走
svahiaam | criticize each other, dislike each other | 相嫌; 嫌棄
svakhiehiaam | dislike; disdain | 相棄嫌
svaliaam | stick together | 相黏; 粘起
svasviaa | thirty percent; show off | 三成; 相眩; 眩耀
sveamiaa | full name of a person | 姓名
svecviaa | grow to be…; inborn; by nature; second nature | 生成; 自然的; 天生的
svekyn terngtiaau | take root in a place become rooted in | 生根定條; 根深蒂固
sviaa | city wall; walled town; city (an old expression); fort | 城; 唌; 誘; 折(成); 眩; 成
sviaa`laang | tempt; seduce; lure somebody | 眩人; 誘惑人
sviaa`tiøh | seduced | 眩著; 誘惑著
sviaaau | voice throat | 聲喉
sviafsiaau | what! | 啥潲
sviasviaa | lure | 唌唌
svicviaa | happen naturally, be produced | 生成
sviemiaa | full name; surname and given name | 姓名
svixiaam | salt, pickle | 醃鹽; 豉鹽; 以鹽醃
svixkiaam | preserve in salt, to pickle, put down (sauerkraut, pig's feet) | 以鹽漬食物
svoagiaam | mountain rock, a cliff | 山岩; 山嚴; 山巖
svoaphviaa | sidehill; hillslope; brae; mountain side; hillside; mountain slope | 山坡; 山坪; 山坡地
svoartiaau | line | 線條
svoasviaa | mountain castle | 山城
sykiaam | dead salty | 死鹹
søftiaau | locked fast; secured | 鎖著
søiaam | spread salts | 挲鹽
tadcviaa | attain | 達成
tafkawsviaa | Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan | 打狗城
tafm suviaa | to bear honestly the responsibility of defeat; (by paying one's due; e.g.; what is lost in gambling); pay one's subscription faithfully; bear properly some responsibility that falls on us (e.g.; entertaining guests on some special occasion) | 有擔當
tafm'iaam | bile salt | 膽鹽
tagtiaau | every piece | 每條
tah'viaa | make camp | 搭贏; 紮營
tahtiaau | fasten | 貼牢
taixhagsviaa | college city | 大學城
taixpwn'viaa | military headquarters | 大本營
tamkiaam | taste it is salty or not | 嘗鹹
tamsuviaa | bear the loss or win | 擔輸贏
tangkviaa | go together; go together; travel together | 同行
tangliaau | colleague | 同僚; 同僚的
tanmiaa | single-syllable given name | 單名
tauhiaam | complain to someone else | 投嫌; 發牢騷
taux-bøextiaau | the parts not keeping well together | 鬥無著; 連接無上
taux-suviaa | settle a dispute by a competition | 鬥輸贏
tauxkiaam | fermented bean curd | 豆鹹
taxngkiaam | care more about salty taste | 重鹹
teatiautiaau | follow closely | 綴牢牢
tefng'viaa | top camp | 頂營
tefngmiaa | substitute another person, stand as proxy for | 頂名; 頂替
teg'viaa | enemy camp | 敵營
tekliaam | screen or blind made of bamboo | 竹簾
tekliaau | store where bamboo is sold; bamboo hut; bamboo shed | 竹寮
temiaa | get a degree; nominate; write down one's name (in an inscription) | 題名
terngcviaa | bound to make a book | 釘成; 裝釘成
terngtiaau | to nail firm | 釘住; 釘牢; 釘緊
terngtiautiaau | clinch | 釘牢牢
texhngmiaa | place name | 地方名
texhøxmiaa | place name | 地號名
texmiaa | name of a place | 地名
texng-bøextiaau | the nail will not hold; impossible to nail it | 釘無住
thae'iaa | Your Honor, Your Worship | 太爺
thaeiaa | honorable lord | 太爺
thafnchiaa | oblique, angling | 坦斜; 傾斜
thaiviaa | overcome; conquest; victory; conquer; conquer in battle | 殺贏; 戰勝
thak mxcviaa zheq | make little progress in studies owing to hindrances; go to school but not graduate; not study diligently | 讀無成冊; 讀不成書
thaokviasviaa | spread to capital of country | 透京城
thaosimliaang | penetrating coolness (said of cold drinks) | 透心涼
tharm'viaa | visit a military camp, spy on a camp | 探營
thattiaau | stocked; choked | 窒牢
thaumiaa | the first on a list; the first rank or quality | 頭名; 頭一名
thauzengtviaa | front yard | 頭前埕
theatiaau | ebb tide | 退潮
theh-bøextiaau | unable to retain (hold) | 拿無住
themiaa soafnkuo | nominate for election | 提名選舉
themiaa | nominate; nomination; nominate | 提名
thiaam | quiet; still; peaceful; undisturbed | 恬
thiaau | a section; an article; in good order | 條
thiaq hongtiaau | break an embargo; break a sealing tape | 拆封條
thientiaau | Heaven's law | 天條; 天律
thiet'viaa | strike camp | 撤營; 拔營
thihtiaau | iron bar | 鐵條
thihtiaau-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵條網; 鐵絲網
thitiaau | an edible green seaweed | 藻潮; 乾苔
thiw kuysviaa | take what percent for a commission | 抽幾成
thiwmiaa | infamy, notoriety | 丑名
thngtiaau | sugar stick | 糖條
thoanmiaa | group name | 團名
thofkeafsviaa | free-range chicken city | 土雞仔城
thofmiaa | nickname; common colloquial name of a man or place when it differs totally from the literary name; having different characters | 土名; 綽號
thoftviaa | yard | 土埕
thophviaa | mud bank on the seashore | 土灘
thosviaa | earth fortified area, castle of earth-work | 土城; 塗城
thotviaa | soil yard | 塗埕
thvex-bøextiaau | prop or one's hand unable to sustain the weight | 頂無住
thviaa | a schedule; a course; a pattern; a family name | 程
thviax-kaq toxng-bøextiaau | intolerable pain | 痛得忍無住
thvoarsng'iaam | carbonates | 碳酸鹽
thvy teq chiaau | balance; handle by god | 天在左右
thøeatiaau | [[theatiaau]]; ebb (tide) | 退潮; 退朝
ti'ong'iaa | | 池王爺
tiaam | sink; be drawn deep into; submerge; perish; deeply | 沉
tiaam-løqzuie | sink into water | 沉下水
tiaam`løqkhix | sink into r | 沉落去
tiaao'tiautiaau | extremely tight | 牢牢牢
tiaarm'tiaxmtiam | extremely quiet | 恬恬恬
tiaau | branch; anything long and slender; long strip (of walls); to tear (paper) along a fold; saw (wood) up longitudinally | 條; 朝; 牢; 住
tiafmmiaa | to call the roll; to mention somebody by name; mark the names on a roll; e.g.; those who are present or absent; call the roll; make a roll call | 點名
tiahmiaa tiahsvex | speak of or call a person simply by his surname and name; without adding any polite designation | 指名叫姓
tiarmmiaa | the name of store | 店名
tiautiaau iwlie | there is reason in every clause; orderly | 條條有理
tiautiaau | far distance | 迢迢
tiaxmtiam'ar kviaa | walk along very leisurely | 恬恬仔走
tidkviaa | go straight | 直走
tiexnliaau | electrotherapy; electrotherapeutics | 電療
tikongliaau | male pig farm | 豬公條
timiaa | famous; dismiss; strike one's name off the list; expel | 知名; 除名
tintiaau | rattan; wicker or cane; a rattan whip | 藤條; 籐條
tiokkiaau | bamboo bridge | 竹橋
tioksviaa | build a city wall or castle | 築城
tiongliaang | loyal and kind | 忠良
tiorngsiaa | bewitched | 中邪
tiorngtiaau | tide flows; flood tide | 漲潮
tirnsiaa-huu | suppressing evil talisman | 鎮邪符
tirntiaau | nail tight | 鎮牢
titcviaa | succeed in finishing | 得成; 達成
titiaau | pigpen | 豬舍; 豬牢
tiuxtviaa | rice drying field; courtyard ground for shine rice | 稻埕; 晒穀場
tixliaau | to treat or cure; cure; therapy; treatment; treat or cure (a disease); treatment | 治療
tixliaau-seg | treatment room | 治療室
tixliaau-sw | a surgeon | 治療師
tixliaau-tvoaf | doctor order sheet | 治療單
tixn'viaa | military camp | 陣營
tixnviaa | a camo; a barracks; camp; encampment | 陣營
tiøqthaumiaa | first | 著頭名
tiørtiaau | stitch on loosely | 釣條; 縫住
tngfkviaa | revolve (wheel) | 轉行; 倒行
tngsikviaa | popular | 當流行; 慣行
tngsviaa | the Great Wall; the Great Wall of China; about 1800 miles in length | 長城
toa-pwn'viaa | national military headquarters | 大本營
toax-bøextiaau | can not live with others very long; he must leave a place or a job; can not stay very long | 待無住; 幹不下去
toaxiaa | uncle, old master | 大爺
toaxmiaa | your great name | 大名
toaxniaa | aunt | 大娘
toaxpoxkviaa | walk with long steps | 大步走
toaxpwnviaa | headquarter | 大本營
toaxsviaa | big city | 大城
toaxtiaau | large piece, long one, large size | 大條
toaxtviaa | big and popular place | 大埕
toaxviaa | a smashing victory | 大贏
toeatiaau | follow closely | 綴牢
toeatiautiaau | follow closely | 綴牢牢
toex laang kviaa | follow another; go along in company with others | 跟著人走
toexhøxmiaa | place name | 地號名
toexmiaa | place name | 地名
tofngmiaa | file name | 檔名
tong'iaau | children's songs | 童謠
tongliaau | fellow officials; colleagues | 同僚
tongtexmiaa | local place name | 當地名
tongzwkwn toaxloxviaa | camporee; jamboree | 童子軍大露營
tor-suviaa | gamble | 賭輸贏
torng'viaa | succeed in a trial of endurance | 撐贏
torngbextiaau | unable to stop; cannot help | 擋袂牢
torngbøextiaau | can not bear something; compelled to do something | 擋無著; 不支; 架不住
torngtiaau | stop effectively | 擋住
torngtiaau`teq | stopped | 擋住著
torngtittiaau | able to stop, and sustain | 擋得住
toxng'iaau | sway; to shake; be disturbed | 搖動; 動搖
toxng-bøextiaau | unable to hinder; cannot be prevented; to try to stop; but fail in the attempt; unable to endure; cannot bear it; intolerable | 擋無住; 耐不了; 忍不住
toxng-extiaau | oppose effectually; can endure; can stand up to | 擋得住; 撐得住; 忍得住
tumiaa | remove | 除名
tunviaa | canton; encamp | 屯營; 紮營
tuobøextiaau | cannot resist | 抵無住
tuocviaa | complete writing | 著成
tuomiaa | notability; eminence; fame | 著名
tutiaau | pig farm | 豬牢
tuxkiaam | pickle, soak in brine | 燉鹹; 醃菜
tvafiaam | bile salts | 打鹽; 膽鹽
tviaa | hall; yard; courtyard; house; court of justice; family | 埕; 庭
tvitiaau | entangled | 纏牢
tvitiautiaau | entangled | 纏牢牢
tvixtiautiaau | hold down tight | 捏牢牢
tøemiaa | land name | 地名
tøexhøxmiaa | name of a place | 地戶名; 地號名; 地名
tøexmiaa | the name of the place | 地名
tørkviaa | walk backwards | 倒行
tørthaukviaa | wrong way | 倒頭行
tørtheakviaa | go or walk backwards | 倒退行
tørviaa | counter to win | 倒贏
uiekiaam | afraid to eat salty food | 畏鹹
uigiaam | dignity; majesty; prestige | 尊嚴; 威嚴
uisviaa | to besiege a city | 圍城
uitiaau | jail | 圍牢
uoliaang | chill with ice | 冷敷
uomiaa | bad reputation | 污名
urn-exviaa | sure to win | 隱會贏
urn-viaa | sure to win | 隱贏
uxkviaa | effective (medicine) | 有行; 有效
uxmiaa | famous; renowned; noted; well-known | 有名
uxmiaa-bøsit | having the name but no reality; in name only | 有名無實
uxmiaa-uxsvix | person who really exists (as distinct from a factious character) | 有名有姓
uxnkviaa | circulate (blood) | 運行
uxntong-tviaa | stadium | 運動埕
uxntoxngtviaa | sports field | 運動埕
viaa | military barracks; a camp; battalion (eng means manage; administer) | 贏; 營
viafsviaa | cinema | 影城
viutiaau | sheepfold | 羊欄
voaxmiaa | change one's name | 換名; 易名
voaxtiaau | change era | 換朝
wn'viaa | sure to win | 隱贏; 必勝
wnmiaa | conceal one's name | 隱名
yliaau | backless wooden bench | 椅條; 長板凳
yn-niaa | his mother | 他娘
zabsviaa | one hundred percent; one hundred per cent | 十成
zabsviaa-ciog | 10o% full | 十成足
zae'extiaau | can carry; strong enough to prop up or support | 載得住; 撐得住
zaeextiaau | can carry, strong enough to prop up or support | 載得住, 撐得住
zaezea'iaam | refined salt | 再製鹽
zafmtiaau | inscription on the criminal to be beheaded | 斬頭; 罪狀
zaisin'iaa | god of wealth | 財神爺
zaix-bøextiaau | have a load too heavy to be carried; said also of a person in weak health | 載無住; 撐不住
zaqtiaau | ward off effectively with a shield or door | 遮住; 攔住
zarnliaau | warehouse | 棧寮; 倉庫
zat'viaa | encamp; bivouac; encamp; pitch tent | 紮營
zaxmmiaa | stop name | 站名
ze-bøextiaau | be tired of sitting down; cannot sit still; cannot sit idle | 坐無住; 坐煩了
zea'iaam | refine salt | 製鹽
zeng'iaam | refined salt; table salt | 精鹽
zeng'viaa | fort in the frontier | 前營
zengmiaa | to strive for fame, to compete for honor | 爭名
zengsiin tixliaau | psychological therapy | 精神治療
zengtviaa | front courtyard; outer court | 前埕; 前院
zengzea'iaam | refined (table) salt | 精製鹽; 細鹽
zerngtiaau | masada | 正條
zexviaa | battalion; fort | 營寨; 寨營
zhadviaa | thief gang | 賊營
zhaechi'afmiaa | traditional Taiwanese names | 菜市仔名
zhaeliaau | vegetable garden | 菜寮
zhaepofkyn borng ka kiaam | make do; put up with | 菜脯根罔咬鹹; 姑且將就
zhaixtiaau`teq | stadn upright | 豎住著; 置立好
zhaliaau | wooden yard | 柴寮
zham'iaam | add salt | 加鹽; 參鹽
zhankiaau | farmers who got rich by farmland price jump | 田僑
zhaokhaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 臭腳鼻黏; 脛骨瘡
zhaomiaa | bad reputation | 惡名; 臭名,惡名
zhapsiaau | have to do with (vulgar) | 插迢; 管它的
zhasiaau | vulgar language | 粗話; (罵人好管閒事)
zhatviaa | wood yard | 柴埕
zhawliaau | a shelter made of straw | 草寮
zhawsngf-iaam | oxalate, salt of oxalic acid | 草酸鹽
zhawtviaa | grass ground | 草埕
zhehmiaa | name of a book; title of books; name of a book | 書名
zhektviaa | rice drying ground | 粟埕; 晒場
zheliaang | chilly; cold feeling | 淒涼
zheng-bøextiaau | cannot wear it any longer (due to rise in temperature) | 穿無住
zhengliaam | incorrectness; rectitude; upright; incorruptible; integrity | 清廉
zhengliaang ymliau | cool beverage or drink; soft drink | 清涼飲料
zhengliaang | cool; pure and cool; refreshing | 清涼
zhoaxchincviaa | children get married | 娶親成
zhoiaam | coarse salt | 粗鹽
zhuichiaau | adjust a difference in money matters; discuss a bargain till the price is fixed; change something into | 調整; 改換
zhuieiam'iaam | broken into tiny bits | 碎鹽鹽
zhuotviaa | house yard | 厝埕
zhutmiaa | be famous; renowned; well-known; become famous; famous | 出名; 有名
zhvebie zwcviaa png`ar | fait accompli; What is done cannot be undone (Lit. The rice has been cooked.) | 生米煮成飯
zhvehoegiaam | green limestone | 青灰岩
zhwmiaa | name | 取名
zhøeliaang | blow cool | 吹涼
zoafliaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoaftiaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoanviaa | win all | 全贏; 全營
zoea'iaam | make slat | 做鹽
zoeachincviaa | become relatives | 做親成
zoeacviaa | make | 做成
zoex-chincviaa | became relatives | 做親成
zoexhiaam | criminal suspect | 罪嫌
zoexmiaa | name of a criminal case; name of a crime; the charge | 罪名
zofsu'iaa | the founder | 祖師爺
zogmiaa | clan name | 族名
zonggiaam | solemn; solemnity; dignified; stately | 莊嚴
zuie-lagiaa | water spider | 水蛤蜊; 水蜘蛛
zumiaa | book name | 書名
zun'giaam | dignity, majesty, prestige | 尊嚴
zungiaam | dignity; majesty; prestige | 尊嚴; 威嚴
zunmiaa | ship name | 船名; 尊名; 大名
zuxkhiaam-zuxpy | be modest; complex; inferiority; gesture of humility | 自謙自卑
zuychiaang | waterfall | 瀑布; 水沖
zuysenggiaam | sedimentary rock, marine rock | 水成岩
zveaviaa | win in debt | 爭贏
zvefiaam | salt extracted from brine wells | 井鹽
zveviaa | win the debate | 辯贏
zvoaxsiaau | emit semen | 濺迢; 射精
zøeacviaa | make | 做成
zørchincviaa | become relatives | 做親成
zørcviaa | make | 做成
zøxiaau hegcioxng | cheat, swindle or mislead the people with lies or rumors | 造謠惑眾
zøxiaau sengsu | start rumors and incite incidents | 造謠生事
zøxiaau | start a rumor | 造謠
zøxsviaa | build a city wall or castle | 築城
øexcviaa | be able to | 會成; 能夠
øexkviaa`tid | able to walk | 能行得
øextiaau | bearable, able to | 會緊; 會牢
øqkviaa | studies walks | 學行; 學走路; 學行路
øtviaa | oyster farm; aquatic breeding farm of oyster | 蚵埕; 蚵養殖場
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