"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: iafsi

baxnchviafsi | Wait a minute! Don't do it right now | 慢且是; 慢著
bøo siafsix | shameless | 無賒勢; 丟臉
chviafsiin | carry an idol in procession | 請神
iafsi | either; perhaps | 或是; 猶是; 還是
iafsimkaf | man of ambition (especially referring to ambition one is not supposed to have) | 野心家
iafsiok | wild and vulgar | 野俗; 野蠻的
iafsiq | coconut; coconut palm | 椰子
iafsiux | wild animal; beast | 野獸
niafsiu | to receive; receive; accept | 領受; 接受
niafsiw | receive; receipt | 領收
sankhiim-iafsiux | wild beast | 山禽野獸
siafsiar | write | 寫寫
siafsinhorngmia | sacrifice one's life | 捨身放命
siafsit zwgi | realism | 寫實主義
siafsit | writing or painting realistically; faithful delineation of life; real picture | 寫實
siafsit-zwgi | realism | 寫實主義
siafsix | give away on charity | 捨賜; 捨施; 施捨
sviafsiaau | what! | 啥潲
sviafsiauu | what's that? | 啥迢
svoakhiim iafsiux | wild birds and beasts | 山禽野獸
tngf-iafsiux | trap wild animal | 捕野獸; 設陷阱捕獸
viafsi | film and television | 影視
viafsia | allude to; to imply; to insinuate; to hint | 影射
viafsiong | image; figure; image; portrait; picture | 映像; 影像
viafsiong-gexsut | the art of photo-taking | 影像藝術
viafsioxngkoarn | TV picture tube | 影像管

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