"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Niawsioong | a city in Kaohsiung County | 鳥松
biawsi | look down upon; despise; disregard; underrate; despise; look down upon with coldness; treat with contempt | 藐視
biawsiao | very small; lowliness; very small; tiny; infinitesimal | 眇小; 藐小; 渺小
bøliawsii | endless | 無了時; 無了結的時候
ciawsit | bird's wing; bird's wing | 鳥翼
ciawsiu | bird's nest | 鳥巢
iawsi | or; still; nevertheless | 還是
iawsiu | to die young; cursing or scolding; short-lived; wicked | 夭壽; 夭折; 短命; 缺德
iawsiuar | You short-lived wretch! (said in scolding a lad) | 短命的小鬼 (罵人)
iawsiuxpo | begin affairs and not settle them so as to cause great trouble to others; wicked way (means) | 夭壽步; 缺德的手段
khiawsiin | very real and life-like | 巧神; 聰慧相
kiawsiaw | to pay the due; hand in for cancellation | 繳消; 繳銷
kiawsiefn | confirmed gambler | 賭仙
kiawsiu | a place for gambling | 筊岫
koealiawsii | the matter is long past; ended; and quite dead; so that it should not be raised again | 過了時; 完了事
niawsiux | birds and beasts | 鳥獸
piawsi boafn'ix | express or indicate satisfaction | 表示滿意
piawsi hoafntuix | express or indicate one's opposition | 表示反對
piawsi iekiexn | express an opinion | 表示意見
piawsi kerng'ix | show respect; pay respects | 表示敬意
piawsi khernghø | express one's congratulations | 表示慶賀
piawsi siaxix | show one's thanks or appreciation; express one's gratitude | 表示謝意
piawsi tong'ix | an expression of unanimity; indicate; show one's concurrence; approval | 表示同意
piawsi | express; indicate; expression; indication; express; show; indicate; superscription; signify | 表示
piawsiong | presentative | 表象
piawsiøfbe | younger female cousin | 表小妹
piawsiøfmoe | daughter of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表小妹
piawsiøfti | a son of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表小弟
piawsiøftixaq | younger male cousin | 表小弟啊
siawsiao | an unpredictable person or thing | 瘋瘋; 沒準兒; 瘋瘋癲癲
siawsinkefng | psychiatric nurve | 痟神經

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